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6 Worst Product

Failures and Flops From

the Past 5 Years
By Sam Becker / November 16, 2018
1. Samsung Galaxy Note 7

The problem: product defect

In late 2017, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 had one of the most dangerous debuts ever. After its release,
consumers reported that the smartphone’s batteries were spontaneously catching fire. This led to 
massive recalls, and millions, if not billions, in lost revenue. Fortunately, Samsung redeemed itself
with future models. Fin24 Tech reported, “It is safe to assume the Note 7 won’t affect sales of the S8
– a truly well-crafted device.”
2. Watermelon Oreo

The problem: a bad flavor combination

A stroll down the cookie aisle at your local grocer will reveal Oreo and Chips Ahoy
flavors you’d never expect, including Swedish Fish and birthday cake. Some are
reasonable, but nothing will be quite as weird as the limited-edition Watermelon
3. Google Glass

The problem: didn’t live up to consumer expectations

Google has created a lot of experimental tech, and plenty of it has found practical
use. Google Glass was one of the most hyped products from Google headquarters;
millions of people were psyched to try it. Unfortunately, it just didn’t really work
out. We’ll see similar technology hit the market in the future. But Google Glass may
have been ahead of its time.
4. HP Touchpad

The problems: rushed production and a poor operating system

You shouldn’t half-ass things. HP learned this the hard way when it announced a
product designed to rival the Apple iPad in 2011. The Touchpad barely got off the
ground, however. With flawed software, bad marketing, and many other
disappointing factors, the Touchpad is a case study for how not to create and release
a tech product.
5. Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet

The problems: expensive and ugly

Do you remember the Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet? This convertible SUV sold
miserably before ending production in 2014. It “looked like an angry clothing iron,”
according to auto expert Doug DeMuro, and it cost way too much ($48,000). Now
the CrossCabriolet lands on several “worst cars of all time” lists.
6. McDonald’s Wings

The problems: high cost, too spicy, and odd appearance

McDonald’s has conducted many food experiments, like spaghetti and mozzarella
sticks. But one product never made sense: the Mighty Wings. Debuted in 1990,
these hot wings lasted until 2003 and returned briefly in 2013. They didn’t last,
however. Most consumers deemed the Mighty Wings too spicy and expensive.
Many also felt the wings looked like McNuggets with bones attached.

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