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Alpokat Avocado

Anggur Grape

Apel Apple

Belimbing Star fruit

Melon Melon

Nanas Pineapple

Pir Pear
Ceri Cherry

Durian Durian

Jambu biji Guava

Jeruk Orange
Pisang Banana

Rambutan Rambutan

Semangka Watermellon

Stroberi Strawberry

Jeruk nipis Lime

Kiwi Kiwi

Leci Lychee

Lemon Lemon

Mangga Mango

Kelapa Coconut
long bean = kacang panjang

chili = cabai

Onion springs= daun bawang

cabbage = kubis

Water spinach = kangkung

Spinach = bayam

Lengkuas : galangal Lemon grass = sereh

Manga : mango
Duku : duku
Durian : durian

Nutmeg = pala

Turmeric = kunyit

Lettuce = selada hijau

Ginger = jahe

Garlic = Bawang putih

Cucumber = timun

Pumpkin = labu

Potato = kentang
Sweet Potato : ubi
Tempeh Turnip = lobak

Sugar = gula
Cane = tongkat Paprika = paprika
Bawang Putih : Garlic
Bawang Bombai : Onion
Bawang Merah : Shallot

Cassava = singkong
Snake : ular
Fruit : buah Tomato = tomat

Carrot = wortel
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Parts Of The Body

Bagian Tubuh
Wrist : pergelangan tangan
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Petunjuk Arah
You can ………, then ……, then ……, the shop is …..

2 stories ; 2 lantai
One floor : 1 lantai

Naik : go up
Turun : go down

On the middle : di tengah

Way : jalan
Hallway : lorong

You can go a head, then on the middle turn left, you can see the exit there.
• Where is the hotel ? (di mana hotel ?) •  Go ahead and turn right (lurus dan belok kanan )
The hotel is on the left side ( hotel berada di sebelah

 Where is the hospital ? ( di mana rumah sakit?) • Go ahead (lurus)

The hospital is on the left side ( hotel berada di
sebelah kiri)

•  Where is the bank ? (di mana bank ?) • Go ahead (lurus)

The bank is on the left side (bank berada disebelah

•  Turn right and go ahead ( belok kanan dan lurus)

The market is on the right side ( pasar berada di
•  Where is the market ? ( di mana pasar ?) sebelah kanan)
Where is the zoo ? (di mana kebun binatang ?) •  Go ahead and turn left ( lurus dan belok kiri )
The zoo is on the right side ( kebun binatang berada
di sebelah kanan )

Where is the bookstore ? ( di mana toko buku ?) • Go ahead and turn right ( lurus dan belok kanan )
The bookstore is on the right side ( toko buku
berada di sebelah kanan)

•  Go ahead and tuen right ( lurus dan belok kanan)

The restaurant is on the right side ( restaurant
 Where is the restaurant ? (di mana restoran ?) berada di sebelah kanan)

•  Go ahead and turn left ( lurus dan belok kiri)

The post office is on the right side ( Kantor pos
 Where is the post office ( di mana kantor post ?) berada di sebelah kanan)
• [Where] Where's the museum? Go
straight. (Asking the way) - Easy
Dialogue - English video for Kids

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