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What Are Droughts?
A drought is a
phenomenon in which
there is deficiency of
surface or sub-surface
water and rainfall. Its
consequences include
acute shortage of water,
food, fodder, crop failure
and employment.
Droughts happen when
rainfall is below normal in
a region.
How Are Droughts Caused?
 A drought is caused by drier than normal conditions that
can eventually lead to water supply problems. Really hot
temperatures can make a drought worse by evaporating
moisture from the soil.
 Droughts are caused by low precipitation over an
extended period of time. Atmospheric conditions such as
climate change, ocean temperatures, changes in the jet
stream, and changes in the local landscape are all factors
that contribute to drought.
 Human activities also contribute a lot in droughts like
humans cut down the trees which is called deforestation
and deforestation is one of the main causes of drought.

Deforestation can lead to droughts through by removing

the moisture from the forest. Forests naturally store
moisture that evaporates and form clouds. These clouds
then provide rainfall. Without the trees there is no
moisture. The trees also provide shade, which allows
moisture to remain longer in the atmosphere, so by
removing trees, moisture is also removed from the
atmosphere, which leads to drier weather conditions. As a
result, droughts occur and it is harder to grow crops.
Hence droughts spread and desertification takes place.
Effects Of Droughts
 During a drought, there is so little rain that
an whole area can start to dry out. When
very less or no rain happens, plants can die
because the soil is dry for them to grow.
When rain is less for several time period,
water levels start to decrease intensely.
 Drought can also cause long-term public
health problems, including: Shortages of
drinking water and poor-quality of drinking
water. Impacts on air quality, sanitation
and hygiene, food and nutrition. More
disease, such as West Nile Virus carried by
mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water.
 Some of the main things that are affected
by droughts are listed below
 - Economy
 - Environment
 - Social
 - Health
 - Education
Some Of The Droughts That Changed Human
History 1900-1983

Drought in China from 1876-1879

How To Prevent Droughts
 Being mindful of the amount of water you use
each day can be a powerful way to prevent
droughts. Turning off the faucet while you
brush your teeth, watering your garden early
in the morning so less water evaporates, and
installing low-flow plumbing fixtures all are
good ways to prevent wasted water.
 Planting trees is also a good way to prevent
 By installing water cleaning machinery in
large water bodies like seas, oceans rivers.
 On a small scale, you can even divide into
groups with people in your area to clean small
water bodies like ponds, lakes etc. and
achieve your goal of fresh and pure water
through teamwork

 Drought is a weather related natural

disaster that could go for months or years.
Many people still experience droughts.
Drought is a huge problem in human life. To
get rid of drought, we need to come up
with solutions to prevent the problem of
Drought. We also need to prevent the
activities that are being responsible for
droughts such as deforestation.

Avoid cutting trees Prevent Droughts

Plant more trees

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