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Gatasi, John Carlo F.

BSEd 3-P
Track and field events have a long and rich tradition, and
are some of the oldest athletic contests in recorded
human history. In 776 BC, at the first Olympic Games in
Ancient Greece, there was only one sport – wrestling.
Gradually, the Games expanded to include the javelin
throw, the long jump and others. By 200 BC, these
athletic contests were so popular, there were 4 separate
festivals, with participants from neighbouring countries
and cities, like Rome (The Panhellenic Games). 

In this second part, we will examine field events, which

take place on a large field, as opposed to the running
track. They can be classified as jumping and throwing
Track and field is a sport which includes athletic
contests established on the skills of running,
jumping, and throwing.
Track events can be divided into three main
categories: events that require running on a track
over a defined distance, running events with
obstacles placed on the track, and relay events.
While track events generally refer to events held
within the stadium, other distance events that require
running on roads have been included in the roster. 
Track events are generally not complicated - you run
from point A to point B in the quickest time possible.
However those not familiar with athletics may
wonder what the difference is between the events,
other than the distance involved. 
Sprints refer to explosive bursts
of speed over short distances.
As such, sprinters generally
require more muscle mass than
their long distance counterparts
due to the anaerobic nature of
the event.
Middle distance events are
frequently referred to as the
hardest of the running events as
it requires both endurance and
strength. Middle distance
runners look leaner than the
sprinters, and slightly more
muscular than the long distance
These races are generally of an

aerobic nature. That is to say, it

requires the runner to process
oxygen in low-intensity activity
over a long period of time.
Long distance runners have
strong cardiovascular systems,
enabling them to last through
races ranging from 15min to 2
The steeplechase is an obstacle race,
which was derived from horse
racing. Both men and women race
over the most common distance -
3000m - though the steeplechase for
women has lower barriers.
Likewise, hurdles events consist of
obstacles placed in regular intervals
over the distance of the race. Failure
to pass over or intentionally
knocking over the hurdles will
result in disqualification.
Four runners make up a relay
team. Each runner must hand
off the baton to the next runner
within a certain zone, usually
marked visibly on the track.
Failure to pass the baton
properly, or dropping the baton
may result in disqualification. 
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Indoor track competitions are
generally more limited
compared to outdoor track
competitions due to space
limitations; indoor tracks are
200m long, with four to eight
Track and field events have a long and
rich tradition, and are some of the oldest
athletic contests in recorded human
history. In 776 BC, at the first Olympic
Games in Ancient Greece, there was
only one sport – wrestling. Gradually,
the Games expanded to include the
javelin throw, the long jump and others.
By 200 BC, these athletic contests were
so popular, there were 4 separate
festivals, with participants from
neighbouring countries and cities, like
Rome (The Panhellenic Games). 
In the shot put, you throw a heavy
spherical object called the shot (it
resembles a cannonball). First, rest
the shot close to the neck, and keep
it there throughout the motion.
Next, release above the height of
the shoulder, using only one hand,
as far as possible. The shot has to
land in the designated zone of the
throwing area. The one that lands
the furthest, wins.
The hammer throw involves a
heavy ball attached to a strong wire.
The ball is swung twice in the same
spot, legs stationary. Next, you
make three or four rotations with
your body in a circular motion, with
your feet engaged in a heel-toe
movement. Then, you release the
ball into the designated zone.
Whoever can throw the hammer the
furthest, wins the event.
The discus is a heavy disc (like a
frisbee) and weighs about 2 kg.
You start in a circle 2.5 m in
diameter, then spin in a counter-
clockwise motion around one and a
half times to build momentum,
before you release it. Whoever
throws it the furthest, will win.
There are no form rules about how
the discus is to be thrown.
The javelin is a spear about 2.5 m in length. You need to
run within a predetermined area to build speed, and
throw it as far as possible.
This contest is unique for two reasons. First, the
technique is determined by the IAAF (the International
Association of Athletics Federations). The javelin must
be held by the grip and thrown overhand, over your
shoulder or upper arm. 
Also, you cannot release the javelin and turn, so that
your back faces the direction of throw. The runway must
be a standard size, 4m wide and 30m long. It must end in
a curved arc, from which the throw will be measured. 
Lastly, the javelin tip must strike the ground before any
other part, in the designated zone. Only then is the throw
considered valid. 
In this event, you  run down a strip
(the same sort of rubberized
surface as running tracks), and
jump as far as possible from a
wooden board 20 cm wide. The
board is built flush with the
runway, and you leap into a pit
filled with finely ground gravel or
sand. If you start the leap with any
part of the foot past the foul line,
the jump is disqualified.
Similar to the long jump, you have
to run down the track and perform
a hop, a bound and then a jump
into the sand pit. According to the
IAAF rulebook, "the hop shall be
made so that an athlete lands first
on the same foot as that from
which he has taken off; in the step
he shall land on the other foot,
from which, subsequently, the
jump is performed." 
In the pole vault, you sprint down a
track, plant one end of the pole in the
metal box, and catapult yourself over a
4.5m horizontal bar (without knocking it
to the ground), release the pole, and fall
onto the landing mattress. The pole can
be of any length, diameter and made of
any material, but the basic rules and
technique state that you must not move
your hands along the pole when it is
upright; you must clear the bar feet first,
and twist so that your stomach faces the
bar, as you descend.
To do the high jump, you do a short run up,
leap from one foot over a horizontal bar, and
fall onto a cushioned landing area. What is
interesting was how jumping technique
evolved in this event. 
Previously, different high jumpers used
different methods, but at the 1968 Mexico City
Olympic Games, an athlete called Dick
Fosbury pioneered the backwards and head-
first jump, and captured the gold. This
technique is the standard for all high jumpers
today, and dubbed the Fosbury Flop in his

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