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The food that contain carbohydrates broken down in the stomach , •
chemicals in your small intestine break them down into single sugar
molecules called ( glucose )
The role of insulin
Is a hormone needed to allow sugar ( glucose ) to entre cells to produce •
* energy
pancreas responsible for producing insulin through beta cells -
Pancreas secrets insulin into blood stream-
Insulin is like a key that is used to open the cell to entre glucose -
- Insulin lowers the amount of sugar in your blood stream
The role of glucose
Glucose sugar is a main source of energy for the cells that make up muscles and *
*other tissues
Glucose comes from 2 major sources : ( food and your liver ) -
Sugar is absorbed into blood stream , where it entre cells with the help of insulin -
Your liver stores glucose as glycogen-
When your glucose is low , such as when you are fasting , the liver breaks down -
the stored glycogen into glucose to keep your glucose level within a normal rang
In usual , the rate of glucose is balanced with the rate of insulin , but in -
some people the system doesn’t work which cause diabetes
When there is no insulin produced the glucose level is too high so caused -
diabetes , so the body tries to lose some glucose through the kidneys that’s
why people that infected by diabetes go to urination a lot

There are 2 types of diabetes-

Type 1 diabetes
.About 10% of all cases-
. Most often found in under 40s-
. Most common type found in childhood-
. The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown-
Usually , the body’s own immune system which normally fight harmful becteria -
Mistakenly destroys the insulin producing cells in pancreas , so the body -
. doesn’t make any insulin at all
Exposure to viruses and other environmental factors -
Tiredness and weakness -1
Feeling thirsty and hungry -2
Frequent urination -3
Having dry , itchy skin -4
Unexplained weight loss -5
Blurred vision -7
Slow healing -8
losing the feeling of your feet and having tingling -9
. Despite active research , type 1 diabetes has no cure -
Treatment focus on managing blood sugar level with insulin , (take - -
insulin injection for the rest of your live ) , diet and life style as eating
. healthy food , make exercises to prevent complications
To be healthy 
Type 2 diabetes
.About 90% of all cases-
.Type 2 diabetes is little more complex than type 1 diabetes -
this kind of diabetes usually happens in people who are older but can also -
.be diagnosed in young adults and children
The body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the cell resist effects of - •
Fats can stop insulin doing its work and can also happen in people of- •
.healthy weight
.The symptoms is the same symptoms of type 1 diabetes- •
but, the symptoms of type 2 comes very slowly and some people don’t- •
.have symptoms at all

Treatment •
.Can take tablets •
people can live with type 2 diabetes for 10 years before they reilesed that -
.they have it

.HYPOGLYCEMIA Low blood glucose

.HYPERGLYCEMIA High blood glucose
Gestational Diabetes

.This type affects females during pregnancy

: Presented by

Mirvt Mohamed Hassan* •

Youlliana Essam Fam* •
Hagar Ali Hamed* •
Manar Tarek Mohamed* •

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