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• Maktoobat (3 Volumes, Research and Ijtehad, His

complete work and philosophy of life, faith and
• Asbat un Nabooh (Is logic and reason enough, need of
prophet and diving knowledge, at the age of 18)
• Risala e Tahleelia (Israr e Tauheed and La ilaha,
against Akbar’s Bida’at
• Sharah Ruba’iat (Tafseer of Rubaiat of Baqi Billah)
• Mabd au Muaad (Khawaja Baqi Billah and about
Naqshbandi Silsala
• Maaraf ud Dunya (Maarafat e Ilahi, Slook o Tareeqat,
Shariah and Tassawuf)
Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah predicted
“Sheikh Ahmad is such a light which will
illuminate the whole world”

Hamid Algar (Malaysia)

“The Maktubat of Sirhindi came to replace
the focus of Ibn e Arabi as a text for study
and meditation”
Service to Islam
• Origin of Concept of Wahdatul Shahood
against Mohayyudin Ibn-e-Arabi’s concept
• Efforts against Bhakti Movement and
• The Bhakti movement is a Hindu religious
movement in which the main spiritual
practice is loving devotion among the
Vaishnava saints.
Situation at the time of Mujadid
• Sulah e Kul and Univeralism (Nehru “The Discovery of India”)
• Shaitan Purah
• Riba, Gambling, Bribery, and Sharab as Halal
• Ban on Salat and Hajj
• Eating allowed in Ramzan,
• Various Mosques were demolished
• Sources of law were changed from Quran, Hadith and Sunnah
• Jinn o Malaik, Karamaat were declared false
• Azaab e Qabar declared as false
• Hindu festivals and culture adopted by the king
• No respect given to Sahaba , Tabiin and Saleheen
Bhakti Movement
• The history of the movement goes back to the time of
great reformer Shankracharya who gave Hinduism a
solid philosophical background. But the movement
became popular in the middle ages. Chaitanya led the
movement in the east( modern Uttar Pradesh), Tuka
Ram, Nam Dev and Tirlochan in the Central India,
Sadna, Pipa, Mirabai, Tulsi Das and above all Kabir were
its leaders in the north. Kabir’s teachings had great
influence in the Punjab, but actually the movement in the
Punjab was led by Guru Nanak and his nine successors.
The message of love and devotion to god was spread
among the people of the Punjab for ten generations. This
intense and organized propaganda of the Bhakti cult by
the Sikh Gurus led to the foundation of a community of
Bhaktas known as the Sikhs.

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