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Rewrite the following

sentences correctly.
1) Drooling in anticipation
of the treat, Sylvia
rewarded Gizmo with a dog
2) Skipping stones and
throwing sticks into the
waves, oblivious to the
approaching storm.
3) Gasping after the five-
mile run in the summer sun,
the bottle of cool water
quenched Donovan's thirst.
4) Seated around the dining
room table, the
Thanksgiving turkey made
everyone's mouth water.
5) Whining in a pitiful
manner, Rodney waited for a
commercial break to let the
dog in from the rain.
6) A dangerous stunt,
Franklin flew over the
steep staircase, his
skateboard landing with a
loud clack-clack on the
concrete below.
7) Spewing from the open
oven door, the kitchen
filled with the thick smoke
of Tanya’s burnt cookies.
8) Struggling with the
algebra problem, the pencil
tapped nervously on
Kenneth’s desk.
9) While washing his
brother’s car, a scratch
was discovered on the
10) Tucked into a secret
purse pocket, Larissa used
her last five-dollar bill
to buy a slice of pepperoni
pizza and large iced tea.

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