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Chapter 1 Reflect on personal efficacy

Topic 1.3: Review Personal Performance

How to Review your Personal Performance

Without performance reviews it’s easy to coast along

without noticing the pitfalls that are stopping you from
achieving your goals. Similarly, it is surprisingly easy to
miss your own achievements and the chance to give
yourself a well-earned pat on the back.
1. Review Regularly
 Regular reviews enable you to keep on top of your
objectives, making you more likely to achieve them on an
ongoing basis. This will lead to increasingly positive
performance reviews, making them feel like much less of a
 Regular feedback doesn’t just have to come from you. There’s
no harm in regularly asking for feedback from clients, in fact
they will probably value your open and proactive approach.
This type of feedback is invaluable for performance reviews
as it helps you to remain objective and determine how your
performance is rated by the people who matter the most.
2. Determine Your Role
 You may think that your role is clear cut, but you
might be surprised by the amount of unexpected
tasks that find their way into your daily routine.
Similarly, you may find that some essential tasks
aren’t being performed regularly.
 Begin by noting down what you consider your
official job role to be, from both your perspective
and the clients. For example, you may see yourself
as a Copywriter, but your clients may be utilizing
you as a Content Strategist.
2. Determine Your Role
 Writing down your regular responsibilities will help
with this step. Include all of the official tasks that
make your position what it is, as well as any other
tasks that your clients may ask you to do.
 Once you have a complete picture of what makes up
your role, look for any gaps in tasks that are
necessary for your role to be a success. Doing this
can be illuminating as you will usually stumble upon
something that you should be doing, but aren’t.
Determine Your Role
 Now arrange these lists in order of importance, with
the most success-critical tasks at the top. Make a note
of the tasks that you spend most of your time on, as
well as the ones you enjoy doing the most.
 This process will provide you with insight into what
your role currently is, compared to what you want
or need it to be. You can use this insight to focus on
developing a healthy balance between what you love
doing and what is essential for your business.
3. Identify Your Achievements
 It can be all too easy to dwell on things when they go
wrong, which is why it’s so important to regularly
identify your achievements.
 When identifying your achievements, don’t just pick the
big ones. That’s too easy. Instead start small and build up
to the bigger, easier to remember successes. Consider
creating a weekly or even daily ‘success log’ to use in
this step. This will not only keep you in a positive
mindset in the long run, but it will also ensure that
you don’t miss out any important achievements.
Identify Your Achievements
 Now note down the factors that contributed to these
successes. These could be specific behaviors,
colleagues and clients, or even software that you
have been using. By identifying these factors you
will be more likely to repeat them in future tasks,
increasing the likelihood of success.
 By including this step in your personal review you
will be in a much more positive state of mind for
the next one.
4. Identify Your Mistakes
 As difficult as it may be, now is the time to acknowledge any
mistakes that have been made; either by you or by others.
 Begin by pinpointing exactly what went wrong and your
involvement in the situation. While the mistake may not
have been entirely your fault, you may have been able to do
something differently to help the situation.
 Once you have identified what went wrong and how, you can
plan to avoid those mistakes being made in the future. This
will help you to establish positive and proactive steps as a
response to your mistakes, as opposed to denying their
existence or dwelling on them
5. Identify Your Goals
 At this point you should be in a good mindset to identify
the goals that you want or need to accomplish before
your next review. These should be continuously referred
to in order to to ensure that you are making progress.
 Begin by clearly identifying your goals. I’d
recommend starting with smaller, immediately
actionable goals so that you regularly experience ‘small
wins’. Also include one or two high-level, big-picture
goals with the aim to make larger, more noticeable
improvements to your whole business.
6. Set Your Objectives
 Now you can determine the objectives needed to achieve these
goals. These should be broken down into small and achievable
steps so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. 
 Note down any barriers that may stop you from achieving
your goals and how you will overcome them. At this point
you may decide that you need help or training to achieve these
objectives, so remember to action such points.
 Each objective should contain a time frame, because without
one, you will have nothing specific to aim for. If your objective
needs to be accomplished in say one year’s time, break it down
further so you have something to work towards in the meantime.
7. Keep a Diary
 This may all seem like a lot of work for a performance
review with just yourself, but there’s actually a secret to
making it as simple as possible.
 You will likely find that the bulk of the work is done in
your first session, after which you can save time and
energy by keeping a diary that logs all of the above on a
regular basis.
 By doing this you will not only be able to track your
progress, but you will also have all the information required
for your next performance review. This will save you lots
of time.
Topic 1.3
 Review own capacity as a role model in terms of
ability to build trust, confidence and respect of
diverse groups and relevant individuals
Review your capacity as a role model

 A role model is someone who has a special

interpersonal influence that gets an individual or
group to do what they want because the groups and
individuals have trust and confidence in, and
respect for, the person.
Do you?
 Do you:
  evoke or empower to your full potential
  integrate streams of knowledge and expertise
  create a vision
  anticipate, think and plan
  motivate and empower others
  develop and use appropriate communication networks
  effectively coordinate your own and others’ work
Your values
 Your relationship with a friend/family member
 Consider how you would rate the relationships you
have with a good friend or close family member.
Your values
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 –

Honesty                     Dishonesty

Trust                     Distrust

Courage                     Cowardice

Dignity                     Undignifying

Fair                     Unfair

Loving                     Unloving
Your values
 Your relationship with a work colleague
 Then consider how you would rate the relationships
you have with a work colleague. Reflect on the
differences if any. Are they appropriate? Do you
need to review the values you bring in to your work
Your values
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 –

Honesty                     Dishonesty

Trust                     Distrust

Courage                     Cowardice

Dignity                     Undignifying

Fair                     Unfair

Loving                     Unloving
Values scale
 With this model, the continuum is from 1 to 10, with 1 closest to
the characteristic on the left-hand column (eg completely honest)
and 10 closet to the characteristic on the right (eg completely
 To apply this model, simply identify an issue and ask the
following questions:
 Was the behaviour…
 honest or dishonest?
 trusting or untrusting?
 courageous or cowardice?
 dignifying or undignifying?
 fair or unfair?
 loving or unloving?
Activity 1
 ‘Integrity’ and ‘respect’ are two strong words.
What do they mean to you?
Treating people with integrity,
respect and empathy

 Accept individual differences

 Make sure there are mutual benefits
 Tap into the strengths of each person
 Tap into skills
 Influence your colleagues—and the work culture
 Communicate honestly and openly
 Adhere to organisational codes and standards
 Learn to make ethical decisions
 Reflect
 Honour commitments to action
 Model behaviour
 Build confidence through feedback

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