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Applied English to

Lesson V
 Security
Internet Security
It’s a fact that the Internet provides lots of opportunities for
communication and development, but we must know it
has a dark side. Why?
If your information is not well protected, it can be copied or
stolen. The passwords to access from your e-mail to
your bank accounts can be easily reached by computer
criminals who can also infect your computer with viruses.
Crackers, black-hat hackers, or simply hackers (as they are
known nowadays) are people who use technology to
perform a variety of crimes, such as virus propagation,
fraud, intellectual property theft, etc.
Phishing is short for password harvesting fishing. It is a
bank fraud to get banking information like passwords of
bank accounts and credit card details.
Scamming is an email fraud to obtain money or valuables.
IP spoofing is making one computer look like another in
order to gain unauthorized access.
Piracy is the illegal copy and distribution of copyrighted
software, games, movies, music files, etc. There’s also
plagiarism and theft of intellectual property.
Cyberstalking is the online harassment or abuse, mainly in
chat rooms and newsgroups.
But the most common type of crime is the spreading of
malware (short for malicious software).
Malware is software created to damage or alter the computer
data or its operations. These are the main types:
Viruses: they can enter a computer system by inserting an
infected disc or by the Internet. They are programs that
spread by attaching themselves to executable files.
Worms: they are self-copying programs that have the
capacity to move from one computer to another without
human help, by exploiting security flaws in computer
Trojans horses: they are malicious software disguised as
innocent-looking files. They don’t copy themselves or
reproduce by infecting other files.
Spyware: It collects information from your computer without
your consent for commercial or criminal purposes.
How can you protect your
 Don’t open email attachments from unknown people.
 Run and update antivirus programs.
 Install a firewall.
 Make backup copies of your files regularly.
 Use a digital certificate and avoid giving credit card
 Have a suspicious attitude toward the contents you read
on the Internet.
Activity 1: Identify the Internet crimes from 1 to
6. Then match them with the advice from A to

1. Crackers try to find a way to copy the latest game A. People shouldn’t buy cracked software or download
or computer program. music illegally from the Internet.
2. Half a million people will open an email they believe B. Be suspicious of wonderful offers. Don’t buy if you
to be from their bank and send their security aren’t sure.
details. C. It’s dangerous to give personal information to
3. This software’s danger is hidden behind an attactive people you contact in chat rooms.
appearance. It often comes in attractive D. Don’t open attachments from people you don’t
packages promising photos of celebrities. know even if the subject looks attractive.
4. There is a particular danger in Internet commerce E. Scan your email and be careful about which
and emails. Many people believe they have websites you visit.
been offered a gift and later they find out they
F. Check with your bank before sending information.
have been deceived
5.“Nimda” spreads by sending infected emails and it’s
also able to infect websites.
6. Lots of kids spend time in Internet chat rooms, but
they don’t realize they can be talking to sexual
Activity 2: Fill in the gaps in these security tips with these
* digital certificate * malware * virus * scanner *
spyware * firewall * antivirus

- Malicious software, (1) _______________, can be avoided by

following some basic rules.
- Internet users who like cybershopping should get a (2) ___________,
an electronic identity card.
- To prevent crackers from breaking into your internal network and
obtaining your data, install a (3) _____________. It will protect you
from (4) _______________.
- If you have been hit by a (5) ____________, don’t panic! Download a
clean-up utility and always remember to use an (6) _____________
program, for example, a virus (7) ______________.
Think about the cybercrimes during Pandemic Time.

Choose 1 real cybercrime and describe it.

Give 3 pieces of advice.

200 words minimum

Deadline 22:30
Post it in “Foro”

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