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Group 5 – XII IPS 2
We will present about :

Definition Examples
We will describe Examples of contrastive
what about conjunction words and
contrastive sentences
What is Contrastive Conjunction??`
In grammar, a conjunction is a part of speech that connects
words, phrases, clauses, sentences, or paragraph.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, Contrast means the state of

being very different from something else. Contrastive can say as
opposites, like black and white, rich and poor, hard and easy, etc

Contrastive Conjunction is a conjunction that connects two

English clauses that are contra.
Example Contrastive Conjunction :

Though Even Though

Despite and In Even If
Spite Of Unless

Yet and But Nevertheless

Though can be used at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence.
• It was raining
• We still enjoy the concert
Though it was raining, we still enjoyed the concert. (Meskipun
sedang hujan, kita tetap menikmati konser itu.)
• He said he was telling the truth
• I didn’t believe him
Though he said he was telling the truth, I didn’t believe
him. (Walaupun ia berkata bahwa ia jujur, saya tidak
• She will try
• She may fail
Although Even Though
●That coat is nice. • He is very angry.
●I don’t like the price. • He is still smiling.

Although that coat is nice, I  Even though he is very angry,

don’t like the price. (Meskipun he is still smiling. (Walaupun

jaket itu bagus, saya tak suka ia sedang marah, ia masih
harganya.) sanggup tersenyum.)
●She didn’t like the food. • The pizza looked delicious.

●She ate it all. • I still didn’t eat it.

She ate all of the food  I still didn’t eat the pizza even

although she didn’t like it. (Ia though it looked

menghabiskan semua masakan delicious. (Aku tetap tak
Despite In Spite Of
● I couldn’t sleep well. ● Diana is still doing her
● I was in a comfortable room. homework.
 I couldn’t sleep ● She is very tired.
well despite being in a  Diana is still doing her
comfortable room. (Saya tak homework in spite of being
sanggup tidur nyenyak very tired. (Diana masih
walaupun berada di kamar mengerjakan pekerjaan
yang nyaman.) rumahnya (PR) meskipun
● She said everything to me. sangat kelelahan.)
● I can’t stop thinking of her. ● He having very little time.
 Despite everything she said to ● He offered to help us.
me, I can’t stop thinking of  In spite of having very little
her. (Terlepas dari semua yang time, he offered to help us.
Unless Even If
• You cannot enter this room. • Alexandra runs a s fast as
• You don’t have a member he can.
card. • He will still be late.
You cannot enter this Even if Alexandra runs as
room unless you have a fast as he can, he will still
member card. (Kamu tak be late. (Walaupun
dapat memasuki ruangan ini Alexandra berlari secepat-
kecuali jika kamu punya cepatnya, dia akan tetap
kartu anggota.) terlambat).
• I wouldn’t eat that food. • It wasn’t too dark.
• I wasn’t extremely hungry. • I wouldn’t go out myself.
Unless I was extremely I wouldn’t go out
hungry, I wouldn’t eat that alone even if it wasn’t too
Yet and But
• I like milk.
• My sister prefers coffee.
I like milk, but my sister prefers coffee. (Saya suka susu, tetapi
saudara perempuan saya lebih suka kopi.)
• There was a lot of noise.
• I wanted to sleep early.
I wanted to sleep early, yet there was a lot of noise. (Aku ingin
tidur lebih awal namun ada banyak suara berisik.)
• She was just very shy.
• The economy was poor this
• I thought she was arrogant.
I thought she was ess
year, but nevertheless our
arrogant, whereas in fact she sales increased. (Kondisi
was just very shy. (Saya pikir ekonomi memburuk tahun
dia sombong, padahal ini, meskipun begitu
sebenarnya dia sangat penjualan kita meningkat.)
• They are still late
• I’m a dog lover.
• My husband is allergic to nevertheless the teacher has
dogs. punished them
Whereas I’m a dog lover, my (Mereka masih tetap
husband is allergic to terlambar meskipun guru
dogs. (Meskipun aku pecinta sudah menghukum mereka)

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