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Using computer in teaching in higher

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About the article

 Title :Using computer in teaching in higher education

 Author :Olivera iskrenovic momocilovic
 University: university of Novi Sad, faculty of education sombor Serbia
 Publication title: Mediterranean journal of social sciences
 Publication year: 2018
 Volume: 9 No 4

 The computer is the main characteristics of our time.

 Would you like to tell me the name of any field where computer is not use?
 Too much involvement of young people
 On of the main obstacle to this kind of teaching is computer prejudice.
 Two opinions on the use of computer in teaching
 Both of these two ways of thinking have their advantages and disadvantages
 Tall ( Tall, 2000) believes that human brain is limited in its ability to store and transfer
complex information but this limited amount od data can be processed and stored.
 One way to reduce the effect of these limitations is using computer in teaching.

 A prerequisite for the use of computer is computer literacy

 “ which is an individual ability to understand and apply the benefits of communications
and information technology.”
 Levels of knowledge and skills:
• Knowledge of computer hardware and software
• Practical use of computers
• Text processing
• Working with databases
• Knowledge of various forms of education

 Last and important variable is student.( mandic, and ristic,2006).

 Students receive information from two sources

 Population: population consists of all the four year students, all the four year study
programs of undergraduate studies at the faculty of education in sombor : graduated
teachers, graduated preschool teachers, graduated media
 Designer in education and graduated librarian – informatician.
 Sample: only students of the last years of the studies of mentioned programs are
included in the survey.
 Survey was conducted 126 students of the fourth year all the four study program.

 Research question are:

1. what is the availability of computer equipment at the faculty?
 2. how old are professors who prefers using computer in teaching?
 3. which are study program where teachers mostly use computers in teaching?
 4. What purpose do professors use computer in teaching?
 5. What are the benefits of using computer in teaching?
 6. What are the berries to using computer in teaching?
 7. how to improve the use of computer in teaching?

 The general hypothesis of this research is:

 Hypothesis H : use of computer is necessary for teaching.
 From this general hypothesis, sub hypotheses have been obtained:
 Sub hypothesis H1: teachers have positive attitude about using computers in teaching.
 Sub hypothesis H2: young teachers increasing use computers in teaching.
 Sub hypothesis H3: teachers of technical subjects use computer in teaching more than
teachers of social subjects.
 Sub hypothesis H4: the use of computer in teaching has a positive effect on increasing
motivation and interest of students for a subject.

 Sub hypothesis H5: the use of computer in teaching depends on technical equipment of
educational institutions.

 Question 1: what is the availability of computer equipment at the faculty

 Table 1 results showed that out of 4 items on computer equipment at the faculty
,students agreed on three items 1,2 and 3 but this disagreed on the item 4. it can be
concluded that students agreed on all the items except the one that professors and
students have adequate information-communication technology equipment. This table
also shows that the cumulative average mean of students’ responses is 2.9

 Question 2: how old are professors who prefers using computer in teaching?
 Table 2 Results indicated that out of four items on the age structure of professors,
items 1 and 2 students agreed This indicates that students feel that professors who are
between 30 and 50 years old often use computers in teaching . Item 3 and 4 students
disagree that professors over 50 years of age use computers in teaching. These results
confirm the sub-hypothesis H2. It should be noted that the opinion of students is that
there is no age structure of teachers who do not use computers in teaching. This table
also shows that the cumulative average mean of students’ responses is 2.71, which
confirms the sub-hypothesis H1.

 Question 3 : which are study program where teachers mostly use computers in
 Table 3 indicated that out of four items on study programs which use computers in
teaching students disagreed on the items 1, 2 and 4, but agreed on item 3. it can be
concluded that professors of the study program Graduated Media Designer in
Education mostly use computers in teaching. All this confirms the sub-hypothesis H3.
This table also shows that the cumulative average mean of students’ responses is 2.27.

 Question 4 : What purpose do professors use computer in teaching?

 Table 4 results showed that out of four items on the use of computers in teaching,
students agreed on all four items it can be concluded that computers are used in
teaching in many ways, but mostly for displaying PowerPoint presentations and
educational software. This table also shows that the cumulative average mean of
students’ responses is 3.

 Question 5. What are the benefits of using computer in teaching?

 Table 5 results showed that out of four items on benefits of using computers in
teaching, students agreed on all four items it can be concluded that using computers in
teaching has many good features. This table also shows that the cumulative average
mean of students’ responses is 3.55, which confirms the set sub-hypothesis H4 and
hypothesis H.

 Question 6: What are the berries to using computer in teaching?

 Table 6 results showed that out of four items on barriers in using to computers in
teaching, students agreed on items 2 ,3 and 4 disagreed on the item it can be concluded
that the English language is not a barrier to the use of computers in teaching. The most
significant problem in teaching using computers is the lack of hardware (computers,
printers, monitors, scanners) and software (programs for processing text, images or
sounds and other user programs), as evidenced by the sub-hypothesis H5. This table
shows that the cumulative average mean of students’ responses is 3.16.

 Question 7: how to improve the use of computer in teaching?

 Table 7 results showed that out of four items on options to improve using computers in
teaching, students agreed on all four items It can be concluded that barriers to using
computers in teaching can be overcome with little effort. This table shows that the
cumulative average mean of students’ responses is 3.15.

 The research involves student surveys through seven questions and proving one
hypothesis and five sub-hypotheses on the use of computers in teaching.
 Results on Research question 1 demonstrate that the opinions of students about
 This research is about the relationship between teachers, students, and computers, and
what kind of relationship this should be.
 Teachers use computers to create PowerPoint presentations mostly.
 A large number of teachers use information from the Internet.
 Advantages of using computers in teaching are varied
 Lectures are no longer boring as students are active during their realization

 The success of using computers in teaching depends on many barriers

 Ertmer (Ertmer, 1999) classified barriers as falling into two primary categories:
• extrinsic barriers – lack of resources, inadequate training, insufficient technical support
and lack of time
• intrinsic barriers – teachers’/instructors’ beliefs, visions concerning technology
integration, and views about teaching, learning, and knowledge.
Cont. ….

 In the summarized results, it can be seen what present barriers to using computers in
teaching are.
 The most important of them is the lack of hardware and the lack of skills and time to
develop instructional content.
 Software is also missing, as well as the knowledge of the English language.
 Knowledge of the English language is probably a problem with older professors
because they did not learn English during education.

 Finally, the question arises – how to improve the use of computers in teaching?

 Improve the teaching by this means. To improve the use of computers in teaching we
should increase the number of hardware (computers, printers, monitors, scanners) and
software packages, as well as Internet connections.

 There is an expansion of computer applications in various aspects of scientific and

technological progress.
 There are applications of computers in education, especially in teaching
 Plenty of literature, educational software, the Internet, and e-learning are the main
characteristics of modern education.
 Computers make it easier to prepare teaching materials, free from excessive exposure
and providing more efficient teaching assistance.
 Using computers frees teachers from activities of technical and organizational nature.
 It can lead to higher methodological diversity in teaching and to shortening time for
various preparatory activities.

 In general, teachers and students are mostly positive towards computers in their
 The barriers to using computers in teaching are the lack of knowledge of the English
language, the lack of hardware, software, and skills and time for creating course
 However, all of these barriers can be overcome with a little will and commitment.
 The general conclusion is that teachers are most adapted to existing conditions and
rarely dare to change because they feel best in familiar forms and methods of teaching.

 Alemu, B.M. (2015). Integrating ICT into teaching-learning practices: promise,

challenges and future directions of higher educational institutes, Universal journal of
educational research, 3(3), 170-189.
 Brock, S. & Joglekar, Y. (2011). Empowering PowerPoint: slides and teaching
Effectiveness. Interdisciplinary journal of information, knowledge and management, 6,
 Ertmer, P. A. (1999). Addressing first- and second-order barriers to change: Strategies
for technology integration. Educational technology research and development, 47(4),

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