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Description of weather and clothes:

Winter is one of the four seasons in temperate
zones. It follows autumn and precedes spring.
This season is characterized by shorter days,
longer nights and lower temperatures. It is one of
the coldest seasons, where people should wear
very warm clothing.The girl chooses this perfect
weather to reflect and walk, watching every step
she takes amidst pine trees, cold, and snow. She
wears a black parka, black leggings, black plastic
boots, fashionable black boots, grey knitted
gloves, a beige knitted hat and black
sunglasses.She is a white woman with light
brown hair.
Description of weather and clothes:
Springis one of the four seasons of the year, it follows
winter and precedes summer. It is typical of temperate
zones and corresponds to an intermediate time between
the cold season, winter, and the warm season, summer.
This season is traditionally identified with the rebirth of
nature, an increase in average temperatures, the thaw, the
flowering of plants, the awakening of animals in hibernation
and the return of migratory species. They are a married
couple, they chose a beautiful, warm day, surrounded by
diverse flowers, diverse colors and very flowery trees, to
start sharing their fruit basket as a picnic style.She has a
white three-quarter sleeve sweatshirt and blue jeans, she is
sitting next to her husband, eating a green apple, she is a
white woman with reddish hair.He is wearing a white long
sleeve sweater, blue jeans and a yellow straw hat, he is
sitting next to his wife biting a green apple and enjoying his
Description of weather and clothes:
Summer is the season between spring and autumn. It is the
hottest time of the year, with the highest temperatures. During
the summer period, the days are longer (compared to the other
seasons) and the nights last fewer hours. Happy family
composed of 4 members decides to take their vacation, playing
with beach sand on a very sunny day by the blue sea.She is
wearing a white swimsuit with colorful stripes, and is happily
watching her older daughter playing with sand, the older girl is
wearing a blue one-piece swimsuit with white borders, she is
holding a red plastic shovel in her right hand and pouring sand
into her yellow jar.The husband and father of the girls is
watching as his older daughter enjoys playing, he is shirtless,
wearing light blue shorts and is lying on his side, the younger
girl is wearing a light blue one-piece swimsuit with shoulder
straps and is playing with her red sand shovel and blue castle.
All very happy.
Description of weather and clothes:
Autumn is one of the four seasons of the year, it comes after summer
and precedes winter. Autumn is a season of reddish landscapes, dry
leaves, strong winds and harvests. It brings about a drop in
temperatures and a change of color in the landscapes, which turn
from green to reddish and yellowish, some trees even lose their
foliage due to the strong winds that blow away the dry leaves that
cover them. This is a cute family of three, happily enjoying autumn
with their little girl. Around many trees and huddled on top of orange,
brown and yellow leaves, fallen from the trees. She has a white
knitted sweater and a grey jeans with torn at the knee, she is holding
a yellow leaf with her right hand covering her right eye, her little
daughter has a white coat with zipper in the middle, under her coat
she is wearing a white overalls, she has a light blue jeans, white
socks and metallic pink shoes, she is holding a yellow leaf in her right
hand and several leaves in her left hand in orange and yellow,The
husband and father of the girl, wearing a brown knitted sweater with
brown stripes and a button sleeve, he is wearing dark blue jeans and
holding a yellow leaf in his left hand, covering his left eye, they are all
very happy on their cool, somewhat sunny and windy day.

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