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TOEFL Preparatory Course


Reading 101: Skimming VS. Scanning
?What is Skimming

Skimming means to read something at a comparatively

faster rate without going into an in-depth reading, so as
.to have an idea of what the work is all about

. Skimming : look for the main idea=what the text is about

! Skim your text
Read the introduction -1
Read the first 2 sentences of each body paragraph- -2
Read the last one – They contain the topic sentence
  Read the conclusion ( if there is any!) -3
What is Scanning?-details

Scanning implies a reading technique in which one

takes a quick look of the document, so as to find the
.specific information contained in the written material

Scanning = look for details –specific words

Key Differences Between Skimming and Scanning

Skimming can be defined as a type of reading in -1

which the reader reads the text quickly to have an
idea of the concept, subject matter, main points and
gist, without paying close attention to the excessive

On the other hand, scanning refers to the reading

technique, in which the reader moves his eyes over
the entire text in order to locate specific keywords
.which he/she has in his/her mind
Skimming is a quick reading method, whereas -2
.scanning is a selective reading method

While skimming involves reading out the maximum -3

amount of material in the minimum time, scanning
is a method of searching out something in a fast
Skimming technique is used with the aim of taking an -4
insight of what is contained in the study material,
without reading it word for word. On the contrary,
when the reader uses scanning he/she wants to find out
the specific fact, keyword or information, of his/her

Skimming is used to get acquainted with the text you -5

have not read yet. Conversely, in the case of scanning
the reader has the knowledge of what he/she is looking
.for, in the given text
Review: Skimming & Scanning
TOEFL Reading Skill 1:
Understand Vocabulary from
:Look at the lists of the words below

List 1 List 2
gamut square
taciturn steam
engender pride
baobab fold
gossamer freeze

List 1-more difficult words

List 2- easier words
Vocabulary from Context

Vocabulary questions test both difficult words that

students have never seen before and easier words
with more than one meaning and that the context
can help students understand both kinds of
.vocabulary words

?What do we mean by CONTEXT

The words in the first column are more difficult-
words and the words in the second column are easier
.words with more than one meaning

?What do you think each word means-

!Try to guess

! For difficult words, let me give you a context-

!Context for Difficult words

.The entire gamut (N) of questions, from easy to hard -1

A taciturn (N) rather than outspoken person -2

.Mean (bad) comments that engender negative feelings -3

Under the baobob’s long branches -4

.The gossamer ( adj) layers of the bridal gown (dress) -5


range -1
quiet -2
cause -3
kind of tree -4
delicate/light -5
! Context for easier words

!A square meal with all the food groups- context -1

Yell and scream to let off steam -2

A pride of lions, including young and old -3

A struggling business that may fold -4

Freeze rents instead of raising them -5


balanced -1
emotion/anger -2
group -3
fail -4
fix -5

Discuss the use of context in determining meaning Why

?is the context important
?Why do we need the context
Watch this short Video ! Pay attention ! There will be questions
! about it
Activity 1
Answers (Activity 1)

Possible answers
small amount )1(
active during the day )2(
period )3(
think/contemplate )4(
postpone )5(
dignified )6(
matter )7(
break )8(
food and lodging )9(
predicts )10(
Activity 2: Reading Passages

! Check the PDF file shared by the instructor-

:Passage 1

:Passage 2
! Reading Skill 2: Recognize Referents

! List all the pronouns that you know in English -

) minutes 10 (
English Pronouns
!Important Notes

Its vs. it’s

Their vs. there

Yourself vs. yourselves

! Themselves vs. theirselves

! Exercise

/Go to
! Enter the game pin
! Let’s start
!More About English Pronouns

!Refer to the PDF file shared by your instructor -

Reading Passages

! Refer to the PDF file shared by the instructor-

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