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(WEEK 12)
Farah, N.Syafiqah, Afira, Syaza, Ilham
Year 4
Topic 4:
My Birthday!
Today is Alicia’s birthday. She is turning 9 years old. Her mom
picked her up from school and they went to the store. There were
dolls and games and fun things to play with everywhere. Her mom
let her choose three new things to buy. When they got home, ten of
her friends were there. She walked in and her friends jumped up and
yelled, “Surprise!” Then they had cake and ice cream. After that,
they opened the presents that her friends had brought for her. That
night, her grandmother arrived. She had driven almost three hours
just to come and see her. What a great day!
Answer the questions below by underlining the true or false.

1. Alicia turned 9 years old today. (True/False)

2. Her father picked her up from school. (True/False)
3. She is allowed to choose three new things to buy at the store. (True/False)
4. There are 10 of her friends at home surprising her. (True/False)
5. They celebrated her birthday by having burgers and pizzas. (True/False)
6. Her grandmother came that night to see her on her birthday. (True/False)
7. It took 4 hours for her grandmother to drive to her house. (True/False)
Choose the correct synonym for the underlined words.

1. There were dolls and games and fun things to play 4. Alicia opened the presents that her friends
with everywhere. had brought for her.
a) boring a) things
b) interesting b) gifts
c) happy c) boxes

2. Alicia’s mom let her choose three new things to 5. That night, her grandmother arrived.
buy. d) showed up
d) purchase e) left
e) sell f) ran away
f) use
6. What a great day!
3. Her friends jumped up and yelled, “Surprise!” g) bad
g) cried h) funny
h) whispered i) wonderful
i) shouted
Thank You!

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