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yce Travelbee(1926-1973)
 Born in 1926, was a psychiatric nurse, educator and writer. In
1956, she completed her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing
education at Louisiana State University and her Master of
Science Degree in Nursing from Yale University in 1959. She
started a doctoral program in Florida in 1973. Unfortunately,
she was not able to finish the program because she died later
that year. She passed away at the prime age of 47 after brief
yce Travelbee(1926-1973)

 In 1952, Travelbee started to be an instructor focusing in

Psychiatric Nursing at Depaul Hospital Affiliate School, New
Orleans, while working on her baccalaureate degree. Besides
that, she also taught Psychiatric Nursing at Charity Hospital
School of Nursing in Louisiana State University, New York
University and University of Mississippi.
yce Travelbee(1926-1973)

 In 1970, she was named Project Director at Hotel Dieu School

of Nursing in New Orleans. Travelbee was the director of
Graduate Education at Louisiana State University School of
Nursing until her death.
 In 1963, Travelbee started to publish various articles in nursing
yce Travelbee(1926-1973)

 Her first book entitled Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing was

published in 1966 and 1971. In 1969, she had her second book
published entitled: Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: Process
in the One to One Relationships.
Metaparadigm in

- is defined as a human being. Both the nurse and the patient are human beings. A
human being is unique, irreplaceable individual who is in the continuous process of
becoming, evolving and changing.
Metaparadigm in

- Travelbee stated that health is measured by subjective and objective health. “ A

person’s subjective health status is an individually defined state of well being in accord with

self-appraisal of physical- emotional and spiritual status” Objective health is an “

absence of discernible disease, disability or defect as measured by physical examination,

laboratory test, assessment by a spiritual director or psychological counselor.”

Metaparadigm in

- was not clearly defined in Travelbee’s theory. She defined human conditions and

life experiences encountered by all men was sufferings, hope, pain and illness. These

conditions are associated to the environment.

Metaparadigm in

-as defined by Travelbee, Nursing is “ an interpersonal process whereby the
professional nurse practitioner assists an individual, family or community to prevent or cope
with the experience of illness and suffering and if necessary, to find meaning in these
experience” She explained that nursing is an interpersonal process because it is an
experienced that occurs between the nurse and an individual or group of individuals. She
explained that nursing is an interpersonal process because it is an experienced that occurs
between the nurse and an individual or group of individuals.
Metaparadigm in
 The Human to Human Relationship Model of Nursing deals with the interpersonal
aspects of nursing, focusing especially on mental health. Joyce Travelbee, who
developed the theory, explained that “human-to-human relationship is the means
through which the purpose of nursing is fulfilled.”
The 5 Interactional phases of Travelbee’s

Phase of the
Phase of Emerging Phase of Empathy Phase of Sympathy Phase of Rapport
Phase of the Original Encounter
 Emotional knowledge colors impressions and perceptions of both nurse and
patient during initial encounters. The task is “to break the bond of
categorization in order to perceive the human being in the patient” and vice
 Patients are the same human beings as us and families; only, that they need
other human beings specifically nurses and doctors for maintaining health.
Phase of the Original Encounter
 Emotional knowledge colors impressions and perceptions of both nurse and
patient during initial encounters. The task is “to break the bond of
categorization in order to perceive the human being in the patient” and vice
 Patients are the same human beings as us and families; only, that they need
other human beings specifically nurses and doctors for maintaining health.
Phase of Emerging Identities
 In the second phase (visibility of personal or emerging identities) include
separating oneself and one’s experiences from others AND recognizing the
differing qualities that each possess, transcending roles by separating self and
experiences from one another – not using oneself to judge others.

 The nurse nor the patient is not to stereotype the other as having a particular
vexatious characteristic as this is not facilitative to building a relationship. Tasks
include and avoiding “using oneself as a yardstick”by which to evaluate others.
Phase of Emerging Identities

 Barriers to such tasks may be due to role envy, lack of interest in others, inability
to transcend the self, or refusal to initiate emotional investment.
This phase is described by the nurse and patient perceiving each other as unique
individuals. At this time, the link of relationship begins to form.
Phase of Empathy
 This phase involves sharing another’s psychological state but standing apart
and not sharing feelings. It is characterized “by the ability to predict the
behavior of another”.
Phase of Sympathy
 Sharing, feeling and experiencing what others are feeling and experiencing is
accomplished. This phase demonstrates emotional involvement and
discredits objectivity as dehumanizing.
 The task of the nurse is to translate sympathy into helpful nursing actions.
Sympathy happens when the nurse wants to lessen the cause of the patient’s
suffering. It goes beyond empathy. “When one sympathizes, one is involved
but not incapacitated by the involvement.”
Phase of Sympathy
 The nurse should use a disciplined intellectual approach together with
therapeutic use of self to make helpful nursing actions.
Phase of Rapport
 Rapport is described as nursing interventions that lessens the patient’s
suffering. The nurse and the sick person are relating as human being to
human being.
 The sick person shows trust and confidence in the nurse. “A nurse is able to
establish rapport because she possesses the necessary knowledge and skills
required to assist ill persons, and because she is able to perceive, respond to,
and appreciate the uniqueness of the ill human being.”

Thank you...
have aa good

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