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 First Step of gene expression.
 The process of making an mRNA strand from
the DNA gene sequence
 Like replication, but making RNA.
 3 steps: initiation, elongation, termination
 The enzyme RNA polymerase attaches to the
DNA double helix at the promoter region.

 PROMOTER REGION: A sequence of DNA

“upstream” from the gene that contains a lot of
A-T base pairs. (easier to break apart than G-C)
 RNA polymerase unwinds and separates the
helix exposing the template strand.

 Since RNA polymerase only binds at the

promoter region, it allows only the gene to be

 If the RNA polymerase randomly transcribed

DNA, the cell would not make the correct
Rich in A-T

Coding strand
 Once the helix is open, RNA polymerase starts
building a single stranded mRNA in the 5’-3’
direction using RNA nucleotides and
complimentary base pairing rules.

 Unlike DNA replication, the RNA polymerase

does not require a primer to begin building the
complementary strand
 Only one strand of DNA is used as a template for
mRNA synthesis. This is the template strand or
antisense strand).
 The other DNA strand that is not used for
transcription is the coding strand or sense strand.
 This coding strand is identical to the mRNA
strand except that it has thymine instead of uracil.
 Note: the promoter region does not get
*After the DNA is transcribed, it is rewound into its helix
(Sense strand)

(Antisense strand)
 The mRNA strand is synthesized until RNA
polymerase reaches the terminator sequence at
the end of the gene.
 The mRNA strand will detach from the DNA
 This mRNA strand is called the primary
 RNA polymerase is now free to bind to another
promoter region and transcribe another gene
 After transcription, the mRNA primary transcript
must go to the cytoplasm to be translated.

 In eukaryotes, before it leaves the nucleus it

needs a “cap” and a “tail” to protect it and
prevent it from being broken down.
5’ CAP
 A 5’ cap is added to mRNA.

 This is a modified guanine nucleoside


 The cap protects the mRNA from digestion from

enzymes when it enters the cytoplasm
Poly-A tail
 A sequence of ~ 200 adenine ribonucleosides is
added to the 3’ end to protect the mRNA from
breaking down

 This is called a poly-A tail

 The tail is added with the help of the enzyme

poly-A polymerase
Exons and Introns
 In eukaryotic DNA, a gene consists of introns
and exons

 EXONS: coding regions – they code for the

specific protein

 INTRONS: noncoding - “filler DNA” that does not

code for proteins.
 Before mRNA goes into the cytoplasm, the
introns must be removed from the mRNA

 Proteins called spliceosomes cut the

introns out and join the remaining exons
mRNA transcript

 Once the cap and tail have been added, and the
introns removed, the mRNA is called an mRNA

 It can now go to the cytoplasm for translation

Types of RNA
Genetic information copied from DNA is
transferred to 3 types of RNA:

• Messenger (mRNA) is like a

Copy of information in DNA that is
brought to the ribosome where the
information is translated into a

• Ribosomal (rRNA) is like a

The protein factories of the cells.
 makes up the ribosome

• transfer (tRNA) are like a

Transfers amino acid to the ribosome.
 The mRNA strand is now able to travel outside the
nucleus to the ribosome! (also made of RNA)
 The ribosome acts like a translator and translates the
RNA language into protein language!

• Ribosomes are composed of two subunits
50S and 30S ("S" refers to a unit of density called
the Svedberg unit).
• The 30S subunit contains 21 proteins
• 50S subunit contains 31 proteins
Occurs in the cytoplasm at the
 mRNA is fed through a hole in the
 The ribosome “reads” the mRNA strand
 The ribosome can only read 3 bases at a time
 Like reading one word at a time in a sentence
 These 3 bases are called a CODON.
1 2 3 4 codons!
 When the ribosome “reads” these codons it
translates the mRNA language into protein
language by attracting tRNA (transfer RNA)
-Remember, tRNA transfers amino acids to the ribosomes

 tRNA binds to the mRNA with a complimentary

strand of RNA (called anti-codon)

 Every codon codes for 1 amino acid!

 Amino acids are the monomers of protein
 20 different amino acids
 Use codon table to determine amino acid translation
Amino acid

tRNA Ribosome

 So now there is one amino acid at the ribosome…
but a protein is made up of THOUSANDS of amino
 The ribosome then reads the next codon, which
attracts a NEW tRNA and its amino acid.
 It joins the 1st and 2nd amino acid together with a
peptide bond.
 The ribosome continues to read the
mRNA and attract complimentary tRNA
to create a growing polypeptide chain

 One the mRNA has been completely

read and a polypeptide has been
translated the mRNA and polypeptide
leave the ribosome

 The polypeptide then folds up on itself

and the protein is then complete!
Transcription & Translation
• Transcription is the Reading of the DNA and
Changing the code to mRNA.
• Translation is changing the mRNA into a
trait by Using tRNA to interpret the mRNA.
Protein Synthesis
Proteins/ Gene Expression
• Proteins make up all living

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