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What is the lithotomy position?
• The lithotomy position is often used during childbirth and surgery in
the pelvic area.
• It involves lying on your back with your legs flexed 90 degrees at your
hips. Your knees will be bent at 70 to 90 degrees, and padded foot
rests attached to the table will support your legs.
Lithotomy position during birth
• The lithotomy position was the standard birthing position used by
many hospitals.
• It was often used during the second stage of labor, when you start
• Some doctors prefer it because it gives them better access to both
mother and baby.
• But hospitals are now moving away from this position; increasingly,
they’re using birthing beds, birthing chairs, and the squatting position.
• In addition to making it harder to push during labor, the lithotomy position is also
associated with some complications.
• One studyTrusted Source found that the lithotomy position increased the likelihood
of needing an episiotomy. This involves cutting the tissue between the vagina and
anus, also called the perineum, making it easier for the baby to pass through. A
2012 studyTrusted Source similarly found a higher risk of perineal tears in the
lithotomy position. Another study linked the lithotomy position with an increased
risk of injury to the perineum when compared with squatting lying on your side.

• Another study comparing the lithotomy position to squatting positions found that
women who gave birth in the lithotomy position were more likely to need a
Caesarian section or forceps to remove their baby.
• Lastly, a studyTrusted Source looking at more than 100,000 births found that the
lithotomy position increased a woman’s risk of a sphincter injury due to increased
pressure. Sphincter injuries can have lasting effects, including:
• fecal incontinence
• pain
• discomfort
• sexual dysfunction
• Keep in mind that giving birth is a complex process with many potential complications,
regardless of the position used. In some cases, the lithotomy position may the safest
option due to the baby’s position in the birth canal.
• As you go through your pregnancy, talk to your doctor about possible birthing positions.
They can help you come up with options that balance your personal preferences with
safety precautions.

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