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Create Defect Reports

Level: Practitioner

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Create Defect Reports

The below are topics on which questions are framed to test your understanding

 Defect reports and its related details.

 Defect severity and priority

 The Rejected and deferred defects report.

Test Your Understanding

1. Scenario's to be consider during the defect report review are?

A. Rejected defects is high in past releases

B. Escalation/Concerns from development team about the quality of the Defect
C. Both 1 & 2
D. None of the above

2. Below are the causes which can be analyzed through Rejected Defects Report.
Choose the right options.
A. No of Deferred Defects
B. No of Duplicate defects logged
C. Defect could not be reproduced properly
D. No of Severity Defects
E. None of the above

Test Your Understanding

3. Cosmetic defect relates to an error in the system where the changes are
associated to the functionality of the application.
State True or False


4. Identify the valid reasons for Defect Rejection from the below
A. Defect logged relates to upcoming build
B. Defects logged for Out of scope requirements.
C. Tester name not included in defect log
D. Complete Duplicate of another defect

Create Defect Reports
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