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First speaker : putri cholifah

Infectious illnesses
rashes look different on different people.
Meningitis is caused by bacteria or
Which infect the membranes covering the
Type meningitis of the disease
Bacterialmeningitis is less common and
more serious
Meningitis is rare bacterial types
◦ Meningococcal
◦ Haemophilus influensae
How to recognise
Babies may refuse food
Have a staring expression
Moaning cry
May be difficult to wake up
High fever
What to do
If you are worried abaot your child,
Call your doctor straight away to get advice
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver
This can be caused by transmitted from
an infected mom to her baby during
pregnancy ot at birth
Recognise = chek lab.
Prevention = immunisation
More infectious
Chickenpox = a rash red and there water
in skin all body, high fever
Measles = cold and cough, high fever,
rash red
Mumps = swelling around the cheeks and
neck, high fever, pain , high fever
Rubella = rash in face, high fever
Whooping = cold and cough for two
By : febrianti
Immunisation – the safest way to
protect your child

Immunisation protects your child. It’s

quick,simple and safe.
The more children who are immunised,
the rarer the diseases become.
The purpose of this section is to help you
to understand the benefits of
Why immunise ?

These children’s diseases are serious

2.Whooping cough
The vaccines and how to protect
your child
Hib vaccine is given at 2,3 and 4 monts at the
same time
as DPT injections.
Polio vaccine is given as drops by mounth.
The vaccines which immunise against
Mumps and rubella are also combined into
one injections.
This combined vaccine is known as MMR
ana it replaced
The measless vaccine.
The best time to have it is between 12 and 15

At 2 – at 4 monts :hib,diptheria whooping cough

at 12-18 monts : measles,mumps,rubella
ussually before 15 monts:
MMR one injection
3-5 years : diphteria,tetanus,polio
Worries about reactions and
side effects

After any of these

children may feel a bit
Unwell for a while or be
or even have a temperature

Side effects from the triple vaccine

(DPT) are almonts
Always mild.your baby may become
fretful and
Slighty feverish within 24 hours of the
Worried about
The risk of harmful cmplications from any of
these vaccines is extremely small indeed.
The risks of harmful effects from the
diseases themselves are munch more serious.

Does immunisation guarantee my

child will be protected

Almost all children get long-

lasting and effective
protection from the diseases

By : chetarina
safety checklist Danger of falls
 Put babies in bouncing chairs on the
Danger of choking and floor,not a table or worktop.
suftocation  For babies who are crawling and unsteady
 Keep small objects away from babes
and small children who minght put them
in their mouths.
 toddlers,use a properly fixed stair
gate,preferably at both top and bottom of
Danger of burns and Danger of cuts
scalds  Low lewel glass in doors and windows is
 Keep everything hot out of children’s
dangerous,especially ancer your child is on
 Use a fire guard,fixed to the the move.
wall,round any kind of open fire  Keep all sharp things away from children.
(coal,gas or electric) or a hod stove .
 Danger of poisoning
 Lock medicines away.don’t keep
even the odd bottle out. Danger in cars
 Watch your child when you’re in  The only safe way for

other people’s houses.
anybody,aduld or child,to travel in
 Danger of from a car is properly restrained.
electricity  It is not only extremery
 Cover electric sockets with safety dangerour but also illegal to hold a
covers when not in use. baby in your arms in the fronttseat
 Repair worn flexes. of car or to let a yourng child travel
in the front seat without a restraint
 Danger of dro wning
 Nover leave a baby ar young child Danger on the roads
alone in the bart h not for a moment.  Nover let a child on or near
 Always watch and stay near chilren roadsalone.
playing in or near water ponds,paddling  Hold your child’s hand when
pools,the sea. you’re out neat roads.

Coping with accidents
You’ll have to cope with some
accidents while your child is
young,mostly minor but maybe major

Learn basic firsm aid,or revese

what your already know.
Make sure you knou what to do to
get help in an emergency.
Emergency first
By. Siti aminah
 If pale,unwell or feeling faint after an accident,
help the child to lie down
 If a lot of blood has been lost, keep the head down
and raise the legs
 Keep the child coveredup and warm but not too
 Dont give anything to drink after accident
Emergency first aid
 In a emergency don’t panic. Try to keep calm
 The really important things to check immeciately
are breating, consciousness and bleeding
Check breathing
 If the child has stopped breathing, check the
airway is clear, then give mouth to mounth
Mouth to mouth
 Check the airway is clear
 Squeeze the nostrils together
 Take your mouth away
 Repair this abaout 15 times a minute
 Then gently place place the child in the recovery
Heart massage
 Lay the child on his/her back on the floor
 Press in the lower half of the child’s breast bone
 The child will not start breathing until after the
heart has started beating
 Once the the heart has started beating
 The gently place the child in the recovery
Check consciousness
 Itis dangerous for an uncoscious child to lie on
his/her back because the throat can be bloked by
the tounge or by vomit
Dial 999
 If you need help, phone for an ambulance
Check bleeding
 Ifthere severe bleeding, prees firmly on the wound
using pad of clean cloth or your fingers
Broken bones
 Don’t move the child if you think injured
 If move please be very gentle
 Call an ambulance
 Don’t give a child abything to drink
 Dont waste time trying to pick the object our with
your finger
 For babies and small children,quickly turn them
upside down,holding them by the legs

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