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Technical terms

Specific words for

Specific words for
ride, run, drive, walk, hurry, climb, fly, run ….etc,

1. You will have to (jump, fly) over the puddle.

2. My family is thinking of (driving, traveling, run) across the country next summer.
3. She (walked, run) to get to the store before it closed
Specific words for
Specific words for

create, produce, invent, prepare, design, produce, build, construct, manufacture,


e.g. Made a picture

Made a house
Make cloth / weave cloth

1. Can you make a meal.

2. The only tools you’ll need to make this birdhouse are harmer and saw.
3. Donna made a watercolor picture of the forest.
4. The United State is ( composed, built) of fifty states
Specific words for

great, vast, huge, heavy, fat, spacious, monstrous, massive… etc

1) Big and solid and strong (substantial, imposing)

2) Big and scary (hulking, monstrous)

3) Too big (fat, bulky)

4) Big and hard to move (bulky, heavy)

5) Big and full of room (vast)

Some Specific words for
Some Specific words for
tiny, little, modest, microscopic, miniature, delicate, scrawny…etc

Some specific words are complementary. Some are insulting. Your feelings will help determine which
one you use.

Scrawny cat : unhealthy,…

Delicate cat : more attractive
Some Specific Words for

nice, useful, fine, excellent, delicious, superb, awesome, suitable,

adequate, valuable… etc.

• it can describe how something looks, how much it is worth, or how well it works. Most often it tells
how the writer feels about a person or thing.

• Great, super, wonderful… are general words that mean the same as good.

• e.g. the party was passable,

the party was iconic, perfect.
Some specific words for
poor, terrible, immoral, harmful, wrong, dishonest, worthless, illegal, horrible,
inferior… etc.

1. Not as good as soothing else (inferior)

2. Not made correctly (defective)

3. Causing terror (terrible)

4. Not correct (wrong)
5. Causing harm (harmful)
6. Causing horror (horrible)
7. Not honest (dishonest )
Some Technical Words.
Add subtract multiply divide

Sum difference product quotient

1, 3, 5, 7; 9… etc. odd numbers

2, 4, 6, 8, 10… etc. Even numbers
Rectangle square triangle circle parallelogram

Cylinder cube pyramid cone sphere

Line segment

Straight line

Right angle/ 90°


Obtuse angle

Acute angle
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering
Civil Engineer:
One who improves the quality of life through the production of infrastructure
(buildings, bridges and other structures, highways… etc.
This infrastructures must be safe, Functional, elegant and economically sound
They design roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, bridges….
They may consider many factors in their design like safety.

Scientist Engineers
Use their education to acquire knew Use their education to develop usable
knowledge devices, structures and processes
Seek to do
Seek to know
Why we need civil engineers?
To make sure our human habitat is livable
Make sure we use sources wisely
Increase productivity

Different specialization in civil engineering: transportation engineering,

environmental engineering, water resources engineering, structural
engineering, construction engineering.

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