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Introductory Optics



 Optics began with the development of lenses by

the Egyptians and theorized by the Greeks
followed by geometrical optics.

 To determine the wavelengths of light and see how it varies with color
 To investigate the phenomena of polarized light
 To determine the range of wavelengths for each color in the visible spectrum using a
diffraction grating and a single slit diffraction pattern.
 To compute for the magnification of lenses
Theory: Two-Slit Interference

 The difference in phase between the two waves is determined by the difference in the
distance travelled by the two waves. The path difference between two waves travelling at
an angle θ is given by the equation below:
Where: n is the order number, λ is the wavelength and, d is the width of the slit
Theory: Polarization

 The degree of polarization depends on the material and where the light is reflected. The
Polarization angle or the Brewster's angle formula is given by the equation below:

tanϴ = n2/n1

Where: n2 is the medium of reflection and n1 is the initial medium.

Theory: Diffraction Grating

 Diffraction gratings are optical devices used to measure different wavelengths or colors
contained in a source of light.

 When light is hits the grating, the diffracted light will have its maximum intensity at
angles given by the formula below:

Theory: Lenses

 A lens is an optical device that focuses or separates a beam of light using a refractive
 1/f = 1/do + 1/di
Where: do is the object distance and di is the image distance.
 M = hi / ho = - di / do
Where: hi is the image height and ho is the object height
Theory: Lenses

The telescope magnification is given by the formula:

M = ϴe /ϴo= fe / fo
Where: ϴe is the angle seen at the eyepiece ϴo is the angle seen at the objective fe is the
focal length of the eyepiece and fo is the focal length of the objective
Methodology: Two-Slit Interference
Methodology: Two-Slit Interference

 The slit mask was placed at the center of the component holder.
The diffraction plate was then attached to the other side of the
component holder as shown in the figure above. The diffraction
pattern D was used with the slits vertically oriented. The
distance separation of colors, distance of the diffraction scale to
the diffraction plate and other sufficient information was then
measured using the diffraction scale to get the wavelength of a
Methodology: Polarization of Light
Polarization of Light
 The light source was turned on
without the polarizers
attached. Polarizer A was then
placed in front of the crossed
arrow target. The image was
viewed through a polarizer and
was observed if the brightness
of the image changes. The
same process is repeated when
Polarizer B was attached.
Polarizer B was rotated to
determine what angle the
intensity of light is at its
minimum and at its maximum.
Polarization of Light
 The ray table was adjusted
until the angle between the
reflected and the refracted
light is 90 degrees . The
polarizer was then rotated
slowly through angles to
determine if the reflected
light plane was polarized.
The angle of polarization
was determined.
Methodology: Diffraction Grating
Methodology: Diffraction Grating

 The slit mask was placed at the

center of the component holder. The
diffraction scale was adjusted to a
position for the naked eye to see the
filament of light source through the
scale. The diffraction plate was then
attached to the other side of the
component holder as shown in the
figure above.
Methodology: Single Slit Diffraction

 Using diffraction plate patterns A, B, and C. The diffraction patterns was examined over
the aperture of the light source. The variety of the spacing between fringes with the width
of the slit was then observed. The observations for the single slit and the double was slit
was compared. The wavelengths of colors was measured using a formula.
Methodology: The Telescope

 Using the setup shown in figure 3.2. The angles were computed as a function of image
height and the lenses focal length. The setup in figure 3.1 was used to calculate the
angular magnification. The 75mm lens was set as the eyepiece of the telescope. The
distance between the lenses was adjusted slightly the sharpen the focus to the object. The
magnification of the object was measured. The object was looked into the eyepiece and
directly at the object. The sizes of the image seen was then compared.
Methodology: The Compound Microscope

 The 75mm focal length lens was used as the objective lens and the 150mm focal length
lens was used as the eyepiece. The objective lens was placed starting at 150mm away
from the viewing screen.
Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion: Two-Slit Interference

Table A: Results for Experiment 9.

Color n Slit spacing Length (mm) X(mm) λ (nm) Bandwidth

(mm) (nm)
Red 3 0.125 450 8 741 620-750
Green 2 0.125 450 4 556 495-570
Blue 3 0.125 450 5 463 450-495

( 𝑛 ) sin ¿ ¿
Results and Discussion: Two-Slit Interference

  Show that
Results and Discussion: Polarization of Light

Intensity of Light
Looking Directly at Target Great
Looking through a polarizer Estimated to be about a half

Polarizer blocks the light that is wrongly directed

Light from the source is not polarized

Angle between polarizer A and B Intensity of Light

Minimum   2

Results and Discussion: Polarization of Light

Brewster’s Angle
Results and Discussion: Diffraction Grating

Color X1(cm ) X2(cm ) λ1 (nm) λ2 (nm)

Violet 11.5 13 374.33 420.22
Blue 13 15.5 420.22 494.44
Green 15.5 17.5 494.48 551.69
Yellow 17.5 18.5 551.69 579.50
Orange 18.5 19 579.50 593.21
Red 19 25 593.21 746.85

𝐴 = 1.67×10−6𝑚 𝐿 = 50cm

 𝐴𝐵 sin tan − 1 𝑋 =𝜆

𝑛 𝐿
Results and Discussion: Single Slit Diffraction

Color X(cm) 𝐭𝐚𝐧-1 (X/L) 𝛌(𝐧m)

Red 5 0.113 752.73
Green 3.5 0.079 528.63
Blue 3 0.068 453.48

𝑛=6 d (slit width) = 0.04𝑚 𝐿 = 44𝑐𝑚

Results and Discussion: The Telescope

Angular Magnification for a Telescope

Results and Discussion: The Telescope

Angular Magnification with 75mm lens as eyepiece

Angular Magnification with 150mm lens as eyepiece

Results and Discussion: Compound

d0 d1
Object 150 mm lens 75mm lens

  for a Telescope

  for a simple magnifier


 The wavelength of light was measured and the variation of colors in different wavelengths
were observed
 The color red was observed to be in the wavelength of around 741nm, green in 556nm,
and blue in 463nm. These values obtained are in the bandwidth of their respective colors
 Light from a source is not always polarized, but can be polarized using a linear polarizer
or by Brewster’s angle
 The single slit interference was compared to the double slit interference to measure the
wavelengths of red, green, and blue light. The results obtained was not very far and were
both within the bandwidth of the respective colors
 The angular magnification of the telescope was determined

 Freedman, R.; Young, H. Sear’s and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics
(13th ed.)
 Jenkins, F.; White,H. Fundamentals of Optics (4th ed.)

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