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• How it feels to get up at dawn and to see the sun rise while
the rest of the world is still sleeping?
Well this is optimism.remember,everyone is born in this
world to achieve something,no one has less
are decided by ones way of thinking and so are
failures.everyone has something special,every cloud has a
silver lining.success is about winning the war,not every
an optimist is one who sees opportunity whereas a
pessimist is one who complains about the noise when opportunity
knocks………so friends be an optimistic……….after all we are born
to win………..

The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight

times.each day,each hour of our life is part of the good
fight,fight between our dersires and pleasures………
If you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so hard to
get,then you become an instrument of god,you help the soul of
the world,and you understand why you are here.
Realizing your dreams
 It’s the simple things in life that are the
most extraordinary.Everyone in this world
seems to have a clear idea of how other
people should lead their lives,but none about
his or her own.They fail to realize that by
this kind of thinking they are getting
drifted away from their own dreams and
hopes………to get what you want just go
ahead,march forward,remember;
On your journey to the life’s highway,keep your
eyes fixed upon the goal,focus on the donught
not upon the hole.whatever you want to
happen,make it happen.dont just wait for
miracles….take control of your destiny and
accelerate your efforts………You are unique
amongst all of nature’s creation,nothing can
replace you………….people will always throw
stones in your path,now it depends on you
what you make from it;wall or bridge..and if
you manage to make a bridge for
yourself…… realize your dreams………….
Sky is the limit
• When you really want something,all the universe
conspires in helping you to achieve it……..if you are
committed to success,there appears a force that wants
you to realize your destiny;it whets your appetite with a
taste of success.never stop dreaming………….keep on
trying to achieve your dreams,no matter how hard it will get better…..

sky is the limit,
never give up…………
 Just recall the following quotes by robert frost:-
The woods are lovely,dark and deep;
But I have promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep,
and miles to go before I sleep.

So get up and get going because,

Heights attained by successful people are not attained in a single
flight,they while their companions slept were toiling upwards in the
We are not made for success,success is made for us……

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