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Gene Therapy (essay)

In this essay I seek to clarify the role of genetic connection in our

understanding of what is valuable about family life.A gene is a
basic unit of heredity in a living organism. Genes come from our
parents. We may inherit our physical traits and the likelihood of
getting certain diseases and conditions from a parent. Genes
contain the data needed to build and maintain cells and pass
genetic information to offspring.Genetics can help us to
understand why people look the way they do and why some
people are more prone to certain diseases than others. Genetics
can help health-care professionals to identify certain conditions
in babies before they A gene is a short section of DNA. Your genes
contain instructions that tell your cells to make molecules called
proteins. Proteins perform various functions in your body to keep
you healthy. Each gene carries instructions that determine your
features, such as eye colour, hair colour and heightare born using
techniques such as prenatal testing.Taking time to learn about
health and diseases that run in your family is worth it! It will help
you understand your own health and make world knowledgeable
about science feature.
Human flourishing in Science and Technology(essay)

• Human flourishing involves the rational use of one's indi

vidual human potentialities and etc.To behaviorists, hap
piness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we
do something good or positive, human civilizations and t
he development of science and technology. It has a role
that changes us and the world around us—in countless
ways. It eases our labor, cures diseases, provides abund
ant food and clean water, enables communication and tr
avel across the globe, and expands our knowledge of th
e natural world and the cosmos.Science and technology
can only begin to take root when people have risen abo
ve bare subsistence and have enough leisure to begin a
systematic examination of the natural world, so it is a re
sult of human flourishing.
Future doesn't need us?(ess
• "are threatening to make humans an enda
ngered species" yes! It is true, the essay w
ould rather play the world to its changes th
at we won't and we can't change our attitu
de that will lead us to suffer,There is no do
ubt that innovation is part of our nature as
human beings. Invariably we should, must,
and will continue to build and ascend into t
he acquisition of new capabilities. Making
machines, different kind of gadgets and ne
w invention that could change our life, that
they can switch us.The aim, rather, is to loo
k more broadly than at each dimension an
d to look at them collectively.From this van
tage point, the future does need us, perha
ps in ways we have not yet considered.
Science Educatio
n in Philippines

• Science education develops a students' scientific inquiry ski

lls, values and attitudes, such as objectivity, curiosity, and h
onesty and habits of mind including critical thinking.Scienc
e-related knowledge and scientific literacy provide essential
tools for surviving in the news jungle and for responsible ci
tizenship. All these are useful to the individual student for h
is own personal development, future career, and life in gen
eral. And also for those Academic teacher, who teach scien
ce subjects has also have a beneficial for an increase salary.
We can develop knowledge and skills tp promote academic
structure, as science and math is very important to us.

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