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 Apa itu kalimat?
yaitu sekelompok kata yang biasanyaa terdiri
atas Subjek dan predikatatau kata kerja yang
mengungkapkan pikiran secara utuh baik
secara lisan ataupun tulisan.
Auxiliary / kata kerja bantu
 Auxilliary verb:
 To be  is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being
 To do  do, does, did
 To have  have, has, had

Modal Auxiliary:
Can, could, will, would, may, might, must etc
Auxiliary verbs
 I  am

 She, he, it, name of one person/thing  is

 They, we, you people/things (more than one ) are

 I am a university student

 They are university students

 I , she, he, it , name of one person/thing  was

 They, we, you people/things (more than one ) were

 ex:
 She was a Senior High School student
 They were senior high school students
Kalimat Verbal dan Kalimat Nominal

Kalimat verbal

 Kalimat verbal (Verbal Sentence) adalah kalimat

yang ada kata kerjanya. Kalimat ini tidak boleh
menggunakan “to be”, kecuali: (1) jika kata kerjanya
ber-akhiran “-ing”, atau (2) jika kata kernya
menggunakan kata kerja ke 3 (Past participle) 
namun pola ini akan merubah kalimat aktif menjadi
kalimat pasif.
contoh : they play football every week
 I drink a glass of tea every morning
Kalimat nominal

 Kalimat Nominal (Nominal sentence) :

kalimat yang tidak ada kata kerjanya,
kalimat ini harus menggunakan “to be”

 Contoh:
 I am busy
 She is beautiful
 We are college students
“to be” atau kata kerja bantu
Am  I
Contoh : I am a university student

Is  she, he, it, orang/benda tunggal

Contoh : she is my friend

Are  they, we, you, orang/benda jamak

Contoh : Tony and Andy are my classmates

a. They are go to campus a. they go to campus

a. they are playing football

b. I am drink a glass of tea b. I drink a glass of tea

b. I am drinking a glass of tea

c. She is read a novel c. she reads a novel

c. she is reading a novel
Determine where the correct sentence is!

I am forget atau I is forget

I am understandatau I is understand
Complete the sentences below
a. My name .........Anton . I’m from Indonesia. ........
family is in Jakarta City. My brother ........ a university
student. ........... name is Tony.

b. ........ name is Shanty. I’m 20 years old. My sister

........ A student here, too. ......... parents are in Bandung
right now.

c. I’m Viviana but everyone calls me Vina. ......... last

name is Lestari. ...... ... A student at city college. My
parents....... on vacation this week. ......... ......... In Bali
16 tenses
I go I went
I am going I was going
I have gone I had gone
I have been going I had been going

I will go I would go
I will be going I would be going
I will have gone I would have gone
I will have been going I would have been going

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