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By Euan Anderson
Edgar Wright
◦ Who inspires you most to create Media products?

Edgar Wright

◦ Their Background and how I came across them?

Most notably, Edgar Wright has made Sean Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, The Worlds End and Baby Driver, which are all now some of my favourite movies
of all time because they are so unique every time. although, I am yet to see his new movie Last ‘Night In Soho’. I first came across Edgar Wright when
my parents introduced me to Sean Of The Dead and ever since I have liked his work more than others because of the Music and Different editing used
through his Movies.

◦ Why does it inspire me?

he inspires me because he gives a new way of looking at film making, which is focusing as much on how good the music is as well as how good the
story and filming is. Most people don’t get the music as right as he does apart form James Gunn who definitely gets it right every time in my opinion.

◦ How can I use them to create my own work?

I have seen all of the films I have talked about in this slide at least twice or more so at least I know to use his filming and fast editing techniques well.

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