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Internet of Thing (IoT):

a) The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects,
animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without
requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

b) It also has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity
sensors, and embedded systems.

c) Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation (including home and
building automation), and others all contribute to enabling the Internet of Things.

d) In the consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products pertaining to the concept of the "smart
home", covering devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, home security systems and cameras, and other home
appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that
ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers.
A) Access information:
- You can easily access data and information that is sitting far from your location, in real time. This is possible because
of the network of devices, a person can access any information sitting from any part of the globe. This makes it very
convenient for people to go about their work, even if they are not physically present.

B) Communication:
- Better communication is possible over a network of interconnected devices, making the communication of devices
more transparent, which reduces inefficiencies. Processes, where machine have to communicate with each other, are
made more efficient and produce better, faster results. The perfect example for this is machinery at a manufacturing or
production unit.

C) Cost-effective:
- As mentioned in the point above, communication between electronic devices is made easier because of IoT. This
helps people in daily tasks. Transferring data packets over a connected network save time and money. The same data
that would take a long time to transfer can now be done much faster, thanks to IoT.

D) Automation:
- Automation is the need of the hour to manage everyday tasks without human intervention. Automating tasks in a
business helps boost the quality of services and reduce the level of human intervention.
A) Privacy & security:
- In today’s tech-driven world, each and every device that an individual uses is connected via the internet. This increases
the risk of any leakage of data that might be important. This is a major drawback of sharing information, as confidential
information might not be safe & could be hacked by third parties easily.

B) Complexity:
- A diverse network that connects various devices is what we call IoT. A single loophole can affect the entire system. This
is by far the most complicated aspect of the internet of things that can have a tremendous effect.

C) Lesser jobs:
- With every task being automated, the need for human labour will reduce drastically. This will have a direct impact on
employability. As we head into the future of IoT, there will be a visible decline in the hiring process of professionals.

D) Dependability:
- We may not notice it, but we are witnessing a major shift in technology and its implementation in everyday lives. There
is no doubt that technology is dominating our lifestyle, reflecting a human’s dependability on technology. In case of a
bug in the system, there are high chances of every related device getting corrupted.

IoT is complex and poses some risks and is still evolving, many pioneers have started adopting this technology.
Moreover, IoT can help innovate new process and initiatives that could transform businesses, lives and the world also. Then,
we are also trying to understand what the many opportunities and challengers are going to be as more and more devices
start to join the IoT. Beside that, For the best thing that we can do is educate ourselves about what the IoT is and the
potential impacts that can be see on how we work and live in this world.
2) SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion):
A) It is a control system architecture comprising computers, networked data communications and graphical user
Interfaces(GUI) for high-level process supervisory management, while also comprising other peripheral devices like
programmable logic controllers (PLC) and discrete proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers to interface with
process plant or machinery.

B) The use of SCADA has been considered also for management and operations of project-driven-process in construction.

C) The operator interfaces which enable monitoring and the issuing of process commands, like controller set point changes,
are handled through the SCADA computer system.

D) The subordinated operations, e.g. the real-time control logic or controller calculations, are performed by networked
modules connected to the field sensors and actuators.

E) The SCADA concept was developed to be a universal means of remote-access to a variety of local control modules, which
could be from different manufacturers and allowing access through standard automation protocols.

F) In practice, large SCADA systems have grown to become very similar to distributed control systems in function, while
using multiple means of interfacing with the plant.
G) They can control large-scale processes that can include multiple sites, and work over large distances as well as small

H) It is one of the most commonly-used types of industrial control systems, in spite of concerns about SCADA systems being
vulnerable to cyberwarfare attacks.
A) Wide area connectivity and pervasive:
- At first, SCADA perform data communication via radio, modem or serial cable lines special. Currently SCADA data can be
transmitted via Ethernet or TCP / IP. For ability mobile control system, computer networks for SCADA is a wide area
connectivity without exposing sensitive data on the Internet, because once the connection has been established, it is
then also the device can be responded.

B) Routable:
- In a SCADA-based control system design need supporting data communications mechanism utilities. It may deploy

between the control center and the device in the field. Currently it takes a methodology that can be used for security
implementations are primarily led by single vendors. Routable control system tend to focus on individual protocols and
will give result environment that contains a mixture of security solutions that may only address some communication
protocols at an increasing operational burden for the utility.

C) Parallel Polling:
- In the SCADA system Master Station sequentially scanning RTU to send short messages to each RTU can be determined

if the RTU has information that needs to be reported. Scan cycle requires a relatively short time, approximately 7
seconds (maximum 10 seconds). Scan cycle that is scanning the entire remote terminals in the system. When Master
Station give orders to an RTU, then all RTU will receive the order, but only the RTU whose address in accordance with a
D) Redundancy and Hot Standby:
- SCADA systems other advantage is the ability to limit the amount of data transferred between Master Station and RTU.
This is done through a procedure known as exception reporting where only certain data that is sent when the data
changes that exceed the limit setting, for example, the frequency value can only be considered to be changed if there is
a change of 0.05 Hertz. So if there is a change that value is very small then it will be deemed not change the frequency.
This is to anticipate the hysteresis properties of the system so that the actual frequency value can be read clearly.

E) Large addressing range:

- Decentralized system on SCADA requires a methodology that involves the user interface to data stored in the PLC
memory addresses specified. When the data comes from a variety of sensors, controllers and different databases (which
may be local or at varying locations connected), it requires a large addressing range. One of the benefits of web-based
SCADA is having addressing large range.

F) Integration of IT to Automation and Monitoring Networks:

- SCADA facilities necessary to carry out the operation control in real-time. A SCADA system consists of a number of RTU
(Remote Terminal Unit), a Master Station / RCC (Region Control Center), and the telecommunication networks of data
between RTU and Master Station is the integration of IT systems and network control to get a good result performance.

G) Standardization:
- SCADA communication is regulated through a protocol, if the antiquity used a proprietary protocol in accordance with

its SCADA manufacturers, now there are already some established protocol standards, so no need to worry about
compatibility issues of communication again.
A) IP Performance Overhead:
- IP address is the address given on computer networks and network equipment using TCP / IP. IP address consists of 32-
bit binary numbers that can be written as four groups of decimal numbers. IP addresses are divided into five classes
ranging class A through E. Web-based SCADA has a very large number of hosts. IP range. -,
there are 16,777,214 (16 million) IP address

B) Security concerns:
- Currently SCADA-based control system is quite vulnerable if it is not done with the supervision and discipline. The initial

solution was to use VPN (Virtual Private Networks) that can provide the required level of security, but if the connection
is already connected to the wide area network the level of risk is high. Lately, news of Stuxnet is a very sophisticated
program that was made with the code is so complex and able to exploit some loopholes operating system
simultaneously with the target of attacks aimed at the large scale / industrial.

C) Installation costs are higher and the system increases unemployment rates:

SCADA systems are designed to follow the latest technological developments. Formerly in the control system design
with enough cable connection, but now the system is web based SCADA control. The use of web-based control systems have
advantages and drawbacks. But in general, this system is more beneficial to the user for the technician in charge has the
4) CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing):
A) It is the manufacturing approach of using computers to control entire production process.

B) This integration allows individual processes to exchange information with each other and initiate actions.

C) Although manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone by the integration of computers, the main advantage is the
ability to create automated manufacturing processes.

D) Typically CIM relies of closed-loop control processes, based on real-time input from sensors and it is also known as
flexible design and manufacturing.

E) It is used in automotive, aviation, space, and ship building industries and the term "computer-integrated manufacturing"
is both a method of manufacturing and the name of a computer-automated system in which individual engineering,
production, marketing, and support functions of a manufacturing enterprise are organized.
A) Error Reduction:
- CIM systems require higher degrees of data accuracy to run properly. Once part, bill of material, inventory and
operational information achieve a very high level of accuracy, CIM can perform functions with minimal human
intervention and then report on the results automatically. Humans are still required to monitor systems, but
elimination of human error in many assignment and reporting functions on factory floor operations drastically reduces
the error rate.

B) Speed:
- Assignment and reporting in a CIM environment are performed automatically and immediately without any delay
involved with people-based transactions. Depending on the environment, this additional speed allows operations to
be performed as soon as previous work occurs without any lag time. CIM environments therefore reduce the time it
takes to perform manufacturing fabrication and assembly, allowing quicker flow of product to customers and increased

C) Flexibility:
- Once operations are assigned and reported in a CIM system, changes to various operations can also be performed
more easily. CIM systems are designed to be entirely paperless, eliminating the barriers to changing operations. This
flexibility, combined with the speed it can be performed, allows companies to quickly react to market conditions and
then return to previous settings when market conditions change.
D) Integration:
- Factory floor operations are not integrated in non-CIM situations; manufacturing operations and material usage must
be reported by humans who perform transactions. CIM offers a degree of integration that enables the flexibility,
speed and error reduction required to compete and lead markets. Integrating factory floor operations with
enterprise software enables employees to do higher value functions for their companies.
A) High initial capital costs/investments due to computers, robots, training of personnel

B) Maintenance is complex, requires highly skilled employees.

C) Everything it controls is affected if it breaks.

D) A large facility is required.

E) Since it is fully automated, it will buy new batches of products when you are running low, even when this
is not desired.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing approach of using computers to control the entire
production process as well. Moreover, the integration allows individual processes to exchange information with each other
and initiate actions. Besides, through the integration of computer, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone,
although the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes.

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