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The (definite article)

Articles - Before single countable nouns we have talked

about before.
When I got to your house I saw a dog standing by the door. The dog
looked happy.
 ∅ (no article) A/An (Indefinite article)
- Something specific / unique
- Most Languages, names, streets, towns, - Introducing single countable I generally dislike musicals but the one I saw last night was really
cities and countries. nouns for the first time. good.
- The school is going to teach Chinese next year There is a café on the corner. - The earth is round.
- I live in Russia I ate an amazing orange yesterday.
- She lives in Blackwell Drive in Cambridge. - With an adjective as a generalisation
- Jobs - The rich always have more influence in society than the poor.
- With uncountable nouns, plural nouns and She is a lawyer.
- With superlatives
abstract nouns.
- The main ingredients are rice, milk and sugar.
-Before a noun in a general sense That is the best lasagne I have ever eaten.
- I prefer books and newspapers to ebooks. I want to buy a car
- We need more information before we decide.
- Ordinal numbers (first, second etc.)
We have an appointment on the third of February.
- Individual
mountains, meals, and the words: - Job titles
bed, school, hospital and prison if they are The president is going to visit the Queen.
being used for their intended purpose.
- Rivers, seas, oceans, chains of mountains, gulfs
- I am going to climb Mount Everest
- Come down for breakfast and bays and newspapers
- She is in prison for stealing
- I am visiting the Sierra Nevada next year, it is a beautiful mountain

- I read The Times newspaper.

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