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The theory of evolution explained

with the Coronavirus

By: Gabriel Quijano and Daniela Luque
Introduction to the coronavirus

 Is a virus that comes from an animal.

 It was first discovered in Wuhan, China.
 Habitual symptoms: fever, fatigue, dry cough, muscle pain and respiratory distress.
 Currently, there is a pandemic because of this virus.
 The virus spreads by air, normally with droplets that come from the mouth or nose of the infected person.
 The coronavirus reproduces itself in the human body.
 After five days, there is a big enough population of the virus, so that the body
starts fighting against it.
Theory of the experiment

 We want to prove that the coronavirus evolved from the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome) to the SARS-Co-V2.
Disease Respiratory Respiratory
Case zero 2002 in China 2019 in China
Mortality rate 10% 3%
Total cases 8098 42.9 million (still active)
Form of transmition By droplets of mouth and By droplets of mouth and
nose nose
Symptoms fever, fatigue, dry cough, fever, fatigue, dry cough,
muscle pain and muscle pain and
respiratory distress respiratory distress

 The experiment would be with two separated populations

with the same characteristics (race, diseases, gender, age,
 Both populations will have to be in the same environment and
will have the same medical attention and capacity of testing
and treating the virus.
 Only one person of each population will be infected (one with
the SARS and the other with SARS-Cov-2) and we will
observe how many people of each population have the virus
after one month.
Hoped results

 We hope that the virus evolved from the SARS to SARS-CoV-2.

 If it actually evolved, it could be seen in the infection rate.
 The other characteristics would be the same or similar.
 Another result would be that diseases actually evolve, proving that Darwin´s theory of evolution exists.


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