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Combating PRESSURE to

use Drugs by saying “NO”

Name of R.E.A.D.Y Officer
• Learn about pressure
• Know the sources of pressure

• Identify the sources of pressure; and

• Apply the lessons learned in

real life situations
• Obedience to the laws
• Consequences of our actions
• Being READY
• Harmful Effects of Gateway

Johnny, Johnny…
Do you know that
there are many
reasons why
people use drugs?
Reasons for using drugs:
1. Curiosity
2. Problems
3. Looking for attention
4. To feel good
5. Pressure
Most of the time we
do things because
of pressure.
What is
Pressure is a force
or influence that
makes one act and
do something.
Sources of pressure:
1. Personal – wants, belief or goods

2. Family – expectations from family

3. Environment – the things that surrounds
you which influences you to act or do
4. Peer – those who belong to your same
age group or social group
The most
persuasive or powerful
type of pressure is
what we refer to as
“peer pressure”
Kinds of peer pressure:
1. Friendly Peer Pressure – pressure which
is to be done in a friendly manner.
Example: cheating
2. Teasing Peer Pressure – a pressure
for you to do something by means of
teasing. Example: getting stuff or
money that is not yours.
Kinds of peer pressure:

3. Indirect/ Tempting Pressure – a

pressure that is not a direct offer.
Example: Today is my birthday,
lets drink alcohol.
4. Heavy Pressure – a pressure
using threat or intimidation or
strongest influence. Example:
If you don’t join us, you are our
of the group.
In dealing with Peer
Pressure always think of
your safety and security in
order for you to have a
good or better judgment.
You also have to be alert
and ready.
As READY students, we must
always say “NO” to all negative
peer pressure, especially the
pressure to use drugs.
Always remember the formula:
Nurture your dreams, and exert more effort on your studies
Obey your elders and spend time with your family

Think and give time for yourself

Observe a healthy and well balanced life

Daily prayer can help you a lot

Resist negative peer pressures
Use your good judgment when making a decision
Go and engage in sports activities
Seek the help of authorities

 The reasons why people use drugs are: Curiosity; Problems;

Looking for attention; To feel good; and Pressure.
 Pressure is defined as a force or influence that makes one
act and do something.
 The sources of pressure are: personal, family,
environment and peers.
 Peer Pressure is defined as a force or influence
coming from one’s peer, or of similar age
bracket,which makes one act or do something.

On the next meeting, we are

going to learn about the reasons
why some people, especially those
who are young are influenced to
do bad things.
Always Remember:

Be READY and Say

“No To Drugs”

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