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Google analytics

Note: Also link the google search console to the analytics to get the keywords customers are reaching you
Note: The Traffic coming to your website direct is called Dark Traffic. Direct traffic should be around 20% of the
traffic max.
Note: By adding a segment name dark traffic. We
will be able to know how much traffic is Direct or
through search.
Note : Most of the SEO should be focus on the goal like filling the form or get a sale. We need data to guide us.
From The Annotation we will know the change we made is good or bad. So we can avoid the same mistake again.
Note : Comparing Traffic year on Year. This will tell us it is becoming better year on year.
Note: you can see which blog are perform over time. Those are blogs you want to create more to drive lead, Sale
and lead to conversion.
Note: See which social media is converting. See Which social media is driving revenue.
Note : In majority of the time the data of goal is not accurate. if it shows 100 conversion on google at the back end it
may show only 70 or 80. so use this data to see which is working and not working.
Note : if see that there is huge impressions and no click then you need to change the Meta Title and Meta Description
to get more traffic to the website.
Note : After 30 days check it is working or not.

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