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Goal Setting

For Self-Management strategies

Who Uses Goal Setting?
• Businesses
– Big and
– Small
• Academics
• Sports
Positive Effects of Goal Setting
• Serve as the basis of
Motivation Effort
• Attention allocation
• Amount of energy
Goal Setting and work
• Persistence at a task

Goal Setting
• Counteracts boredom and apathy
• Creates interest
• Provides challenges
• Provides purpose
Productivity Pyramid
• Everything begins
with values
• Long term goals are Daily Tasks

developed from
values Intermediate
• Long term goals are
attained through Long-Range Goals

series of
intermediate goals Governing Values

• Intermediate goals
attained through
series of goal-
oriented daily tasks
Why is Goal Setting Important?
• Goal setting is a planning process
• Important aspect of self-management
• Sets positive expectations
• Puts meaning into lives
• Helps people achieve their dreams and
What Kind of Goals Enhance
• Specific goals
– More likely to increase motivation
– Help to determine the amount of effort
• Proximal goals
– Provide reliable information about one’s
– Proximal goal progress is perceived positively
– Creates confidence and helps maintain
Setting SMART Goals
• SMART goals are:
– Specific
– Measurable
– Action-Oriented
– Realistic
– Timely
Specific Goal Setting
• Describes what you want to accomplish
with as much detail as possible
– Vague goals lessen the possibility of
attaining them

– E.g.s
– I want to do well in English
– I want an “A” on my next composition.
Measurable Goal Setting
• Describes goals in terms that can be
clearly evaluated
– No measurement means that task or goal
will never be attained

– E.g.s
– I want to study my biology text.
– I want to study chapter 7 and answer all
the questions.
Action-Oriented Goal Setting
• Identifies a goal that focuses on actions
rather than personal qualities
– Goal must have an action in order to
complete it

– E.g.s
– I want a better attitude about studying.
– I want to complete all assignments before
Realistic Goal Setting
• Identifies goals that are actually able to
be attained
– Goals can be challenging but not unrealistic

– E.g.s
– Tonight I’ll read half of my book and
complete the assignments.
– Tonight I’ll read two chapters of my book
and complete the assignments.
Timely Goal Setting
• Identifies goals that break a longer
term goal into shorter term goals and
clearly specifies a completion date

I want to graduate with honors.
I want to make the dean’s list this
Procedures for Writing SMART goals
• Identify the area that you want to write
the goal (academic, personal, etc…)
• Evaluate past and present achievement
to consider the extent to which the goal
is realistic and action-oriented
• State what you want to accomplish
– Describe how to measure the goal
– Include a specific completion date (timely)
Writing SMART goals (cont.)
• Evaluate you goal statement is it really
a SMART goal
• If necessary, make modifications to
your goal statement
Key Benefits of Goal Planning
• Goals influence motivation and learning
• Setting and attaining
intermediate/proximal goals can
motivate students to attain long-range
• Each goal you set should be SMART
• Establish and Write a SMART Goal and
Action Plan
• Identify a short term goal that you
would like to accomplish in three
• Develop a plan for how you will obtain
your goal in this 3 week time frame.
• Prepare a 1 page written report on how
you can successfully attain this goal.
Points to Remember for the

• Write a SMART goal

• Identify and define your goal carefully
• Make implementation plans that will
help you attain your goal
• Make sure you have established plans
for evaluating your progress

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