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Uses of Mixtures

By: Jesieca O. Ayap

Mixtures are everywhere. In fact, the air you are
breathing is a mixture of oxygen nitrogen, and
other gases. Mixtures are used in many processes
and are very useful to us. Can you name some
useful mixtures? How can mixtures become
beneficial? Look at the examples below.
Cleaning agents are used in
whitening, sanitizing,
disinfecting or in keeping
good hygiene. These
products are a combination
of chemicals.
An example is liquid bleach,
which is a mixture of
sodium hypochlorite,
sodium hydroxide, and
sodium chloride or salt.
Some mixtures are
sources of energy and
An examples Crude oil
can be refined to
produce gasoline,
diesel, and biofuels that
are used for running
machines and for
Jewelries are also a
combination of other
materials to make them
harder. Gold jewelries are
usually a mix of gold and
other metals, such as silver,
copper, and nickel. Some
gemstones like garnet is
composed of magnesium,
iron, or calcium aluminum
Metals are mixed with
other metals to make it
harder and stronger.
They are called alloys.
An example of alloy is
brass, which is a
mixture of copper and
zinc. Some alloys are
used in making
cookware and building
Food ingredients are
combined together to
develop dishes that will
satisfy our appetite. An
example is a vegetable
salad. Can you identify
the ingredients
Medicines are used to
cure diseases or ease
symptoms. Some
medicines are extracted
from plants, others are
made by combining
chemicals. Different
Ingredients are
necessary for a
medicine to function.

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