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Topic: Debates in the

1st Constitution
Assembly • Name :Arifullah
• Class :Bs 5th semester Pakistan
: Studies
• Roll No :1810
• Submitted to : Azhar
• Submitted Date :5 April,2020
History and First Cabinet

• First cabinet The newly created state of Pakistan formed its first constituent assembly in August 1947. Quaid-i-
Azam Jinnah took oath on 15th August 1947 and became the first Governor General of Pakistan. He exercised a
great amount of influence on the provincial, as well as, central affairs. The first cabinet of Pakistan was also
created by Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah, after a continuous search for talented administrators. The first cabinet of
Pakistan took oath on 15th August 1947The first cabinet of Pakistan took oath on 15th August 1947. It included
the following members: Liaquat Ali Khan, I.I. Chundrigar, Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar Raja Ghazanfar Ali
Minister for Food, Jogendra Nath Mandal Ghulam Muhammad Fazlur.
Basic Principles Committee and its Interim Report

• The Basic Principles Committee was formed on 12th March 1949 by the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.
The Basic Principles Committee comprised of 24 members. These individuals were not required to be the
members of the first Constituent Assembly. It was headed by Maulvi Tameezuddin Khan and Liaquat Ali Khan
was its Vice President.
There were three sub committees set-up under the Basic Principles Committee:
• Sub-committee on federal and provincial constitution and distribution of powers
• Sub-committee on franchise
• Sub-committee for judiciary
Committee on Matter Related to Minorities

• The proposed constitution 1950 guaranteed the right to all citizens including the 11 million of minority
communities to apply to the supreme court for enforcement of their fundamental rights.
• Every citizen would be eligible for introduction in the services of the state irrespective of religion, race, caste
,sex,or place of birth.
• Every citizen was guaranteed freedom of speech,expression,association ,occupation ,and business.
• No community would be prevented from providing religious instruction to the pupils of its own community and
the personal law of every community was guaranteed.
• There would be no discrimination against against any community in the matter of exemption from or
concession in taxes.
• No discrimination in admission to educational institutions .
• All fundamental rights which were applicable to Muslims and non-Muslims alike,special safeguards for
minorities were provided.
Assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan

• After the death of Jinnah the leadership fell upon the shoulders of Liaquat Ali Khan
•  Being the first Prime Minister of the country, Liaquat Ali Khan had to deal with a number of difficulties that
Pakistan faced in its early days. He helped Quaid-i-Azam in solving the riots and refugee problem and in setting
up an effective administrative system for the country. He established the groundwork for Pakistan's foreign
policy. He also took steps towards the formulation of the constitution. He presented The Objectives Resolution,
a prelude to future constitutions, in the Legislative Assembly. The house passed it on March 12, 1949. It is
considered to be the "Magna Carta" in Pakistan's constitutional history. Liaquat Ali Khan called it "the most
important occasion in the life of this country, next in importance, only to the achievement of independence".
Under his leadership a team also drafted the first report of the Basic Principle Committee and work began on
the second report. On 16th October, 1951 he was assassinated in Rawalpindi while addressing a public
meeting.Liaquat’s death was a huge loss for Pakistan because he was the last real link with Jinnah.
Anti-Ahmadiya Movement Martial Law and Dismissal of
Nazimuddin’s Government

• Pakistan higher bureaucracy was dominated by non-Bengalis. The bureaucracy disliked the Nazimuddin ministry right from
the beginning and considered Nazimuddin a weak administrator, who was incapable of achieving the political, administrative
and constitutional tasks that the country faced. However, the immediate cause of the dismissal of the Nazimuddin ministry was
the Anti Ahmadiya riots and food shortages which created difficulties for Nazimuddin Government.
• Martial Law was imposed in Lahore to maintain the law and order situation by Ayub Khan who was Commander in Chief of
the army, to control the disorder that had followed the direct action. Mumtaz Doltana not only retraced his earlier statement but
also vacated the office of Chief Minister for Firoz Khan Noon. After a few days Punjab assembly passed the budget and the
situation worsened for Nazimuddin, due to slashing of defense budget by one third in light of stringent financial condition.
This situation created annoyance between the military leaders for the Nizamuddin Government. However, Nazimuddin still
enjoyed the confidence of the constituent assembly and could defeat his opponents in the assembly.
The Munnir Report,1954

• According to committee report and view points of all reading ulema in the country in that time belived that the
Ahmadis were kafirs .
• The committee also founds that the of various sects and school of Islam could not stand one another and called
each kafir as well.
• According to Barelvi ulema ,Deobandis and Wahhabis where outside the Islam and well liable to death penalty
if they fell within the definition murtad,if they had changed and not inherited religious views
• According fatwa of Deobandis all Ishane Ashari Shias kafirs and murtad.
The Muhammad Ali Formula

• The federal legislature should composed of to Houses _the house of Units and the House of the People
• The total House of Unit would be fifty ,equally divided among the five unites
• The Hose of the People was to have of strength three hundred to be divided to among the unite
• Equal power were to be extended to both Houses
• In case of different of opinion between the to Houses, a joint session of the to Houses would be call
• The distribution seats in the to houses was made in such way as to ensure parity between East and West
The Controversy between Provincial Autonomy and strong

• The controversy between East and West Pakistan was regarding equal distribution of resources conflicts
between those who wanted maximum autonomy for the provinces with a weak center and those who those with
a strong center government with provinces enjoying limited autonomy
• People of East Pakistan felt they were neglected by central government and did not have a reasonable and fair in
the center government and administration
• The issue in the controversy between East and West Pakistan was that of language issue of election in East and
West Pakistan Pakistan the defeat of Muslims league in East Bengal
Amending the Acts of 1954

• The Constituent Assembly past to important Bills

 The public and Representative Offices Act of 1949.Popularly know as ‘PRODA’
 The 2nd Act enactment was the amendment of sections 9 ,10,10A,AND 10B of the Government of India Act
1935 as adapted for Pakistan

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