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Natural Cure for

Colds and Flu

Effective. Gentle. Balanced.
• Akutna infekcija gornjeg respiratornog puta (URTI)
• Influcid® - na prvi pogled
• Influcid® - sastojci I njihovo delovanje
• Influcid® - naučni podaci
• Kako se koristi Influcid® (Posology)
• Influcid® - najbitnije činjenice
• Često postavljena pitanja(FAQ)
Akutna infekcija gornjeg
respiratornog puta (URTI)
• Uobičajne prehlade i sezonski grip su veliki teret za javno zdravlje širom
• Najčešće pogodjene grupe ( rizične grupe ) su deca,stara i hronično
bolesna lica. Procenjuje se da grip napada 5-10% odraslih i 20-30%
dece globalno.
• Značajan je ekonomski uticaj virusnih respiratornih puteva.Uobičajne
prehlade i sezonski grip su glavni razlog izostanka dece u školi, odsustva
na radnom mestu i smanjenu produktivost .
(Example USA: $ 40 billion annually direct and indirect costs)

Sources: CDC: Common Colds, Update: February 27, 2015; WHO Fact sheet No 211, Revised March 2014; Fendrick A. Monot AS, Nightengale B et al. The economic burden of noni-nfluenza-related viral respiratory
tract infection in the US. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:487-494
Uzroci prehlade i gripa..Virusi
• …su mali zarazni organizmi(20 - 300 nm).
„Imagine a pinhead!“

„Guess, how many rhinoviruses*

find place in a pinhead???“

~ 500.000.000 viruses !!!!!!

(*rhinoviruses usually cause infections of the upper respiratory tract)
Uzroci prehlade i gripa…Virusi
• …su mali zarazni organizmi (20-300nm)
• Inficiraju odredjene vrste čelija.

• …njihova replikacija zavisi od metabolizma

čelija domaćina

Fig.: virus replication within an infected cell

Causes of cold and flu: Viruses…
• …su podeljeni u različite grupe prema familiji kojoj pripadaju ili prema
njihovom genetičkom materijalu (DNA vs. RNA virusi).

• …influenza viruses are defined by 2 different

spike-like protein components on their surface:
haemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N).
Fig.: structure of an influenza virus

• …frequent minor genetic changes, known as antigenic drift, make specific

treatment difficult or even impossible.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)

• najčešće virusne infekcije utiču na gornji respiratorni trakt – one su
izazvane mnoštvom različitih virusa ( npr. Virus influenza, Rhinovirus i

• Odrasle uhvati prehlada 2-4 puta godišnje
• Deca pate od preglade 6-12 puta godišnje.

Fig. influenza viruses on MDCK cells

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)

Dijagnoza …
…najčešće zasnovano na simptomima!

Dalje moguće istrage:

• Test krvi (polymerase chain reaction (PCR), virusna antitela ili antigeni)
• kulture (rast mikroorganizma u laboratoriji od uzorka krvi ili drugog materijala
uzetog iz zaraženog područja)
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)
Prehlada / Grip (karakteristike)

Prehlada Grip
Spor početak bolesti Iznenadan, akutni početak simptoma
Blaga slabost (umor i nedostatak energije) Intenzivna slabost
Niska do umerene temperature (uglavnom oko 39 Visoka temperatura (preko 39 ºC), obično traje nekoliko dana
Povremeno blage do umerene glavobolje Jake glavobolje
Blag do umeren bol u mišićima Jak bol u mišićima
Suv kašalj Kašalj sa bolovima u grudima i poteškoće u disanju
Upaljeno grlo Upaljeno grlo
Zapušen nos Zapušen nos
Crvene oči sa osećajem peckanja i povećana osetljivost na
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)
Prehlada / Grip (karakteristike)

Prehlada Grip
Slow onset of the disease Very sudden, acute onset of symptoms
Mild general malaise (tiredness and loss of energy) Intense malaise
Low to moderate fever (usually below 39 º Celsius) High fever (above 39 º Celsius), usually lasting for several days
Occasionally mild to moderate headache Heavy headache
Mild to moderate pain in limbs and muscles Intense pain in limbs and muscles
Dry cough Cough with chest pain and difficulty in breathing
Sore throat Sore throat
Runny or congested nose Runny or congested nose
Pink eye with burning sensation and light sensitivity
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)

Najčešća terapija

© Pöllö
• antivirusni lekovi

© Politikaner
• amantadine and rimantadine
• oseltamivir and zanamivir
• godišnja vakcinacija
• imunomodulatorni lekovi
• simptomatska terapija
(e.g. antipiretici, antihistaminici, mucolitici, odmor, dosta tečnosti,
izbegavanje fizičkog napora“)
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)

• mere higijene,npr.Čišćenje ruku temeljno i redovno
• dijeta:zdrava,uravnotežna, bogata vitaminima i mineralima
• vežba: umeren i redovan trening
• Dodatni vrući i hladni tuševi, manje stresa, odmaranje

© Fotolia
Najbolja zaštita je jak imuni sistem!
Influcid® - na prvi pogled
Influcid® -

Influcid®- homeopatski kompleksni lek sastavljen je od jedinstvene

kombinacije od 6 prirodnih sastojaka.

Influcid® - stimulates and strengthens the self-defence

mechanisms within the body.

Influcid® -za lečenje i prevenciju bolesti sličnih

Influcid® - at one glance

Influcid® -dostupan u dva različita oblika:

Influcid® kapi

Influcid tablete

Jednostavna upotreba bilo gde i bilo kad

• nema potrebe za gutanjem , brzo otapanje u ustima

• pogodan za decu i odrasle

Tablets - preparation formula
Active ingredients:
(1 tablet = 250 mg)
Aconitum D3 trit. 25.0 mg
Bryonia D2 trit. 25.0 mg
Eupatorium perfoliatum D1 trit. 25.0 mg
Gelsemium D3 trit. 25.0 mg
Ipecacuanha D3 trit. 25.0 mg
Phosphorus D5 trit. 25.0 mg
Lactose monohydrate 90.0 mg
Wheat starch 8.0 – 9.5 mg
Magnesium stearate 0.5 – 2.0 mg

250.0 mg
Drops - preparation formula
Active ingredients:
(per 100 g solution)
Aconitum D3 dil. 10.0 g
Bryonia D2 dil. 10.0 g
Eupatorium perfoliatum D1 dil. 10.0 g
Gelsemium D3 dil. 10.0 g
Ipecacuanha D3 dil. 10.0 g
Phosphorus D5 dil. 10.0 g
Ethanol 96 % (v/v) 2.2 g
Purified water 37.8 g

100.0 g
Key benefits of Influcid®

 Visoko efikasan protiv infekcije gornjih respiratornih puteva:

 ublažavanje tipičnih simptoma prehlade:kašalj, glavobolja, temperatura
 slabljenje i skraćivanje toka bolesti
 smanjenje vremena oporavka i brzo vraćanje na svakodnevne aktivnosti
 znaćajno manja potreba – za dodatno istovremeno simptomatsko lečenje

 odlična podnošljivost, bez sporednih efekata

 jačanje imunog sistema

 preporučljivo za odrasle i decu.

- sastav i njihovo delovanje
Aktivne supstance Influcid®

• Aconitum
• Bryonia
• Eupatorium perfoliatum
• Gelsemium
• Ipecacuanha
• Phosphorus
Influcid® - active ingredients
Activne supstance Terapijsko delovanje / karakteristike
Aconitum D3 - akutne,iznenadne bolesti
- simptomi nastaju nakon izlaganja suvom,hladnom vremenu i jakim
- visoka temperatura praćena nemirnošcu i velikom žeđi

Bryonia D2 - Respiratorni organi su pogodjeni

- Mukozne membrane karakteriše suvoća, discharges are scanty
and adherent

Eupatorium perfoliatum D1 - violent aching in bones / limbs throughout the whole body and great
soreness of muscles
- useful in residual bone pain after a cold

Gelsemium D3 - dull heavy headache with heaviness of eyelids

- great bodily and mental prostration
- disposition to catch colds with every change of weather

Ipecacuanha D3 - no appetite, great disgust of any sort of food

- inflammation of the respiratory tract (dyspnoea, dry spasmodic cough;
bubbling rattle in the chest due to accumulation of lots of viscous mucous)

Phosphorus D5 - deeply inflamed mucous membranes with blood-streaked discharges

- tendency to sore throats and a very painful larynx e cti
- disturbances of recovery or enduring exhaustion after os ”
tl y t data *
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heavy illnesses c
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*C skip redie tion.
Photos: Aconitum, Bryonia, Gelsemium (© H. Zell), Eupatorium perfoliatum (© SB Johnny), Ipecacuanha (© Deutsche Homöopathie-Union), Phosphorus (© BXXD / CC-by-sa)

d g a
an in form

Photos: © H. Zell

Botaničko ime:
Aconitum napellus (monkshood)

Početni materijal:
sveža biljka, prikupljena na početku
© H. Zell

Terapeutsko delovanje:
• simptomi se pojavljuju nakon izlaganja suvom,
hladnom vremenu i jakom vetru.

• koristi se u terapiji akutne, iznenadne i nasilne

• accompanied
with fear / restlessness and great thirst © H. Zell

• visoka temperatura sav dry heat,


© H. Zell

© Magnus Manske
Bryonia Bryonia dioica

Botanical name:
Bryonia dioica (red bryony) and
Bryonia alba (white bryony) Photos: © H. Zell

Starting material:
fresh root harvested before flowering

Bryonia alba
Therapeutic action:
• symptoms develop slowly but forcibly

• mucous membranes are characterized

by dryness, discharges are scanty & adherent
© H. Zell

• respiratory organs are profoundly affected:

nose: dry nasal catarrh, coryza with shouting and aching in the forehead, nosebleeds,
throat: dryness and soreness of throat, hoarseness, sharp pain when swallowing
lungs: dry, hacking, very painful cough (must hold his chest)
Eupatorium perfoliatum

© H. Zell

© SB Johnny
Eupatorium perfoliatum

Botanical name:
Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset)

Starting material:
fresh aerial parts collected at the start
of flowering
© H. Zell
Eupatorium perfoliatum

Therapeutic action:
• all conditions with distressing, violent aching
bones and great soreness of muscles

• aching in limbs throughout the whole body

with fever
© H. Zell

• useful for residual bone pain after flu


© H. Zell

Botanical name:
Gelsemium sempervirens (yellow jasmine)

Starting material:
fresh underground parts

© H. Zell

Therapeutic action:
• great bodily and mental prostration:
muscular weakness, tiredness, heaviness and soreness
mental prostration: apathic, dull, dizzy, drowsy, tired

• deep-seated aching in bones, joints and muscles

• excessive trembling
© H. Zell

• dull heavy headache with heaviness of eyelids


© Deutsche Homöopathie-Union, Karlsruhe


Botanical name:
Cephalis ipecacuanha (Ipecac root)

Starting material: © Deutsche Homöopathie-Union, Karlsruhe

dried underground organs


Therapeutic action:
• persistent nausea and vomiting

• no appetite, great disgust of any sort of

food © Deutsche Homöopathie-Union, Karlsruhe

• inflammation of the respiratory tract:

- dyspnea with wheezing and constant constriction in the chest (gasps for air at open window)
- dry, spasmodic cough with nausea and vomiting
- bubbling rattle in chest without expectoration (lots of viscous mucous accumulated in the airways)

© BXXD / CC-by-sa

Phosphorus (white phosphorus), P

Starting material:
white phosphorus © BXXD / CC-by-sa
Therapeutic action:
• irritated, inflamed mucous membranes with
a burning sensation and blood-streaked

• larynx very painful (violent tickle while © BXXD / CC-by-sa

speaking and breathing)

• tendency to colds and sore throats

• disturbances of recovery or enduring exhaustion after heavy illnesses

Influcid® - naučni podaci
Sledeće poglavlje ( Influcid-naučni podaci) treba biti predstavljena
lekarima i farmaceutima.
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
INFI ̶ INflucid® u lečenju infekcija gornjeg respiratornog trakta

Dizajn: otvorena, prospektivna, randomizovana, standard treatment-controlled,

multicentrična, međunarodna klinička studija

Cilj: procena efikasnosti i sigurnosti Influcid® -a u lečenju infekcija gornjeg

respiratornog trakta (URTI)
 Kao dodatak standardnom simptomatskom tretmanu
 U poređenju sa standardnim simptomatskim tretmanom kod
pacijenata od 1-65 godine

Sprovedeno : Nov. 2010 – April 2011

* M. Thinesse-Mallwitz, V. Maydannik, T. Keller, P. Klement. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish upper respiratory tract infections:
An international, randomized, controlled trial. Forsch Komplementmed Vol. 22, Issue 3, June 2015.
Glavni kriterijumi uključivanja
• Starost od 1 do 65 godine

• dijagnostikovani URTI sa prisustvom sledecih simptoma ≤ 24 hours:

a) temperatura (aksilarna temperatura ≥ 37.5 ºC) i
b) Najmanje jedan URTI simptom:
▪ jedan nazalni simptom (=> začepljen nos, curenje nosa, kijanje)
▪ one pharyngeal symptom (=> scratchy throat, sore throat, pharyngeal hyperaemia)
▪ kašalj (=> običan kašalj bez sumnje na akutnu bolest)
c) at least one general symptom, either:

▪ umor
▪ slabost
▪ bol u telu
▪ za decu: razdražljiv/smanjena aktivnost

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Glavni kriterijum isključenja:
• Pozitivni brzi test za grupu A ß-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS)
• URTI complications, lower respiratory tract disease, other acute or chronic ENT disease,
obstructive anatomic lesions in the nasopharynx
• Hypersensitivity / present contraindications to any of the ingredients and/or excipients
of Influcid® or the defined symptomatic medication
• Tretman sa
• antibioticima, glukokortikosteroidima, imunomodulatorima, antihistaminicima
tokom prethodne 4 nedelje or at enrolment & during the trial
• Antivirusni lekovi
• any other cold medication for relief of URTI
during the past 7 days prior & during the trial

ENT = Ear-Nose-Throat
M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Definition of symptomatic on-demand medication

1) Antipiretički lekovi: Paracetamol syrup (ben-u-ron®)

200 mg Paracetamol / 5 ml

2) Ekspektoransi: Ambroxol syrup (Mucosolvan®)

30 mg Ambroxol hydrochoride / 5 ml

3) Nasal decongestant: Oxymetazoline spray (Nasivin®)

0.05 % Oxymetazoline hydrochloride
0.025 % Oxymetazoline hydrochloride

Dosage: no fixed dosage schedule, but individually, when needed

(dosage as well as duration of treatment)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Treatment with Influcid® tablets

Fixed dosage regime within the first 7 days

according to the following pattern:

First 72 hours Following 96 hours

of treatment of treatment

8 tablets per day

Patients < 12 years 1 tablet 3-times a day
(1 tablet every 2 hours)

12 tablets per day

Patients  12 years 2 tablets 3-times a day
(1 tablet every hour)

Duration of treatment: 7 days (Day 1 – Day 7)

Observational period: 14 days (Day 1 – Day 14)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Visit schedule
Baseline 1.Follow-up 2. Follow-up 1.Follow-up 2- Follow-up Termination
Visit Call Call Visit Visit Visit
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 41 Day 81 Day 152

Important Assessments at the Physician´s Office:

• GABHS (baseline)
• Influenza A and B testing (baseline)
• Physical examination (each visit)
• WURSS-21 and additional complaints questions (each visit)
• IMOS: Integrative Medicine Outcome Scale (each visit except baseline)
• IMPSS: Integrative Medicine Patient Satisfaction Scale (termination visit)
• Adverse Event (AE) monitoring (each visit except baseline)

Important Documentation in Patients’ Diaries: (filled in 2-3-times daily)

• Fever documentation
• WURSS-21 and additional complaints questions
• Influcid® and symptomatic medication intake

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey (WURSS-21) *

• Validated illness-specific, health-related, quality-of-life questionnaire

(outcome instrument)

• Containing a total of 21 items including:

• 1 global severity item
• 10 symptom-based items
• 9 functional quality-of-life items
• 1 global change item

• The severity of each item is rated on a

0 to 7 Likert scale

* WURSS-21 - created by Bruce Barrett et al.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Family Medicine
M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Additional Complaints Questions

• In addition to the WURSS-21, some “Additional Complaints Questions”

regarding the presence and severity of the following symptoms:
• Headache?
• Body aches?
• Weakness?
• Lack of appetite?
were also addressed to the patients included into the study.
• Furthermore, parents of participating children were asked to additionally rate
the presence and severity of the following items:
• Irritable, whiny?
• Less active?

• The severity of each item was rated on a 0 to 7 Likert scale.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Primary outcome criterion:
• “Treatment Response at Day 4” defined as:
=> the absence of fever
(mean axillary body temp. ≤ 37.2 ºC)
=> the absence or very mild degree of URTI-symptoms
(assessed by WURSS-21)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Main secondary outcome criteria:
• Effectiveness assessment based on:
• Course of disease
[WURSS-21 symptom score, WURSS-21 quality of life score, WURSS-21 total score]
• Time to symptoms alleviation
[WURSS-21, item 1]
• Change in the ability to perform normal daily activities
• Use of symptomatic medication
• Outcome of treatment
[IMOS – Integrative Medicine Outcome Scale]
• Satisfaction with treatment
[IMPSS – Integrative Medicine Patient Satisfaction Scale]

• Safety assessment based on

• Global assessment of treatment tolerability and occurrence of adverse
events (AEs)
M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
533 patients

Study population ̶ 10 patients who didn´t meet the eligibility criteria

523 patients UA: 300 patients

randomized DE: 223 patients

̶ 6 patients without any post-baseline efficacy data

517 patients
intention-to-treat population

Influcid® group Control group

(IFC) (ST)

261 patients
256 patients
symptomatic treatment
symptomatic treatment only
+ Influcid®

130 patients 131 patients 131 patients 125 patients

< 12 years  12 years < 12 years  12 years

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Patient characteristics (1/2):

+ values are means unless otherwise mentioned; * percentages were rounded to the nearest integer IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment
ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

Baseline demographic characteristics of patients

were comparable in both treatment groups.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Patient characteristics (2/2):

+ values are means unless otherwise mentioned; * percentages were rounded to the nearest integer; IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment
$ assessed in children below 12 years og age only; SD – standard deviation; ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

Baseline clinical characteristics of patients

were comparable in both treatment groups.
M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Kriterijum primarnog ishoda: “Reakcija na lečenje 4. dana”
IFC groupa ST groupa
1. kriterijum reakcije 2-Test: p<0.001
76.8 % 56.7 %
Odsustvo temperature: ≤ 37.2 ºC (199 od 259 pacijenata) (143 od 252 pacijenta)
(aksilarno merenje 3 puta na dan) 95% CI: 11.71-28.47%

2. Kriterijum reakcije
Odsustvo ili vrlo blagi simptomi 2-Test: p=0.0012
17.0 % 7.5 %
WURSS-21 stavka 1: „Koliko se bolesno osećate danas?“ (44 od 259 pacijenata) (19 od 252 pacijenta)
95% CI: 3.44-15.46%
= „0“ (nisam bolestan) ili „1“ (vrlo malo) 2puta za redom)

Reakcija na lečenje 15.4 % 6.7 %

2-Test: p=0.0018
1. i 2. kriterijum ispunjeni (40 od 259 pacijenata) (17 od 252 pacijenta)
95% CI: 2.93-14.47%

IFC = Influcid® plus simptomatski lekovi na zahtev; ST = simptomatski lekovi na zahtev

Nivo „Reakcije na lečenje 4. dana“ (npr. Pacijenti koji su ispunili oba,

i 1. i 2. kriterijum reakcije 4. dana) bio je značajno viši
u IFC (Influcid®) grupi u poređenju sa ST (kontrolnom) grupom.
M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Differences between study groups on “Treatment Response” *
from Day 2 to Day 14
chart displaying between-group (ST vs. IFC) difference in fraction of patients with symptoms alleviation (“Response”) * “Treatment Response” was defined
and its 95% confidence interval by study day – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=511) as a combination of “absence of fever”
AND “absence or very mild degree of

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.01
p = 0.0018 on Day 10 and Day 11

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

on Day 4

p < 0.0001
on Day 5 – Day 9

----- vertical solid lines: Confidence intervals’ ranges; ◊ diamonds: Differences point estimates
- - - horizontal dashed line: Zero reference line indicating “no difference”

Significant differences on “Treatment Response”

in favour of the Influcid® group (IFC) existed from Day 4 to Day 11.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Course of disease: WURSS-21
`Symptom` Sum Score

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

The URTI-associated typical symptoms* resolved significantly faster

in the Influcid® group (IFC) compared to the standard therapy group (ST).
(* WURSS-21 Symptom Sum Score)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Course of disease: WURSS-21
`Quality of Life` Sum Score

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

The URTI-associated impaired quality of life* resolved significantly faster

in the Influcid® group (IFC) compared to the standard therapy group (ST).
(* WURSS-21 Quality of Life Sum Score)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Course of disease: WURSS-21
`Total` Sum Score

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

All in all, the Influcid® group (IFC) showed a significant faster alleviation of
URTI-associated complaints* compared to the standard therapy group (ST).
(* WURSS-21 Symptom Sum Score and WURSS-21 Quality of Life Sum Score)

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
“Absence or very mild degree of URTI-symptoms” (WURSS-21, item 1) *
comparing both treatment groups
chart displaying cumulated percentages of patients with symptoms alleviation (WURSS-21, item 1) by study day * “Absence or very mild degree of
including polynomial fit curves [length of green line: difference [days] between polynomial fit curves at 50% level]
– intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=451)
URTI-symptoms” was defined as
WURSS-21 item 1 “How sick do you
feel today?” graded as 0 (“not sick”)

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

or 1 (“very mildly”) for both assessments
IFC group
(in the morning and in the evening) at
the same day.

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

≈ 2 days

ST group

Patients who were additionally treated with Influcid® showed symptom alleviation
(i.e. absence or very mild symptoms) about 1-2 days earlier
compared to patients in the ST group.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Change in the ability to perform normal daily activities
chart displaying cumulated number (%) of patients resuming normal daily activities during the study period – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=405)

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
p < 0.0001
2nd Follow-up Visit

p < 0.0001
1st Follow-up Visit

Patients in the Influcid® group (IFC) showed a significant faster return

to perform normal daily activities.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Cumulated dosages of symptomatic medication
bar charts displaying cumulated dosages (Day1 – Day 14) of symptomatic medication – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=511)

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

p < 0.0001

p < 0.0001

There was significant less intake of symptomatic medication (p < 0.0001)

in the Influcid® group (IFC) compared to the ST group.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Outcome of treatment (IMOS) – measured at the termination visit
bar charts displaying absolute frequencies of patients by IMOS-scale categories at termination visit (n=502) by study group – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

p = 0.0003 p = 0.006

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
Assessment by the physicians Assessment by the patients

The outcome of treatment was highly significant better

in the Influcid® group (IFC) at the 1st and 2nd (p<0.0001 for both)
and also at the termination visit.
M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Satisfaction with treatment (IMPSS) – measured at the termination visit
bar chart displaying absolute frequencies of patients / parents by IMPSS assessments at termination visit
(n=502) by study group – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

p < 0.0001

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

“very satisfied”

IFC group (Influcid®)

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

very satisfied: 76.6% of 256 patients

ST group (control)
very satisfied: 34.1% of 256 patients

Satisfaction with treatment was much higher in the Influcid® group (IFC).
The percentage of patients being ”dissatisfied“ with treatment was low and comparable
between the ST group and the IFC group (1.6% ST and 1.2% IFC respectively).

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Tolerability of treatment – measured at the termination visit
bar chart displaying absolute frequencies for tolerability of treatment assessments at termination visit by study group – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
Assessment by the physicians Assessment by the patients

At the last / termination visit, the tolerability of treatment was rated

significantly higher (p<0.0001) in the Influcid® group (IFC)
compared to the standard therapy group (ST).

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Adverse events (AEs)
85 AEs occurred in 64 patients
All AEs were non-serious!
(64/523; 12.2 % of all patients)

IFC group ST group

(Influcid®) (control)

42 AEs in 29 patients 43 AEs in 35 patients

(29/265; 10.9 %) (35/258; 13.6 %)

3 AEs in 3 patients (1.1 %) were

8 AEs in 7 patients (2.7 %) were
possibly related to treatment
probably or possibly related to treatment:
• Dry mouth
• Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
• Nausea (2x)
1 AE (0.4 %) related 2 AEs related to • Diarrhoea
to Influcid® treatment: symptomatic treatment: • Nasal dryness
• Vomiting • Abdominal pain • Rash
• Asthenia • Visual impairment

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Summary of Results

• The primary objective “Response at Day 4” differed highly significant

in favour of the Influcid® group (p=0.0018).
• Significant difference in “Treatment Response” persisted until Day 11.
• Simultaneously, the intake of symptomatic medication (SM) was
significantly lower in the Influcid® group:
• Cumulated dosages of SM of all patients
• Duration of SM intake

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)

 The use of Influcid® as add-on treatment shortened the duration

of acute upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) significantly.

 Significantly less symptomatic medication was needed when

taking Influcid®.

Influcid® is a gentle and effective treatment option in URTIs,

especially taking into account its favourable safety profile
as proven by decades of use.

M. Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
INFI – subgroup analysis (children aged 1 to <12 years)*

Design: open, prospective, randomised, standard treatment-controlled,

multi-centre, international clinical study

Objective: evaluating the effectiveness and safety of Influcid® in the treatment of

feverish upper respiratory tract infections (URTI)
 as an add-on to on-demand standard symptomatic treatment
 in comparison to standard symptomatic treatment only

in patients aged 1 – 65 years

here subgroup analysis: children aged 1 to <12 years

Conducted: November 2010 – April 2011

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* R. van Haselen, M. Thinesse-Mallwitz, V. Maidannyk, S. Buskin, S. Weber, T. Keller, J. Burkart, P. Klement. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic
medicinal product in paediatric upper respiratory tract infections with fever: A randomised controlled trial. Global Pediatric Health 2016;3:1-11
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INFI – subgroup analysis (children aged 1 to <12 years)*

The methods of the INFI-subgroup analysis are the same as in the complete

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523 patients (1 - 65 years)
Study population randomized into the complete INFI-study

− 259 patients who were ≥ 12 years and were thus

excluded from the subgroup analysis

INFI subgroup
264 patients (<12 years) UA: 163 patients
randomized DE: 101 patients

− 3 patients without any post-baseline efficacy data

Stratification by age
261 patients (<12 years) - 59 children <3 years
intention-to-treat population - 99 children 3 to <6 years
- 103 children 6 to <12 years

Influcid® group (IFC) Control group (ST)

130 patients (<12 years)

131 patients (<12 years)
symptomatic treatment
symptomatic treatment only
+ Influcid® is
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Characteristics Statistics IFC group (n=130)
ST group (n=131)
Age [years] Median [P25, P75] 4.0 [3.0, 7.0] 5.0 [3.0, 7.0]
Children Age groups <3 years N (%) 27 (20.8) 32 (24.4)
characteristics 3 - <6 years
6 - <12 years
N (%)
N (%)
53 (40.8)
50 (38.5)
46 (35.1)
53 (40.5)
Sex Boys N (%) 60 (46.2) 59 (45.0)
Girls N (%) 70 (53.8) 72 (55.0)
Height [cm] Median [P25, P75] 110 [98, 126] 111 [94, 128]
Weight [kg] Median [P25, P75] 19.3 [15.0, 25.0] 19.0 [14.8, 25.0]
Baseline Influenza testing Influenza A + B negative (N (%)) 103 (79.2) 108 (82.4)
demographic & clinical Influenza A positive 14 (10.8) 19 (14.5)
Influenza B positive 10 (7.7) 4 (3.1)
Body temperature at baseline (°C (SD)) 38.1±0.5 38.1±0.5
of children were Main URTI symptoms at baseline (N (%))
comparable Hyperemia of mucosa 113 (86.9) 117 (89.3)
in both treatment groups.Nasal breathing impairment
No ability to perform daily activities
116 (89.2)
105 (80.8)
117 (89.3)
117 (89.3)
Nasal symptoms 119 (91.5) 123 (93.9)
Pharyngeal symptoms 115 (88.5) 119 (90.8)
Cough 94 (72.3) 108 (82.4)
Feeling tired 127 (97.7) 127 (96.9)
Weakness 125 (96.2) 128 (97.7)
Body aches 85 (65.4) 91 (69.5)
Irritable / whiny 114 (87.7) 114 (87.0)
Less active 125 (96.2) 126 (96.2)
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“Absence of fever” * comparing both treatment groups
chart displaying percentages of children with “absence of fever” by DTB – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=260)
* “Absence of fever” was defined as
mean daily axillary body temperature
≤ 37.2 ºC)

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
Statistical significant between-

Starting with two days after inclusion into the study, significantly higher proportions
of children treated with Influcid® were free of fever.
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(p-value ranging between 0.0249 and <0.0001; 2-test ) D an s
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“Absence or very mild degree of URTI-symptoms” (WURSS-21, item 1) *
comparing both treatment groups
* “Absence or very mild degree of
chart displaying cumulated percentages of children with symptoms alleviation (WURSS-21, item 1) by study day URTI-symptoms” was defined as
including polynomial fit curves [length of green line: difference [days] between polynomial fit curves at 50% level]
– intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=231) WURSS-21 item 1 “How sick do you
feel today?” graded as 0 (“not sick”)
or 1 (“very mildly”) for both assessments
IFC group Day 6

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

(in the morning and in the evening) at
51.7% of children the same day.

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST group Day 8
53.0% of children

Children who were additionally treated with Influcid® showed statistically

significant earlier „symptoms alleviation“ occurrences (p=0.0001, MWU-test).
Reported symptom alleviation was between 1-2 days earlier TA alys
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than for patients in the ST group. W u ye ) p ar
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Differences between study groups on “Treatment Response” *
from Day 2 to Day 14
* “Treatment Response” was defined
chart displaying between-group (ST vs. IFC) difference in fraction of children with symptoms alleviation (“Response”)
and its 95% confidence interval by study day – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=260) as a combination of “absence of fever”
AND “absence or very mild degree of

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
p < 0.01 (2-test)
on Day 5 – Day 10

----- vertical solid lines: Confidence intervals’ ranges; ◊ diamonds: Differences point estimates
- - - horizontal dashed line: Zero reference line indicating “no difference”

Significant differences on “Treatment Response” were detected

between Day 5 and Day 10 in favour of the Influcid® group (IFC). ATA alys
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Time to resolution of additional complaints

Hodges Lehmann
Additional complaints estimates
(n=130) (n=131) p-value
[Shift days (CL)]

1 Headache 93 96 -2 (-3 to -1) <0.0001

2 Body aches 85 80 -1 (-2 to 0) 0.0062
3 Weakness 117 110 -1 (-2 to 0) 0.0067
4 Lack of appetite 105 97 -1 (-2 to 0) 0.0020
5 Irritable / whiny 107 104 -1 (-2 to 0) 0.0064 Special questions
6 Less active 113 115 -2 (-3 to -1) 0.0006 for children only!!

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

Children who were additionally treated with Influcid® showed statistically

significant earlier „complaints alleviation“ (1 - 2 days).
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Time to resolution of two children-specific additional complaints
a) „irritable / whiny”
chart displaying cumulated percentages of children with symptom alleviation “irritable / whiny” by study day
(analysis included data of patients with symptom present at inclusion: ST: n=104; IFC=107) - intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=211)

Children treated with Influcid®

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

were less whiny and more
active during the whole course
of treatment.
The clearly better outcome of
these two children-specific
b) „less active”
chart displaying cumulated percentages of children with symptom alleviation “less active” by study day
additional complaints implies a
(analysis included data of patients with symptom present at inclusion: ST: n=115; IFC=113) - intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=228)
faster improvement in general
well-being in the children in
the Influcid® group.

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Change in the ability to perform normal daily activities
chart displaying cumulated number (%) of children resuming normal daily activities during the study period – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis (n=261)

Ability to Perform Daily Activities

p = 0.0001 (2-test)
% of Patients

100 2nd Follow-up Visit

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment


ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

60 p = 0.0020 (2-test)
2nd Follow-up Call


20 p < 0.0001 (2-test)

1st Follow-up Visit
Baseline 1st Follow-up Call 2nd Follow-up Call 1st Follow-up Visit 2nd Follow-up Visit Termination Visit
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4±1 Day 8±1 Day 14±2

Children in the Influcid® group (IFC) showed a significantly faster return

to perform normal daily activities compared to children in the ST group
(p=0.0012; 2-test). ATA alys
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Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey (WURSS-21) *

* WURSS-21 - created by Bruce Barrett

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Family Medicine
Symptom sum score
Total sum score

QoL sum score

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Severity of disease
(severity of symptoms / health-related quality of life (QoL))
table displaying AUCs for WURSS “Symptom sum score”, “QoL sum score” and “Total sum score” (n=254) – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

Area under the curve N IFC ST MWU-test

[Score Points [Score Points
[AUC] p-value
IFC ST Median (P25-P75)] Median (P25-P75)]

Symptom sum score 245.0 358.5

115 122 0.0003
(WURSS items 2-11) (183.0 – 402.0) (244.0 – 557.0)

QoL sum score 303.0 471.5

119 116 <0.0001
(WURSS items 12-20) (197.0 – 470.0) (283.0 – 690.5)

Total sum score 541.0 836.0

112 114 <0.0001
(WURSS items 2-20) (402.0 – 826.0) (527.0 – 1287.0)
IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment; ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

Statistically significant lower symptom severity and

better quality of life in children of the Influcid® group (IFC). TA alys
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Use of symptomatic medication (SM)
table displaying symptomatic medication use based on diary records (n=260)
intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

n (%) n (%)

Total patients
129 (100.0%) 131 (100.0%)
with valid diary data

Patients without SM use 12 (9.3% ) 2 (1.5% )

Patients with SM use 117 (90.7% ) 129 (98.5% ) p=0.0055
IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment; ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

The percentage of children using symptomatic medication was significantly lower

in the Influcid® group (p=0.0055) compared to the ST group. ATA alys
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Cumulated dosages of symptomatic medication
bar charts displaying cumulated dosages (Day1 – Day 14) of symptomatic medication based on diary records (n=260)– intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

Cumulated symptomatic medication intake

p=0.0723 IFC ST

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment


ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

600 (MWU-test)


Paracetamol [mg] Ambroxol [mg] Oxymetazoline

There was significant less intake of Ambroxol and Oxymetazoline

in the Influcid® group (IFC) compared to the ST group.
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Duration of symptomatic medication intake

table displaying duration of symptomatic medication use based on diary records (n=260) – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

Difference MWU-test, 2-sided

of Median Days

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

(IFC group – ST group)

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

+ Any medication + -2 days < 0.0001
Paracetamol -1 day 0.0129
  Ambroxol -3 days < 0.0001
Oxymetazoline -2 days 0.0003

The duration of symptomatic medication intake was significantly shorter

in patients in the Influcid® group (IFC).
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Outcome of treatment (IMOS) – measured at the termination visit
bar charts displaying absolute frequencies of patients by IMOS-scale categories at termination visit (n=253) by study group – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

p=0.0021 p=0.0018
(2-test) (2-test)

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
Assessment by the physicians Assessment by the patients / parents

The outcome of treatment was highly significant better

in the Influcid® group (IFC) at the 1st and 2nd (2-test p<0.0001 for both) ATA alys
D an s ar
and also at the termination visit. W u ye ) p
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Satisfaction with treatment (IMPSS) – assessed at the termination visit
bar chart displaying absolute frequencies of patients / parents by IMPSS assessments at termination visit
(n=253) by study group – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

IFC group (Influcid®)
p <0.0001 (2-test)
very satisfied: 75.0% of 256 patients “very satisfied”

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST group (control)
very satisfied: 27.2% of 256 patients

Satisfaction with treatment was much higher in the Influcid® group (IFC).
The percentage of children being ”dissatisfied“ with treatment was low and comparable
between the ST group and the IFC group (2.4% ST vs. 1.6% IFC).
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Tolerability of treatment – assessed at the termination visit
bar charts displaying absolute frequencies for tolerability of treatment assessed at the termination visit by study group – intention-to- treat (ITT) analysis

IFC = Influcid® plus on-demand symptomatic treatment

ST = on-demand symptomatic treatment
Assessment by the physicians Assessment by the patients / parents

At the termination visit, tolerability of treatment was rated significantly

more often as “excellent” (2-test, p<0.0001) in the Influcid® group (IFC)
compared to symptomatic treatment group (ST).
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Adverse events (AEs)
50 AEs occurred in 34 children NOTE:
(34/264; 12.9% of all patients) All AEs were non-serious!

Influcid® group Control group

(IFC) (ST)

31 AEs in 18 children 19 AEs in 16 children

(18/131; 13.7%) (16/133; 12.0%)

2 AEs in 2 children (2/131; 1.5%) were 4 AEs in 3 children (3/133; 2,3%) were
classified as adverse drug reactions (ADRs) classified as adverse drug reactions (ADRs)

1 ADR in 1 child (0.8%) 1 ADR in 1 child (0.8%) 2 ADRs in 1 child (0.8%) 2 ADRs in 2 children (1.6%)
was possibly related was unlikely related were possibly related were unlikely related
to Influcid® treatment: to Influcid® treatment: to symptomatic treatment: to symptomatic treatment:
• Vomiting • Bronchitis • Diarrhoea • Diarrhoea
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• Rash • Otitis media D an s
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Summary of results

The results of the INFI-subgroup analysis demonstrated that Influcid® as an

add-on to standard symptomatic treatment in children suffering from URTI…

 accelerates the improvement of URTI-related symptoms

and the resolution of fever (complaints resolved 1-2 days earlier)
 reduces global disease severity
 improves general well-being (children-specific complaints, “irritable / whiny”
and “less active”, were less present in children treated with Influcid ® during the whole
course of the study)
 reduces significantly the duration and demand for symptomatic medication
 was well tolerated and safe in use

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Overall, the results in the paediatric population of the INFI-study (children

< 12 years) were quite similar to the results in the complete INFI-study
including children, adolescents and adults.

By focusing only on the children´s data in this INFI-subgroup

analysis, the practical experience, that Influcid® makes a positive
contribution to the management of upper respiratory tract infections
in children has once again been observed.

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Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
Upper respiratory infections and feverish colds – effectiveness and
safety of Nisylen® tablets (syn. Eupatorium complex®, Nisyleen®,
Influcid®, Alpha CF®). *

Design: open, prospective, multicenter, international, non-

interventional, non-comparative outcome study

Objective: evaluate effectiveness and safety of Influcid® tablets

* Heger, M., Blochin, B., Tschutschalin, A., Netjaschenko, V., Majdaschik, V. NI001. Nisylen® 001 – International outcome study (1997): Upper respiratory infections and
feverish colds – effectiveness and safety of Nisylen® tablets (syn. Eupatorium complex®, Nisyleen®, Influcid®, Alpha CF®). Deutsche Homöopathie-Union, Karlsruhe; 1997 [unpublished]
600 patients (333 adults, 267 children ≤ 12 years)

Patient criteria:
• Adults and children of all ages and of both sexes
• Feverish flu-like diseases such as:
• Influenza
• Infections of the upper respiratory tract, e.g. pharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis,
laryngitis or laryngotracheitis

Heger (1997)
a) Children (< 12 years):
• initial dose: 1 tablets every 2 hours (max. 8 tablets a day)
• maintenance dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day

b) Children (> 12 years) and adults:

• initial dose: 1 tablet / h (max. 12 tablets a day)
• maintenance dose: 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day

Heger (1997)
Control examinations:
• After 3, 5 and 9 days of treatment
• Symptoms were assessed by the physician at each visit
• Success of treatment and safety were rated by both, physician and patient

Heger (1997)
Primary outcome criterion:
• Change of total sum score of symptoms
=> the scoring system based on fever (rated on a 3-point scale)
and 7 leading symptoms (rated on a 5-point scale):
• Coryza
• Cough
• Headache
• Hoarseness
• Malaise (general tiredness and loss of energy)
• Pain in the limbs
• Sore throat

Heger (1997)
Secondary outcome criterion:
• Safety of Influcid®:
• tolerability
• adverse events
• adverse drug reactions

Heger (1997)

Heger (1997)
Patient characteristics:
• gender: male 45 %, female 55 %
• almost half of the patients (44.5%) were children up to 12 years
• mean age: 24 ± 19 years (range: 1 - 78 years)
• diagnoses:
• 56 % flu-like infections
• 44 % upper respiratory tract infections
• patients with intake of concomitant medication: 3 % (18/600 patients)

Heger (1997)
Change of total sum score of symptoms:

p < 0.0001

• After 3 days of treatment with Influcid®, improvement was noted in 90 % of patients.

• On the 5th day of treatment, a major improvement was stated in 2/3 (66.3%) of patients.
• On the 9th day of treatment with Influcid® almost 3/4 (72.2%) of patients had recovered.

Heger (1997)
Flowchart: adverse events

600 patients
included into the study

13 patients
with a reported adverse event
(14 AE)

2 patients
with a reported Influcid®-related
adverse event

11 patients
with a reported adverse event
with no relationship to the intake of Influcid ®

587 patients
without an adverse event

Heger (1997)
Safety (i.e. appearance of adverse drug reactions):

• A probable relationship with the administration of Influcid® was

assumed in two patients.
(1x allergic dermatitis and exacerbation, 1 x allergic conjunctivitis => both were rated as mild)

99.7 %
(598/600) Patients without an Influcid®-related adverse event

0.3 %
(2/600) Patients with a probable Influcid®-related adverse event

Heger (1997)

Influcid® was well tolerated – both physicians and patients are almost congruent
in their personal rating.

Heger (1997)

 Highly effective - the total sum score of clinical (flu) symptoms

decreased highly significant (p < 0.0001) over the course of treatment.
 Excellent safety – in only 2 out of 600 patients a probable Influcid® -
related adverse drug reactions have been reported.
 Well tolerated – almost 100 % of physicians and patients rated tolerability
as „very good“ or „good“.

Heger (1997)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
[Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug
Influcid® in acute respiratory viral infections in children.] *

Design: prospective, controlled outcome study

Objective: assess the clinical effectiveness and dynamics of

biochemical parameters in children with ARVI during the use of

* Sitnikov, I.G., Moryakova, N.V. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid in acute respiratory viral infections in children.]
Infektsionnye Bolezni 2010; 8 (1): 44-47. Russian.
Patients: 86 patients (aged 3 - 6 years)

Study group Reference group

Number of patients: 50 36
Treatment: Basic treatment Basic treatment
(i.e. antipyretics, antihistamines, (i.e. antipyretics, antihistamines,
mucolytics, symptomatic agents) mucolytics, symptomatic agents)
plus Influcid®
• first two days: ½ – 1 tablet
every 2 hours (max. 8 times a day)
• afterwards: ½ -1 tablet
3 times a day

Observational period: 7 - 10 days

Sitnikov (2010)
Outcome criteria:
• Clinical assessment
• Duration of clinical symptoms in study group versus reference group
• Decrease in the severity of all clinical symptoms
• Lab investigations
• Analysis of the dynamics of biochemical parameters
(Influence of Influcid® on catecholamines and biogenic amines as
inflammation mediators.)

Sitnikov (2010)

Sitnikov (2010)
Patient characteristics:
• Diagnoses (n=86):
• 25.6 % influenza
• 42.0 % adenovirus infections identical frequencies
in both groups
• 32.4 % parainfluenza virus infections

• Severity of symptoms:
no significant
• Study group (n=50): 36 moderate (72 %), 14 severe (28 %) difference
• Reference group (n=36): 26 moderate (72.2 %), 10 severe (27.8 %) between groups

Sitnikov (2010)
Duration of clinical symptoms:

The study group also showed a smoother course of disease compared to the reference group
– while in the reference group 3 children developed bronchitis, none of the children in the study group did so.

Sitnikov (2010)
Decrease in the severity of all clinical symptoms:

Sitnikov (2010)
Analysis of the dynamics of biochemical parameters:

during treatment
Parameter before treatment Study group Reference group Normal
(healthy children)
(n = 50) (n = 36)

Adrenaline [mmol/l] 22.4 ± 2.2 ** 7.22 ± 0.9 4.09 ± 0.4 * 5.74 ± 0.7

Noradrenaline [mmol/l] 17.3 ± 3.4 * 8.21 ± 1.3 10.43 ± 2.3 * 7.64 ± 1.1

Serotonin [µmol/l] 0.86 ± 0.11 ** 0.55 ± 0.12 0.62 ± 0.08 * 0.51 ± 0.09

Histamine [µmol/l] 0.98 ± 0.09 ** 0.64 ± 0.11 0.79 ± 0.09 * 0.62 ± 0.12

Differences significant compared to physiological normal values at *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01

• In the acute phase of illness, elevated biochemical blood parameters were detected in all children.
• During treatment, a decrease of the elevated parameters was seen in both groups, whereas a reduction
to normal values was only detected in the study group.

Sitnikov (2010)
 Influcid® demonstrated a high effectiveness with a significant (p < 0.05)
reduction in the duration of clinical symptoms.

 Patients treated with Influcid® showed a smoother course of illness.

 Influcid® considerably accelerates the process of recovery showing a

significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the severity of all clinical symptoms.

 Influcid® was tolerated very well - no side-effects have been reported.

Sitnikov (2010)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
[Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex
medicine.] *

Design: multicenter, non-interventional outcome study

Objective: evaluate the effectiveness and tolerabilty of Influcid® in

patients with feverish flu-like diseases

* Flaskamp, G., Galuska, S. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.] Der Kassenarzt 1992; (49): 42-50. German.
94 patients (5 - 92 years)

Patient criteria:
• Adults and children of all ages and both sexes
• Feverish flu-like diseases

Flaskamp (1992)
• Pharmaceutical form: Influcid® drops
• Dosage: depending on the experience / recommendation of the physician

Flaskamp (1992)
Outcome criteria:
• Duration of symptoms / treatment
• Effectiveness
• Safety

Flaskamp (1992)

Flaskamp (1992)
Patient characteristics:
• Patients: 40.4 % male (n=38), 58.5 % female (n=55), unknown (n=1)
• Mean patient age: 37 ± 18 years
• Mean duration of symptoms before start of treatment: 4 ± 8 days
• Treatment: 90.4 % Influcid® only
9.6 % Influcid® plus concomitant medication (antitussive
agents, expectorants, nasal preparations)

Flaskamp (1992)
Dosage of Influcid®:
a) small doses frequently and regularly n=39
• initial dose: 10 drops / h (max. 12 times a day)
• maintenance dose: 10-20 drops, 3-4 times a day
b) less frequently
• fixed scheme: 20-30 drops, 3-4 times a day or n=28
5-15 drops, 3-8 times a day n=16

n=11 dosage not known

Flaskamp (1992)
Duration of symptoms / treatment:

p = 0.02

Starting treatment with Influcid® with the first symptoms and in the appropriate dose
reduces duration of symptoms / treatment by half.

Flaskamp (1992)
• Effectiveness rated by the physician at the end of treatment:
[rated on a 6-point scale: from very good to little effective]

In > 90 % of patients the effectiveness was rated „very good“ or „good“ by their physicians.

Flaskamp (1992)
None of the 94 patients experienced any adverse drug reaction.

Influcid® was very well tolerated!


Flaskamp (1992)
 Effective
> 50 % of patients were free of symptoms within one week.
In > 90 % of patients the effectiveness / success of treatment was rated
„very good“ or „good“ by their physicians.

 The sooner the better

Reduction of recovery time was best when starting treatment immediately
after recognizing first symptoms.

 Success by frequency
Initially frequent intake is essential for successful treatment.

Flaskamp (1992)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
In-vitro and in-vivo experiments on Influcid® *, **

Design: in-vitro and in-vivo experiments

Objective: assessment of the anti-viral and interferon-inducing activity

of Influcid® in-vitro and in-vivo

* Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)]. Pharmaceutical bulletin 2003; No.33 (312). Russian.
** Garashchenko, T.I., Garashchenko, M.V., Mezentseva, M.V. [ Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic medicines for prevention and treatment of Influenza
and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).] Russian Medical Journal 2005; 13 (21): 1432-1437. Russian.
a) in-vitro:
Influcid® drops (in different concentrations) were added to MDCK* cell cultures 24 h before
(„preventive“) and 24 h after („treatment“) inoculation with influenza virus A/Aichi 1/68 (H3N2);
3 days later viral titre was assessed by hemagglutination reaction

b) in-vivo:
Influcid® drops (in different concentrations) were injected intraperitoneally at dose of 0.1 ml /
outbred white mouse;
titres of interferon [U/ml] were assessed in blood samples taken 24 h and 48 h after
administration of Influcid®
* MDCK = Madin-Darby Canine Kidney

Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)

Outcome criteria:
• Anti-viral activity of Influcid®
(decrease of virus titre in the experiment compared to control)
• Interferon-inducing activity of Influcid®
(increase of interferon titre in the experiment compared to control)

Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)


Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)

Anti-viral activity of Influcid® in-vitro (MDCK cell cultures):

Study medicine Viral titre [lg HA U/ml] depending on concentration of study medicine
Influcid® N 1 (0.75 mg/ml) N 2 (0.075 mg/ml)
24 h before inoculation 0.2 ± 0.1 5.5 ± 0.6

moment of inoculation 0.3 ± 0.3 0.2 ± 0.1

24 h after inoculation 0.3 ± 0.3 0.0. ± 0.0

viral control 7.2 ± 0.5 7.0 ± 0.4

Influcid® showed anti-viral activity, inhibiting the replication of influenza virus

A Aichi 1 / 68 (H3N2) in-vitro.

Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)

Interferon-inducing activity of Influcid® in-vivo (outbred white mice):

Titre of interferon [U/ml] in mice

Influcid® concentration after treatment with Influcid®
  24 h 48 h
75 160 320
7.5 80 320
0.75 40 160
0.075 80 160
0.0075 40 80
(without medicine)

Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)

Interferon-inducing activity of Influcid® in-vitro (mice blood cells):
Influcid® concentration Titre of interferon [U/ml]
[mg/ml] in mice blood cells
75 128
7.5 128
0.75 64
0.075 64
0.0075 64
(without medicine)
Ridostin 256
Cycloferon 128
Amixin 32

Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)


 Influcid® demonstrated an anti-viral activity in-vitro (MDCK cell cultures)

 Influcid® showed an interferon-inducing activity in-vitro and in-vivo (mice).

Fig: HIG Interferon-Gamma

© Nevil Dilmann

Yershov (2003), Garashchenko (2005)

Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
[Activity of the preparation „Influcid” with respect to flu viruses
in model systems.] *

Design: in-vitro and in-vivo experiments

Objective: investigate the possible anti-viral activity of Influcid®

with respect to actual strains of human and bird flu viruses in-vitro
and in-vivo

* Eropkin, M.Y., Prigoreva, V.A., Gudkova, T.M., Konovapova, N.I., Pobova, T.G., Baibus, D.M. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.]
Medline-Express 2007; 194 (6): 3-6 Russian.
Methods (in-vitro):
Pharmaceutical form used: Influcid® drops

Infecting a day-old culture of MDCK* cells with flu viruses (30-min contact)

Washing out free virus cells

Introducing the preparation on Igla-MEM medium (1/25 – 1/400)

72 h incubation in CO2-incubator

Evaluation of virus reproduction in hemagglutination reaction

* MDCK = Madin-Darby Canine Kidney

Eropkin (2007)
Methods (in-vivo):
Pharmaceutical form used: Influcid® drops
Infecting 4-week-old, common mice with two intranasal doses (LD50 and 0.1 LD50) of the flu virus strain A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1).

Viral Dose: 0.1 LD 50 LD 50

control group (n=10): experimental group (n=10): control group (n=10): experimental group (n=10):
no treatment 50 µl Influcid® (diluted 25-fold by no treatment 50 µl Influcid® (diluted 25-fold by
physiological solution) physiological solution)
administered perorally administered perorally
once a day once a day
(~ corresponds to the daily dose (~ corresponds to the daily dose
in intensive treatment, in intensive treatment,
taking into account taking into account
the ratio of average weight of the ratio of average weight of
man and mouse) man and mouse)

Evaluation of survival rate (observational period: 10 days)

Eropkin (2007)
Outcome criteria:
• Decrease of viral titre of different strains of flu viruses (in-vitro)
• Survival of flu virus-infected mice as an indicator for protective
effect of Influcid® (in-vivo)

Eropkin (2007)

Eropkin (2007)
Anti-viral activity of Influcid® (in-vitro):

Decrease of virus titre

Virus type in the experiment compared to control
A/N Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1) 1.5
A/Victoria/35/72 (H3N2) 2.5
A/Wisconsin/67/05 1.0 An anti-viral effect is considered good,
if ∆lgID50 ≥ 2.0.
B/Malaysia/2506/04 2.0
A/N18RG-14 (H5N1) 1.0
A/Duck/Potsdam/1402/6/86 (H5N2) 0.5
A/Mallard/NT/12/02 (H7N3) 0
A/Hong Kong/1073/99 (H9N2) 0

Influcid® showed moderate to good anti-viral effects in-vitro regarding some

common strains of flu viruses.

Eropkin (2007)
Protective Effect of Influcid® (in-vivo):

Viral infection dose: LD 50 Regressive analysis of survival 0.1 LD 50

Fig. 1. Fig. 2.

A reliable positive protective effect of Influcid® in mice - with respect to the

common flu strain A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) - had been disclosed.
Eropkin (2007)
 Anti-viral – Influcid® showed moderate to good anti-viral activity with
respect to some common strains of flu viruses in-vitro.
 Protective – Influcid® disclosed a reliable positive protective effect
with respect to the common flu strain A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1)
in-vivo (mice).

Eropkin (2007)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
[Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009
A (H1N1) „swine“ („Mexican“) flu.] *

Design: in-vitro study

Objective: evaluate the possible effect of Influcid® in an in-vitro

experiment with respect to the standard strain of “swine” flu
A/California/07/09 (H1N1) sw1.

* Eropkin, M.Y., Konovalova, N.I., Grigoreva, V.A., Baibus, D.M., Gudkova, T.M. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) „swine“ („Mexican“) flu.]
Tradizionnaja medizina 2009; 18 (3): 8-12. Russian.
MDCK-cell culture plates were infected with a dilution of original virus-
containing allantoic liquid (“swine flu” A/California/07/09 (H1N1)).

Influcid® drops (in two different concentrations*) were added to the cell culture:
a) 1 h before infection with the virus (“prophylactic” plan) and
b) 1 h after infection with the virus (“treatment” plan)

=> after 48 h the results were checked for hemagglutination reaction

* Influcid® diluted with PBS buffer of 0.5 % and 1%

Eropkin (2009)
Outcome criteria:
• Decrease of virus titre in the experiment compared to control (∆lgTID 50)
(=> interpreted as the anti-viral effect of Influcid®)
• Cell regeneration / viability of cells in culture (microtetrazol-test, MTT)
(=> interpreted as the degree of cellular resistance to viruses)

Eropkin (2009)

Eropkin (2009)
Anti-viral effect of Influcid® (in-vitro):

Decrease of virus titre

Virus type in the experiment compared to control
[∆lgID50] Note:
An anti-viral effect is considered good,
A/California/07/09 (H1N1)* 0.75 if ∆lgID50 ≥ 2.0.

* pandemic virus A (H1N1), virus of „swine“ or „Mexican“ flu, causing a flu pandemic developing since April 2009

Influcid® suppressed to some extent the production of virus particles.

Eropkin (2009)
Cell regeneration / viability of cells in culture (MTT):

“prophylactic” “treatment”
plan plan
Fig. 1. Fig. 2.

Evaluation of MTT regeneration disclosed a significant decrease in cytopathic activity

of the virus in both the „prophylactic“ and the „treatment“ plan of administering Influcid®.

Eropkin (2009)

 Adaptive – the effects of Influcid® on the cellular level may be

considered rather adaptive and not directly anti-viral.

 Increased resistance – Influcid® provokes an increased resistance of

the organism to cytopathic effects of viruses.

Eropkin (2009)
Studies on Influcid®
• Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

• Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

• Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

• Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

• Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

• Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

• Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

• Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
[The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia: its origin, the
antigenic and biological properties of the virus and its sensitivity to
anti-viral agents.] *

Design: in-vitro experiment

Objective: evaluate the possible anti-viral effect of Influcid® in an

in-vitro experiment with respect to pandemic flu virus A/St.
Petersburg/05/09 (H1N1), herpes type I and II and

* Eropkin, M.Y., Gudkova T.M., Danilenko, D.M., Konovalova, V.A., Grigor´eva, T.S., Smirnova, A.V. et. al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia: its origin, the antigenic
and biological properties of the virus and its sensitivity to anti-viral agents.] RMJ 2010; 18 (3): 1-6. Russian
The same as mentioned in the previous study (Eropkin 2009).

Outcome criterion:
• Decrease of virus titre in the experiment compared to control (∆lgTID50)
(=> interpreted as the anti-viral effect of Influcid®)

Eropkin (2010)

Eropkin (2010)
Anti-viral effect of Influcid® (in-vitro):
An anti-viral effect is considered good,
if ∆lgID50 ≥ 2.0.

Virus type
Influcid® Pandemic influenza Pandemic influenza
concentration in Herpes type I Herpes type II Adenovirus type III virus virus
culture medium [%] HSV/SPb/248/88 HSV2/reference/2000 Ad3/reference/4120 A/California/07/09 A/St. Petersburg/05-09
(H1N1)v (H1N1)v

0.5 0.5 * 2.55 0.6 * 1.15 0.9

0.25 2.7 3.45 2.15 1.0 0.53
0.125 2.8 3.58 3.16 Not determined Not determined
* preincubation with agents for 1 h, in other cases 24 h
Data for influenza viruses were obtained in MDCK cell cultures; data for other viruses were from L-41cultures.

Influcid® showed a significant inhibition of virus replication for various types of viruses
(e.g. influenza viruses, herpes I and II and adenovirus type III).

Eropkin (2010)

 Influcid® had a wide spectrum of protective actions at the cellular

level against a series of viruses, e.g.
• different types of influenza viruses
• herpes type I and II
• adenovirus type III

Eropkin (2010)
How to use Influcid®
How to take: general recommendations (1/2)

• The sooner the better

Start taking Influcid® straightaway as soon as you notice first


• Success by frequency
Achieve optimum effectiveness by taking Influcid® frequently and
regularly and in the appropriate dose.
How to take: general recommendations (2/2)
• An interval of approximately 30 minutes should be kept between
the intake of Influcid® and eating or drinking.

• Influcid® tablets should be allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth.

(If necessary, tablets can be dissolved in a little bit of water.)

• Influcid® drops should be kept a little bit in the mouth before swallowing.

Keeping the tablets or drops a while in the mouth allows

the active ingredients of Influcid® to be completely absorbed
by the mucous membranes.
How to take: prevention versus treatment

Treatment Prevention

every 1 - 2 hours
3 times a day
until improvement occurs
1 tablet ~ 10 drops

3 times a day
until recovery

[Disclaimer: Individually placed by the countries]

How to take: dosage depending on age & method of treatment
Patient age Treatment Prevention

Initial dose:
1 tablet every 2 hours max. 8 times a day
until improvement occurs 1 tablet
Children* 1 - 11 years
3 times a day
Subsequent dose:
1 tablet 3 times a day

Initial dose:
1 tablet (or 10 drops*) every hour
Children  12 years max. 12 times a day until improvement 1 - 2 tablets (or 10 - 20 drops*)
and adults occurs 3 times a day
Subsequent dose:
1 - 2 tablets (or 10 - 20 drops*) 3 times a day
* Influcid® should not be used in children under 1 year of age, since its use is not sufficiently documented in this age group.
** Influcid® drops contain 46 vol % alcohol, thus patients who suffer from alcoholism or high risk groups (patients with liver disease or epilepsy) should consider the alcohol content before taking them.
The same applies to children < 12 years.

[Disclaimer: Individually placed by the countries]

What to be aware of in treatment…

 Start taking Influcid® straightaway as

soon as you notice first symptoms.

 Take the appropriate dose.

 Make sure, that you take it regularly and frequently.

Influcid® -
most important facts
Key benefits of Influcid®

 Highly effective in feverish upper respiratory tract infections:

 Reliable alleviation of typical cold symptoms, e.g. runny nose, cough, headache,
limb pain and fever
 Attenuation and shortening of the course of disease
 Reduction of recovery-time and increased ability to return to and perform normal
daily activities
 Significantly less need – if at all – for additional concomitant symptomatic medication

 Excellent tolerability, virtually no side-effects

 Sustainable strengthening of the immune system

 Recommended for adults and children.


• Influcid® is a clinically well-proven natural remedy for the treatment of

acute upper respiratory tract infections. 1) – 5)

• Influcid® shows a significant impact on major symptoms of influenza and

common cold. 1) – 5)
• Influcid® demonstrated in multiple experimental studies a reliable positive
anti-viral activity on various types of viruses (e.g. adenovirus, herpes,
influenza virus). 6) – 10)

1) Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015); 2) Van Haselen (2016); 3) Heger (1997); 4) Sitnikov (2010); 5) Flaskamp (1992); 6) Yershov (2003); 7) Garashchenko (2005); 8) Eropkin (2007); 9) Eropkin (2009); 10) Eropkin (2010);

• In all clinical studies conducted so far, reported adverse drug reactions

have always been rare and usually mild, if not negligible. 1) – 5)

• The positive benefit-risk profile of Influcid® is further substantiated by

the post-marketing experience for many decades in various countries.

• With proven tolerability and virtually no side-effects, Influcid® offers a

safe and gentle, natural alternative for the treatment of colds and flu.

1) Thinesse-Mallwitz (2015); 2) Van Haselen (2016); 3) Heger (1997); 4) Sitnikov (2010); 5) Flaskamp (1992);

• Influcid® strengthens the immune system and shows a noticeable

adaptive effect – the consequence is a reinforcement of the resistance
of the organism to viral infections. 1)

• Influcid® showed an interferon-inducing activity in experimental studies. 2), 3)

• Influcid® showed a wide spectrum of protective action which was

independent of specific virus types. 1), 4), 5)

1) Eropkin (2009); 2) Yershov (2003); 3) Garashchenko (2005); 4) Eropkin (2007); 5) Eropkin (2010);
1) Thinesse-Mallwitz M. et al. A homeopathic combination preparation in the treatment of feverish URTIs. (2015)

2) Van Haselen R et al. The effectiveness and safety of a homeopathic medicinal product in paediatric URTI […]

3) Heger, M. et al. Nisylen 001 – International outcome study […]. (1997)

4) Sitnikov, I.G. et al. [Clinical-pathogenetic mechanisms of the action of the drug Influcid […]. (2010)

5) Flaskamp, G. et al. [Feverish colds: successful treatment with a homeopathic complex medicine.]. (1992)

6) Yershov, F. [Proper pharmacotherapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections […]. (2003)

7) Garashchenko, T.I., et al. [Clinical and immunological rationale of administration homeopathic […]. (2005)

8) Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Activity of the preparation „Influcid“ with respect to flu viruses in model systems.] (2007)

9) Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [Effect of Influcid in-vitro against the pandemic strain 2009 A (H1N1) […] (2009)

10) Eropkin, M.Y., et al. [The 2009 influenza epidemic in Russia […] (2010)
Overview of studies on Influcid®

* study group: on-demand standard symptomatic treatment (Paracetamol, Ambroxol, Oxymetazoline) + Influcid ®; control group: on-demand standard symptomatic treatment only
** study group: basic symptomatic treatment (e.g. antipyretics, mucolytics) + Influcid ®; control group: basic symptomatic treatment only
• Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)
• Influcid® - at one Glance
• Influcid® - Ingredients and their Action
• Influcid® - Scientific Data
• How to use Influcid® (Posology)
• Influcid® - most important Facts
• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)
Does Influcid® attack viruses? How does it work?

 anti-viral – reliable positive anti-viral effect on several flu strains

proven in experimental studies

 adaptive – the consequence is a reinforcement of the resistance

of the organism to viral infections
Possible side-effects under treatment with Influcid®

Influcid® is a very well tolerated homeopathic medicine.

Reported adverse drug reactions (e. g. hypersensitivity reactions such as

gastrointestinal complaints or skin reactions) have always been rare and
usually mild, if not negligible.
What are the advantages of Influcid® in the treatment of acute
upper respiratory tract infections?

 Highly effective in feverish upper respiratory tract infections

(i.e. alleviation of typical cold symptoms, attenuation and shortening
of the course of disease, reduction of recovery-time, less need for
additional concomitant symptomatic medication)
 Excellent tolerability
 Virtually no side-effects
 Sustainable strengthening of the immune system
 Recommended for adults and children
Influcid® – treatment and prevention against common colds and flu?

Influcid® strenghtens the self-defence mechanisms in a natural and balanced

way. Accordingly, it powers up the immune system

 to react more efficiently to an infection

 prevent the body from catching infections.
Where can you get Influcid®?

Influcid® is classified as a medicinal product and is therefore available

in pharmacies only.

Influcid® is available without prescription.

Thank you
for your attention

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