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Science Fair

Created by Elizabeth Maley

How Sugar Can Affect the Human Body
• Sugar affects the human body in many ways for some sugar can
produce an energy rush while for others it can make them feel even
more tired or even agitated.
• While my family was not able to take pictures of us doing the research
due to personal reasons, they were able to help me finish the research.
• Two members of my family are diabetic, and one member suffers from
hypoglycemic episodes (Me)
Sugar levels within the body
• To start my research and the experiments I had all members of my
family test their blood sugars twice in a single day. The first was after
fasting so first thing in the morning and the second was right before bed
here was the numbers
Morning Evening
• Mom 184 • Mom 193
• Dad 244 • Dad 267
• Brother 96 • Brother 102
• Me 89 • Me 99
So, What does Sugar do?
• Sugar is used by the body to create energy
• In people who are diabetic sugar can affect them differently since their
body cannot create the insulin that it needs to convert sugar proteins to
• While on the other end of the spectrum people with hypoglycemia
produce convert sugar to energy much faster than the average person
which causes their blood sugars to drop lower than they should be.
Why does sugar affect people so drastically?
• Sugar drastically affects some people only due to the way their own body
handles it
• And while everybody is different there is a lot of different points on the
spectrum on one end you have Hypoglycemia where peoples blood sugars
can get very low and then of course the middle is normal and from there
you move on to type two diabetes which means your pancreas creates
insulin but not as much as it should be, and from there you reach type one.
Type one diabetics do not produce insulin at all, and they must control the
amount of insulin in their body using insulin injections.
Charts about Diabetes and blood sugar
Is Sugar Necessary for survival
• Yes sugar is necessary to survive, but added sugars are another story,
many things have natural sugars in them which are needed in the body
• Added sugars are sugars that have been processed and added to foods
and manipulated.

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