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7 Ways to Show Solidarity

and Take Care of Others

During the COVID-19

Simple things you can do to take better care of yourself,
those around you and the environment.

1. Take care of the elderly

No, not just your grandparents — make sure to also check on older people that
live in your building or neighborhood. Help them with groceries if you can, or
maybe give them your phone number to contact you in case they need a chat.
2. Reconnect with your friends and family
Take the time to get in touch with your loved ones, especially
those that live alone or far away. Whether it’s talking on the
telephone, video calling or chatting through a messenger service,
now is the ideal time to check on that aunt that lives alone or your
friend who lives across the world.
3. Stay (or become!) environmentally conscious

A pandemic doesn’t mean you have to

stop your daily routine — continue
separating waste, carrying a tote bag
to the grocery store and reusing
plastic and glass containers.
However, try going a step further:
sort your closet and separate clothes
you can give away, buy your veggies
from small, local businesses and
maybe plant some herbs. Now is an
excellent time to implement little eco-
friendly habits in your life!
4. Pay attention to your behavior online
When you’re looking for factual news about the coronavirus, pay attention to
the source. There’s a proliferation of fake news, so make sure you’re not
reblogging and spreading false information about the pandemic.
5. Be the bearer of good news
If you have to share something, then let it be something positive! Staying
indoors means spending more time on the Internet, and it’s easy to focus
on the negative or become overly fixated on tracking every new info
about the number of COVID-19 cases. Take a breather and
simply relax with memes, funny cat videos or news about something
positive. There are news sites, apps, that focus entirely on good news, 
YouTube series dedicated to feel-good content from all around the world!
6. Don’t buy like crazy
There’s no need to buy 12 packs of toilet paper or 30 kilos
of rice. Be sensible while shopping, and instead of
stacking supplies, focus on planning your meals on a
weekly basis. That way you can reduce the number of
trips to the store in a way that’s good for everyone and
won’t lead to shortages. 
7. Stay together, locally and globally
Remember, the world is fighting this battle together. The virus knows no borders, it
doesn’t care about ethnicity, race, religion or economic status. Think and act
globally if you can, but if not, at least take care of those in your community and make
sure your bond stays strong — no matter if it’s your family, your neighbors.

It is more important than ever to

show solidarity and compassion,
even if we’re physically distant
from each other, and we hope these
tiny pieces of advice help you stay
positive while staying at home!
Thank you!

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