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The Ultimate Healing Tool

DR Paawan Wadhawan
Consultant Physician
Critical Care Specialist
Sujok Therapist
*So many disease
*So many therapies
*Any Final answer?

Find the Ultimate Instrument

and integrate all the Principles
of therapies into it.
*The Ultimate
Tool of Healing

*Nature’s Principle-Mercy
*Mercy means there is more
assistance given through love then
through merit earned.

* Readily accessible to all
* Integrates all the therapies in to itself
* Instantaneous results
* Should be able to cure all the diseases

*Qualities of the
Ultimate tool for
Prof. Park Jae Woo
*Which Part of our body
we see thousand times a

of the Hands to the
Similarity in number of Protruding Parts
Similarity in location levels of Protruding Parts
Similarity in direction of Protruding Parts
Yin – Yang border of body, Hands & Feet
*Forward Bending
Similarity in proportions of Protruding Parts
Similarity in number of segments
and joints of Protruding Parts
Line of Symmetry of Body and Hand
Similarity in relation of Protruding
Parts to the Line of Symmetry
Thumb is Head
Displacement of Thumb
in relation to the palm
Standard system of Correspondence
to the body on the Left Hand
Projections of
Endocrine Glands
*Hand is Similar to the body -100%
*Law of Resonance- “All is connected to
*Disturbance in electromagnetic field of
the body creates a disturbance in
electromagnetic field of Hand(in the form
of appearance of a tiny globule.
*Press the Remote
button and Cure the
*Master Weapon
* Its Applications…….

The Sujok
*Chinese Meridians
Sujok Meridians
*Sujok Acupuncture
*Indian Chakra system
Sujok Chakra System
Balancing just by fingers
Polarity of fingers
The Finger Magnet
Chakra Balancing by fingers
Indian Nadi system
*Nadi Balancing with
Zone System
The Zone System
Mudra therapy
A Branch of Sujok
*Mudra System Studied in Detail
*Generalization Done
*Left hand for Mind Disease
*Right hand for Body Disease
*Properties of Fingers
Movement on Unity
Sujok in Emergency
CPR in Sujok
CPR in Sujok
Sujok in Congestive
Cardiac Failure
Intra Cranial Bleed
Hypertensive Crisis
High Fever
Sujok in Arrhythmia
and Bradycardia
Ayurveda in Sujok
Use of Herbs in Sujok
Use of Seeds in Sujok
Pumpkin seeds for
Kidney Beans for
Kidney disease
Full body in one Finger
The Insect System
Nano Technology
Hand in Hand
Body in Mini Hand
Sujok-The Mini System
In Last stage cases when whole of
the organ is destroyed we talk of
stem cell transplant.

Sujok Stem cell System

Heart and Lungs
Influence of Higher
Centres in Brain
Brain Higher Centres
Area No.
The Higher Brain Centres
Cough Center in
Animal Head System-
Dentistry in Sujok
Sujok Dentistry
Smile Thanks to
Prof. Park Jae Woo
We feel Blessed
Smile Thanks
* The Fundamental Law Governing this Universe
* It deals with “How The Creator Works”
* Why all things are Different
* Why many things are same
* Hand is neither Same as body nor different
than the body But it is similar to the body
* The SIMILARITY Principle


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