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 Defination:
. MMC is by far the most common defect seen and the
most detrimental. The term MMC refers to incomplete closure of the
vertebral column during embryogenesis, resulting in exposure of the
meninges and spinal cord. It is always associated with a constellation of
findings - Chiari malformation Type II, which includes hindbrain
herniation into the upper cervical canal, dysgenesis or agenesis of corpus
callosum, neuronal migration of varying degree and hydrocephalus.
Additionally, different growth rates between the vertebral bodies and the
elongating spinal cord can introduce a dynamic factor to the lesion. Scar
tissue surrounding the cord at the site of meningocele closure can tether
the cord during the gradual process of growth, producing clinical
manifestations of tethered cord syndrome at a later stage.
 Epidemiology:
 meningomylocele occurs more commonly than other
The highest incidence rates worldwide were found in Ireland and
Wales, where 3–4 cases of myelomeningocele per 1000 population
have been reported during the 1970s, along with more than six cases
of anencephaly (both live births andstillbirths) per 1000 population.
The reported overall incidence of myelomeningocele in the British
Isles was 2–3.5 cases per 1000 birthsSince then, the rate has fallen
dramatically with 0.15 per 1000 live births reported in 1998though
this decline is partially accounted for by the fact that some fetuses
are aborted when tests show signs of spina bifida

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