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Rise and shine students!

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Hi! I am Teacher
Are you excited for our
fun learning session?
Class Rules
• Prepare all the needed materials before the
• Always be courteous​.
• Maintain eye contact into the camera ​.
• Dress appropriately​.
• Be yourself and have fun​.
• Minimize distracting movements and sound ​.
• Maintain low but audible voice​.
• Avoid interrupting other speakers​.
• Unmute only your mic if you are going to ask
or say something.
• Reach out to your teacher if you have any
Learning Targets
identify the steps of a scientific method;

use the scientific method in solving problem

through an experiment; and

relate scientific method in daily life.

Concepts and Definitions

Scientific Method
A sequence of steps
followed by scientists or
ordinary persons to
validate or refute
Keen observation of
one’s surroundings and
awareness of what is going
on around you can lead to
ideas that help identify a
particular problem.
Identify a Problem

Research- gather
Formulating a Hypothesis
Hypothesis is an educated

“ to predict a likely outcome”

Types of Hypothesis
1. Null Hypothesis- written in negative form
Ex. COVID-19 vaccines does not reduce a person’s risk of contacting
the virus.

2. Alternative Hypothesis- written in the affirmative form

Ex. COVID-19 vaccines reduce a person’s risk of contacting the
Identifying Variables
Vital questions to ask to help you identify
aspects in your study that you will change,
measure, and keep constant
Identifying Variables
1. What factors do I want to change or manipulate?

2. What factors do I want to observe or measure?

Answer: DEPENDENT VARIABLE- result of the change in
the independent variable

3. What factors will I keep constant or the same?

Conducting an Experiment
• It used to test the hypothesis

• Observe and record what happens what

happens when one variable is manipulated
or changed.

• Observations that are made and

recorded are called data

• Fair test
Record and Analyze the Results
Organize and analyze your data

Serve as a basis whether you will

accept or reject your
Draw Conclusions
Summary of the experiment’s result

Final answer to your problem or experiment whether your

hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

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