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Hours and Minutes

When the minute hand is pointing to
12, it is showing a full hour.
We call this time ‘o’clock’.

On this clock, the hour hand is pointing

at the 8 and the minute hand is pointing
to the 12.

This clock is showing that the time is 8

What Time Is It?
11 o’clock 1 o’clock

10 o’clock 2 o’clock

9 o’clock 3 o’clock

8 o’clock 4 o’clock

7 o’clock 5 o’clock
6 o’clock
What Time Is It?
Past : Lewat to : kurang

It is 10 minutes It is 25 minutes It is 20 minutes It is 5 minutes

past 7. past 7. to 5. to 5.
What Time Is It?

(a) Quarter :seperempat/15 menit (a) half : setengah/30 menit

It is (a) quarter It is (a) half It is (a) quarter It is (a) quarter

past 7. past 10. to 5. to 5.
Let’s Read the time !

09.00 11.05

01.20 09.15

09.40 09.45
Reading Comprehension
George is an Englishman who lives in Makassar and works for International company. This company, PT. Maju Terus,
has hired him for more than 3 years. He started working on 25th July 2018. Now he gets a good chance to visit his own
country. He has a special meeting and he is allowed to take a week for vcation. Then he sends a letter to his sister on 1 st
November 2021 and says that he is going home for two weeks. He also tells her about his plans when visiting England
and here is his letter

My dear Rachel,
This is just a short note to tell you that I have decided to come over to England to spend a few
weeks in the old country after having a special meeting in my centre office. It will be marvellous to
see you and little Margaret again. (I suppose she must be really grown up now)
My plans are as follows; I am taking a flight at 8.10 from Makassar in November 20 th. It is the
night flight and I am flying with Garuda Airlines. I will be at London airport at 12.45 on 22th
November . I must take long trip because of 2 times transit in Jakarta and Doha Airport, Qatar. I
will spend about 5 hours in Doha airport to change my flight.

I have arranged to stay at the Royal Tower Hotel which is in knights bridge near Harrods. I have to
follow the meeting the next day from 8.30 a.m. to 5. 15 p.m. the break time is one hour from 12
to 1. On 24th, I am presenting a project proposal at 11.00 a.m. in another Hotel and I will take
train at 9.50. after this presentation, I get free for a week. Let’s having fun together.
I also intend to spend a few days visiting my close friends and if there is a chance, I’d like you to
accompany me to meet Aunt Morrison in Liverpool. Really, I am looking forwards to seeing you
Let’s answer the questions!

What time is George’s flight from Makassar?

How long will the meeting end?

Where does George live now?

Where does George work now?

What is George’s plan on his vacation?

What is George from?

Rewrite the ready passage and all the date
and time write in words by considering the
way to say time and dates.

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