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Each phase of the cycle requires a new set of skills, knowledge, and
implementation. What worked for you as a leader when you were just starting,
doesn't necessarily work the same way when you are a mature leader. Let's look
at the leadership life cycle:

This usually happens when a leader is young in age,
but can happen at any point. A mature leader
recognizes leadership abilities and talent in the
emerging leader and begins to call it out. He
encourages them to explore this gift and develop it.
Since leadership is part of who they are, they
naturally gravitate toward this role and are excited
to take on new challenges.
A young leader begins down the path of growth
with the aid of a mature leader, mentor, or
coach. Some of the growth comes from
observing and learning from other leaders
successes and mistakes. Some of the growth
comes from being in the trenches and
experiencing success and failure first hand. This
is a very productive time for the leader and the
focus is on achievement.
A leader at this stage in the cycle begins to think
less about achievement and more about legacy.
She might seek out new leaders to pour into and
mentor. She might look toward making a bigger
impact that her position and role affords her.
There is a focus here on continued growth as a
leader but also passing on what is learned.
What marks the legacy stage of the leadership
life cycle is when the vision outlives the leader.
When a leader retires, or passes, when the
vision carries on in the life blood of younger
leaders, legacy is born. All the high ideals,
vision, and values of the leader continue past
their physical presence among younger
leaders. It is a true, lasting achievement that is
a worthy pursuit of any leader.
The non-physical death of a leader is evident by their actions and behaviors.
Some typical indicators are:
Lack of accountability
Incompetency / lack of desire or effort to grow and learn
Not developing a new generation of leaders
Unethical behavior
Interested in only promoting themselves, often at the expense of others
Lack of respect by their team or staff for the leader's authority
These are only some indicators. I'm sure you have had experience with other
indicators of a dying or dead leader. Have you worked under a leader who was
"dead" but didn't recognize it?
Death in the leadership life cycle ends all hope of legacy (at least on a positive
level). A leader finds themselves at this stage by continually making unwise
choices - a small indiscretion here, a bit of dishonesty there, and so on. Slowly,
the lack of teach ability and accountability prevent the leader from seeing their
The Leadership Cycle
SHARED DIRECTION – A leader ensures the group shares a common sense of
direction born a shared meaning and purpose and that people can see a
connection to their individual direction.

COMMITMENT – A leader ensures the establishment and dynamics of the

interconnected web of commitment necessary to achieve the shared goals
and maintain willing followers

ACHIEVEMENT - A leader ensures the group share a common sense of

achievement that people can see is relevant to the groups and individual's
meaning and purpose

SHARED MEANING - A leader ensures the group shares a common sense of

meaning and purpose and that people can see a connection to their
individual meaning and purpose

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