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What are the structure
of female
reproductive system?
 The menstrual cycle starts on the first day of
menstrual period and ends with the start of the
following period.
It is made up of four phases during which
hormones change to prepare women for pregnancy
each month.
OVERVIEW It is natural to experience some discomfort during
the menstrual cycle while other issues might require
a visit to the doctor
Treating these problems depends on their causes.
There are several methods and advice to relieve
pain before and during a menstrual period.
The process in a woman of discharging blood
and other material from the lining of the uterus
at intervals of one lunar moth (28 days) from
N puberty until menopause except during
1. Cycle of natural changes that occurs in the
uterus and ovary as an essential part of making
sexual reproduction possible

Significance 2. Essential for the production of eggs.

3. Preparation of the uterus for pregnancy
4. Fertile period of a woman’s life between
menarche and menopause.
A menstrual cycle consists of natural changes
that occur in a woman’s body every month in
preparation for pregnancy. Menstruation start
at puberty and ends at menopause.
MENSTRUAL The cycle last an average of 28 days but may
CYCLE vary of 20 and 40 days. The first day of cycle is
the first day of a menstrual period and the last
day is that the following period.
Menarche- age at onset of menstruation. First
Primary amenorrhea- absence of menstruation
despite signs of puberty.
Secondary amenorrhea- absence of menstruation
Key terms and for 3-6 months in a woman who previously
definitions Dysfunctional uterine bleeding- irregular bleeding
due to anovulation cycle.
Menorrhagia- regular menstrual intervals
excessive flow and duration
Metrorrhagia- irregular menstrual intervals
excessive flow and duration
Duration of menstrual flow
Normal Quality of menstruation

features of Amount of blood loss

menstruation The flow pattern

Associated symptoms
First Menstrual Period

The menstrual cycle often begins at puberty between the ages of 8 and 15.( average
age of 12 It usually starts two years after breast and pubic hair start to develop


MENSTRUATION: is the elimination of the internal lining of the uterine wall
along with other secretions from the body through the vagina. It usually last three
to 7 days but this could change to more or less days from month to month and
depending on each woman.
FOLLICLE PHASE: The follicular phase starts on
the first day of menstruation and ends with
ovulation. During this phase the pituitary gland
( situated at the base of the brain ) release a follicle
(cyst) stimulating hormone. This hormone produces
10-20 follicles in the ovary and each follicles
Follicle Phase houses an immature egg.
These follicle produce the hormone estrogen, which
in turn thickens the lining of the endometrium in
preparation to receive a fertilized egg. Only one
follicle keeps growing and travels to the ovarian
surface while the remaining follicles gradually fade
and are absorbed back into the body.

OVULATION: it occurs 12-16 days before the following period but not necessarily in the
middle of the cycle.
The term OVULATION indicates the formation of a mature egg by one of the ovaries.

The release of estrogen during the follicular phase causes the brain to produce a gonadotrophin-
releasing hormone that prompts the pituitary gland to produce raised level of luteinizing hormone
The extracts of mature egg from the follicle and transport it from the ovary to the fallopian tube.
If the fertilization does not occur during this phase the egg continues to the uterus and dissolves
within 6-24 hours.
Luteal Phase

During this phase, the follicle from which the mature egg burst out released a large quantity of
progesterone and some estrogen.
The two hormones help thicken the lining of the endometrium and maintain its thickness.

 If fertilization does not occur, the yellow body degrades and progesterone level decrease,
leaving the lining unstable. The lining then falls away and new menstrual cycle periods begins
Physical changes
 breast tenderness and swelling
Diarrhea or constipation

PREMENSTRUA Bloating and gas

(PMS) Headaches or backaches
Fluid retention
Inability to tolerate noise or bright lights
Psychological Changes
Aggressive behavior and irritability
Trouble sleeping
Changes in appetite
Difficulty concentrating and remembering
Stress and anxiety
Mood swing
Depression or sadness
Reduced libido
Common issues during menstrual cycle

CRAMPS: many women experience stomach spasm during the first few days of their cycle. They occur because
of chemicals in the body that cause the uterine muscles to contract to help shed the uterine lining.
DYSMENORRHEA: painful periods

2 types of dysmenorrhea

1. Primary dysmenorrhea: occurs because of the contraction in uterine muscles. Usually during adolescence and
fades away with age. You may suffer from primary dysmenorrhea
• started menstruating before the age of 11

• Have heavy and long periods/ experience psychological pressures.

2. Secondary Dysmenorrhea: it is pain resulting from physical problems. The pain becomes
worse with age and lasts longer than the pain of primary dysmenorrhea.

The most common health issues that may cause are


Uterine fibroids

Ovarian cysts
 IRREGULAR PERIODS :a girl’s body begins
to regulate her menstrual period 2-3 years after the
cycle start. The body tries to adjust to the hormonal
changes .A cycle is considered to be irregular if it
shorter or longer than usual.
Irregularities occur for the following reasons:
• eating disorder
•Thyroid disorder
•Medicine in epilepsy
•Polycystic ovary syndrome
•Premature ovarian failure
•PID/obesity/diabetes ( irregular blood sugar levels)
EXCESSIVE BLEEDING: may occur due to
the following causes;
•Ovulation issues: an imbalance of hormones
during ovulation may lead to the excessive
formation of an internal uterine lining which in
turn increases the amount of blood shed during
•Bleeding disorder like Hemophilia
•Use of intrauterine device (IUD)
•Problem conceiving like miscarriage, ectopic
•Hormonal changes during puberty or before
•Ovarian cysts
•Malignant tumor such as uterine ,ovarian or
cervical cancer.
Family history
Clinical test

DIAGNOSIS Laboratory test

Scan; x-ray or Ct-scan
Treatment for Medicine : painkillers or hormone treatment
common ( birth control pills, thyroid hormone treatment)

menstruation Surgery: considered a last sort like cyst

If the menstrual cycle begins before the age
of 8
If a girl is 15 years old but has not started her
When to see cycle

the doctors If the cycle does not start within three years
of breast development
during puberty
If the menstrual cycle remains irregular after
the first 3 years
If the symptoms are severe to the point of
hindering daily activities
If the painkillers don’t help relieve menstrual

Problem occurs If large and abnormal clots are discharged

with blood
during If cramps are felt outside the usual times
menstruation If the menstruation continues for over 8 days
If you experience symptoms of iron
deficiency anemia
( dizziness,weakness,fatigue, chest pain,
difficulty of breathing)
Problem occur Bleeding after intercourse ( more than once)

outside Bleeding outside menstrual period

menstruation Bleeding after menopause

Try to eat healthy foods with lots of fruits and
Reduce salt intake as it causes fluid retention
Eat foods rich in calcium as calcium alleviates
PMS symptoms

Health Use painkillers such as Ibuprofen to alleviate the

pain from cramps
teachings It is best to monitor and record menstruation dates
and the symptoms to help diagnose problems when
they arise
Place warm compress on your stomach
Consult a doctor before using any contraceptive
1. Does period pain affect fertility?
2. Is the discharge of brown blood after
bleeding has stopped part of menstruation?
3. Are mood swings normal during a menstrual
4. Is it normal to have several menstrual period
in one month?
5. Is it ok to take a bath during menstruation
Clinical Health education Department
Thank you
Title Lorem Ipsum



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