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When we learn a
language, there are
4 macro skills that
we need for success
 It is an active process by which we make
sense of, assess, and respond to what we
 It is the process of receiving, constructing
meaning from, and responding to spoken
and/or nonverbal messages.
Listening vs Hearing

Hearing – physical process; natural; passive


Listening – physical and mental process; active; learned

process; a skill
Types of Listening
 Appreciative Listening
 Emphatic Listening
 Comprehensive/Active Listening
 Critical/ Analytical Listening
Appreciative Listening
 listening for pleasure
and enjoyment, as when
we listen to music, to a
comedy routine, or to an
entertaining speech.
Emphatic Listening
 listening to provide
emotional support for the
speaker, as when a
psychiatrist listens to a
patient or when we lend a
sympathetic ear to a friend.
 listening to understand the
message of a speaker, as
when we attend a classroom
lecture or listen to directions
for finding a friend’s house.
Three Main Degrees Active Listening
1. Repeating requires perceiving, paying attention,
and remembering.
2. Paraphrasing requires thinking and reasoning. It
involves rendering the message using similar phrase
arrangement to the ones used by the speaker.
3. Reflecting involves rendering the message using
your own words and sentence structure.
Critical/ Analytical Listening
 listening to evaluate a
message for purposes of
accepting or rejecting it, as
when we listen to the sales
pitch of a used-car dealer or
the campaign speech of a
political candidate.
What is Critical thinking skill?
 What is the intellectually disciplines process
of actively and skillfully conceptualizing,
applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or
evaluating information gathered from or
generated by, observation, experience,
reflection, reasoning.
Critical thinkers are those who are able to do the
1. Recognize problems and find workable solutions to those
2. Understand the importance of prioritization in the
hierarchy of problem solving tasks.
3. Gather relevant information.
4. Read between the lines by recognizing what is not said or

Responding Understanding

Evaluating Remembering
(Judging) (Recalling)
Receiving – it refers to the response caused by
sound waves stimulating the sensory receptors
of the ear.

Understanding – it is the stage at which you

learn what the speaker means - the thoughts and
emotional tone.
Remembering – this is retaining messages
for at least some period of time.

What you remember is actually not what

was said but what you think was said.
Evaluating – It consists of judging the messages
in some way. At times, you may try to evaluate
the speaker’s underlying intentions or motives.
Effective listeners should deliberately reduce the
influence of their own viewpoint until they have
first understood the speaker’s ideas.
Responding – this stage requires that the
receiver complete the process through verbal
and/or nonverbal feedback, because the speaker
has no other way to determine if a message has
been received.
This stage marks the start of a new cycle where
the listener takes his turn as a speaker.
What is Reading?
 It is a process carried out and used by a reader to
acquire message which is conveyed by a writer
through words and could be known and seen by
reader. (Tarigan, 2008)
 They all boil down to one thing: reading involves the
use of a code that has to be interpreted for
meaning (Romero & Romero 1985).
 Reading is decoding written symbols.
 Reading is getting meaning from printed page.
 Reading is putting meaning into the printed page.
 Reading is the process of interpreting the written
 Reading is the process of communication
between author and reader.
1. Reading is a complex process.
2. Reading is a two-way process.
3. Reading is largely a visual process.
4. Reading is an active process.
5. Reading makes use of a linguistic system
which enables readers to be more effective
users of written language.
Reading Techniques
Reading is one good habit that
can do wonders in a person’s life;
it can even change human life
significantly. It can entertain us,
amuse us, and enrich us with
knowledge and experiences.
1. Skimming. This reading technique is
used for looking for main ideas in a
text, without going into the details.
Under this technique, we read quickly
to get the main points and skip over
the detail.
Despite the fact that piranhas are relatively harmless, many people
continue to believe the pervasive myth that piranhas are dangerous to
humans. This impression of piranhas is exacerbated by their
mischaracterization in popular media. For example, the promotional
poster for the 1978 horror film Piranha features an oversized piranha
poised to bite the leg of an unsuspecting woman. Such a terrifying
representation easily captures the imagination and promotes
unnecessary fear. While the trope of the man-eating piranhas lends
excitement to the adventure stories, it bears little resemblance to the
real-life piranha. By paying more attention to fact than fiction, humans
may finally be able to let go of this inaccurate belief.
This certain circumnavigation [of the globe] forever altered the
Western world’s ideas about cosmology – the study of the universe
and our place in it – as well as geography. It demonstrated, among
other things, that the earth was round, that the Americas were not
part of India but were actually a separate continent, and that
oceans covered most of the earth’s surface. The voyage
conclusively demonstrated that the earth is, after all, one world.
But it also demonstrated that it was a world of unceasing conflict,
both natural and human. This famous circumnavigation, of course,
was done by Ferdinand Magellan.
When skimming, try to do the following:
 Don’t read everything
 Read the first and last sentences of the
 Read the introduction and the summary.
 Read a few examples until you
understand until you understand the
concept they want to illustrate
2. Scanning. This is a reading
strategy that is used for getting
some specific points by looking
at the whole text.
3. Comprehensive Reading. When
undertaking comprehensive reading,
your aim must be clear in mind.
Readers must read carefully and slowly
in order to get information and
understand the text.
4. Casual Reading. This is the
type of reading where the person
reads a certain text for enjoyment
or other personal reasons.
5. Critical Reading
To be able to read critically, the student
must learn to:
a. Examine the reliability of the material
b. Distinguish facts from opinions
c. Draw inferences from the material
Writing defined…
 Writing is a medium of human communication
that involves the representation of a
language with symbols. It is the process of
using symbols (letters of the alphabet,
punctuation and spaces) to communicate
thoughts and ideas in a readable form.
Language defined…
 It is the principal method of
human communication,
consisting of words used in a
structured and conventional
way and conveyed by
speech, writing, or gesture.
A composition of writer’s thinking
starts with letters, creating a
word, to a group of words,
turning it to a sentence, and later
on, composing a paragraph.
Paragraph defined…
 A paragraph is a self-contained unit
of discourse in writing dealing with a
particular point or idea. A paragraph
consists of one or more sentences.
1. The Topic Sentence
 it serves two functions: first, it functions as
the thesis of your paragraph; second, it pushes
the thesis of your essay forward and presents
an arguable point.
The topic sentence is usually the first or
second sentence of a paragraph.
2. Supporting
•These are sentences that
supports the main thesis of the
3. Concluding Observation
It closes your paragraph with an observation that is
more than just summary of the contents of the
The concluding observation provides a final idea
that leads to the next step in your argument.
The observation is usually the last or second-to-
last sentence in the paragraph.
Filipinos nowadays are slowly, but surely embracing their toxic
culture on different aspects of their lives.
Such instances is the “crab mentality” wherein people in this so-
called “Pearl of the Orient” will choose to ridicule and lower the
confidence of a fellow-Filipino if they are on their stature of
elevation and success. People will rather say negative things to
their kin than congratulate them.
These, amongst the other things, prove that Filipinos are slowly
descending to the darkness of their culture. However, if we aim to
change, we need to start it from ourselves.
She might be possibly the most difficult woman to be
accustomed to. All of her behaviors, gestures, and
expressions do not fail to insult me to no end and as a
man, I cannot temper my patience anymore.

Everyday, she will shout at me to wake me up. Worse,

she will shower me with hot water if I never said a
response- a troublesome woman.
She will force me to walk with her on our way to
school and make me listen to her endless rambling,
alike to a never-ending soliloquy of how her day went
yesterday- truly, a self-absorbed woman.

When there are problems in the school and I mess it up,

she will always laugh at me as she pats my back with
an intention of making fun of me- a genuine trickster.
However, as time went by, these annoyances became
something that was light as I realized that all of these
characteristics, antics, and shenanigans of her are for
my sake.

So indeed, yes…Paloma is a pain. She is a

troublesome woman…but I also adore her for all of
her imperfections.
1. Intro, Body, and
2. Inverted Pyramid.

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