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Rover Scouting

• There is a great danger in man pretending to be what
he is not.
• Many men stumble on this rock.
• They think that by pretending, they are being smart.
• They may be able to fool people around them
momentarily, but sooner or later this pretentiousness
will be discovered to their embarrassment.
• Another form of hypocrisy, which the Lord
repudiated, is pretending to be guardians of
the law but adjusting it to suit their own
needs. There are “those who pray in church
during Sundays, but prey on their neighbors
the rest of the week.”
• Try to be what you are and work on your
own strengths. Cultivate what you have
instead of trying to be what you are not. “In
the world is darkness, we must all shine,
you in your corner, I in mine.”
• A story is told of a juggler who wanted to be a monk. He,
however, could not endure the long prayers monks were
accustomed to doing. Every time the other monks prayed,
he always fell asleep. One evening he took his juggling
balls, knives, and torches. He went inside the church and
before the altar of God, he started juggling with the
equipment he brought. He did it with precision and so
perseveringly until he dropped exhausted. He prayed
asking God’s forgiveness as juggling was what he could do
best and what he could only offer.

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