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Screening quiz performance (3x trials)
Topic Complexity Weighting
Oilfield Industry General Easy 30%
DELFI Products Medium 30%
AI/ML or Math Medium 40% (Differential factor)

Random questions generated (we prepared like 5 different question sets)

Passing Grade: 70%

1. (Oilfield Generals) What survey uses acoustic waves to create images of the earth through analysis of
vibrations from those waves. What is this? Seismic Surveys/ Logging While Drilling (LWD)/ Basin Study/ Coring
2. (Oilfield Generals) What namely a control system complex that uses computers, communication networks, and
a computing platform for real-time process management? SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition)/ Analog Sensors/ Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)/ Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
3. (Oilfield Generals) Adding new wells in an existing field within the original well patterns to accelerate recovery
or to test recovery methods is called? Infill Drilling/ Step-out Drilling/ Re-entry drilling/ Wildcat Drilling
4. (AI/ ML/ Math) What python library can we use to manipulate seismic files? segyio/ lasio/ pandas/ data.table
5. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which one of these evaluation plots are not used to evaluate a classifer? Residual Plot/ PR
Curve/ ROC Curve/ Confusion Matrix
6. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which one of these ‘mfr’ categories has outliers? K/ Q/ G/ P

7. (AI/ ML/ Math) What problem is this neural network architecture built for? Multilabel/ Multiclass

1. (Oilfield Generals) What is the production rate divided by the pressure difference in a well? Productivity
Index / Pressure Drawdown/ Permeability/ Reservoir Index
2. (Oilfield Generals) What is the speed at which a drill bit breaks the rock under it to deepen the borehole? Rate
of penetration (ROP)/ Mechanical Specific Energy/ Rotation per minute (RPM)/ Torque
3. (Oilfield Generals) What is the ratio of applied stress and the resultant strain in the same direction, it can also
be thought of as the stiffness of the rock? Young Modulus/ Possion’s Ratio/ Unconfined Compressive
Strength/ Minimum Principal Stress
4. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which one is a visualization library in Python? Seaborn/pytorch/ggvis/pandas
5. (AI/ ML/ Math) You have R2 < 0, what does this say about your prediction? It is worse than predicting with
the data’s average value/ It can’t be correlated to the data’s average value/ It is better than predicting with
the data’s average value/ It is very accurate with no errors
6. (AI/ ML/ Math) This illustration reflect a scaling method, what is it? MinMax Scaling/ Robust Scaling/ Standard

7. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which actions can reduce overfit in a Random Forest model? Reduce number of trees/
increase maximum tree depth/ increase minimum sample split/ decrease minimum samples per leaf

1. (Oilfield Generals) Which one of these elements are not included in a petroleum system? Hydrocarbon/
Source Rock/ Reservoir Rock/ Seal Rock
2. (Oilfield Generals) This device can reads the downhole data recorded by the SCADA system and scales back or
ramps up the motor speed to optimize a balance pump efficiency and production rate. What is this? Variable
Speed Drive (VSD)/ Pump Intake/ Motor/ Gas Separator
3. (Oilfield Generals) The initial hole size of a well is determined by: The number and sizes of casing strings
needed to reach the target depth/ hole stability/ well depth/ rig capacity
4. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which of the following is/are one of the important step(s) to pre-process the text in NLP based
projects? 1 and 2/ 1 and 3/ 2 and 3/ 1, 2 and 3
1. Stemming
2. Stop words removal
3. Object standardization
5. Which of these two metrics would you choose for an imbalanced class classification problem? Precision and
recall/ Accuracy
6. In this visualization for different value of C (Penalty Parameter) in SVM algorithm (1,2,3 left to right), which one
is true? C1 = C2 = C3/ C1 > C2 > C3/ C1 < C2 < C3/ None of these

7. In k-Means algorithm, which one can we use to get the global minima? Run for different centroid initialization/
Adjust number of iterations/ Find out optimal number of clusters/ All of the above
1. (Oilfield Generals) Effective porosity is defined as? Interconnected pore space that contributes to fluid flow/
Interconnected pore space that is completely filled or obstructed by cements/ Isolated pore space created
during deposition of sediments/ Isolated pore space created after deposition by some diagenetic process
2. (Oilfield Generals) Two offsetting wells – one a water injector and one a flowing oil producer (gas/ oil ratio =
500 SCF/ STB) – are completed with tubing strings of similar length and inside diameter. The reservoir pressure
is below the bubble point. Which of these wells is more likely to experience the higher tubing friction pressure
loss for a given flow rate? The oil producer/ The water injector/ Each well will exhibit a similar pressure loss
for a given flow rate
3. (Oilfield Generals) Information about the formation being drilled can be obtained from: mud logs/ cores/
drillstem tests/ All of the above
4. (AI/ ML/ Math) You want to develop a machine learning which predicts a continuous value. Which evaluation
metric would you choose? Mean Squared Error/ Accuracy/ F1 Score
5. (AI/ ML/ Math) For a categorical feature with two values, “High” and “Low” we can use a dummy encoding:
True/ False
6. (AI/ ML/ Math) What activation function is this? ReLU/ tanh/ sigmoid

7. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which of the following is an example of deterministic algorithm? PCA/ K-Means/ Differential
Evolution/ None of the above

1. (Oilfield Generals) The formation pressure gradient varies with which of the following? Salinity of formation
water/ depth/ porosity/ All of the above
2. (Oilfield Generals) In a single-well production system, which of these pressures are not dependent on the
flowrate? Average reservoir pressure/ Tubing head pressure/ Tubing inlet pressure/ sand face pressure
3. (Oilfield Generals) Which of the following parameters is monitored during drilling operation? Rotary speed/
Weight on bit (WOB)/ Mud level/ Drilling Rate/ All of the above
4. (AI/ ML/ Math) Which of the following are the Data Sources in data science? Structured/ Unstructured/ Both A
& B/ None of the above
5. (AI/ ML/ Math) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) run through all the training observations in each iteration
just like Gradient Descent (GD) True/ False
6. (AI/ ML/ Math) In these 7 scatter plots 1 – 7 (left to right), which of these statements are right in terms of their
Pearson correlation coefficient? 1<2<3<4/ 1>2>3>4/ 7>6>5>4

7. (AI/ ML/ Math) An activation function X in hidden layers of neural network gave “-0.0001” as an output. Which
of the following activation function could X represent? ReLU/ tanh/ sigmoid/ None of these

DELFI Questions
1. What is DELFI cognitive E&P security standard? SOC 2 Type 2/ ISO 27001/ SOC 1/ SOC 3
2. Which of these profiles are not available in the DELFI Petrotechnical Suite? Data Engineer/ Process Facilities
Engineer/ Reservoir Engineer/ Production Engineer
3. What is DELFI data lake called? Data Ecosystem/ Data Science Profile/ Data Environment/ Data Storage
4. Which of these technologies are available inside DELFI Data Science Profile? Dataiku/ Petrel/ OFM/ ProSource
5. Which of these DELFI Experiences are not available? FDPlan/ ExplorePlan/ ProdOps/ DataOps
6. What are the benefits of Cloud Computing? Scalability/ Business Continuity/ Collaboration Efficiency/
Reduced IT Cost/ Access to automatic updates
7. Which of these DELFI experiences can give you to build new levels of instrumentation, automation, and
cognition into existing drilling operations, in order to ensure your rig is always operating at peak performance?
DrillOps/ DrillPlan/ FDPlan/ ExplorePlan
8. Which of these DELFI experiences can give you an orchestrated planning solution to deliver a step-change in
streamlining exploration strategies, accelerating efficiency and getting you closer to certainty? ExplorePlan/
DrillPlan/ FDPlan/ GAIA
9. Which of these DELFI experiences can give you a competitive edge by enabling a shortening of planning cycles
for development projects at all stages of the asset lifecycle? FDPlan/ ExplorePlan/ ProdOps/ DrillPlan
10. Which of these DELFI experiences can enable your asset teams to concentrate their efforts on higher-value
tasks, addressing the operational challenges of E&P companies in a streamlined and effective manner?
ProdOps/ ExplorePlan/ FDPlan/ DrillPlan

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