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Lesson 3: Creation Myth

Lesson 3: Creation Myths

Cosmogony and creation myth are used as
synonyms, yet properly speaking, cosmogony
is a preferable term because it refers to the
origin of the world neutrally, whereas creation
myth implies a creator and something created,
an implication unsuited to some myths that, for
example, speak of the origin of the world as
growth or emanation, rather than an act.
Elements of
Cosmogonic Texts

1. Birth
2. Mother-Father
3. Supreme Beings
4. Genealogy
Elements of Cosmogonic Texts
5.Creation from Above or
7.The Relationship of Animals
and Humans
8.An Instruction, a Sin and the
Kojiki of Japan:
Izanagi and Izanami
• The first five deities commanded Izanagi and
Izanami to make and solidify the land of
• Standing on the Floating Bridge of Heaven,
they dipped it in the ocean brine and stirred.
They pulled out the spear, and the brine that
dripped of it formed an island to which they
• They agreed to walk around the pillar and
meet behind it to do this. When they arrive
behind the pillar, she greeted him by saying
"What a fine young man", and he responded
by greeting her with "What a fine young
woman". They procreated and gave birth to
a leech-child, which they put in a basket and
let float away.

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