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Pregnancy and labour

Elvant Olrando Darlin


Starting from fertilization, where millions of sperm cells will

compete towards the egg while releasing an enzyme that
can make one of the sperm succeed in reaching its
destination, namely the egg. During fertilization, a
chemical change occurs that prevents other sperm from
entering the egg.

When one of the sperm successfully enters the egg, the

next pregnancy process is when the sperm enters the
nucleus of the cell that carries the genetic code, which
then fuses with the genetic code of the fertilized egg.
Furthermore, the sperm determines the sex of the baby by
the 46 chromosomes that make up the genetic

Childbirth is defined as the process of releasing the

product of conception or what we usually refer to as a
fetus or womb. Generally, a mother will feel happy and
happy before the delivery process after a long wait. Some
will feel scared and anxious, both happy and anxious, this
is normal after a mother is 9 months pregnant.

The childbirth process is also a tiring process, both for the

mother and the father because patience is needed in the
process. There are many things that must be known and
done to ensure that both the mother and the little one are
in good health before and after childbirth. Not only that,
the method of childbirth must also be known so that the
mother can prepare everything well in the future.
diseases and conditions to
avoid in pregnancy, from
pregnancy to birth
prohibition of food and drink for pregnant women :
• Raw foods
• eating spicy food
• herbal teas
• unpasteurized milk
• alcohol and caffeine
activities that are prohibited for pregnant women :
• Smoking
• hot water bath
• cleaning sometimes pets
• beautifying nails
• undergoing strenuous physical activity

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