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Gaining basic knowledge as well as skills to operate computers to perform better jobs.

Computer in
education is all about extending to its various branches of study in different fields & sectors.

Computer, along with internet facility is the most powerful device that children can use to learn new skills

& abilities in education. Computer plays a significant role in each n every field of life. They help us in

several ways.

For example, they find applications in medicine, industrial process, aviation industry, making bills in

various big shops & malls, creating presentation slides in application software for making notes &

delivering lectures in colleges, universities and a lot more. In short, not only in just one, but the Computer

plays an all-rounded role in the field of education of students.

How Does Computer Help in The Education

Innovation in Computer technology has a profound impact on
education. It forms a part of the school curriculum as it is an
essential part of every individual today. Computer education in
schools plays a major noteworthy role in the career
development of young children.

Computers in Teaching & Learning Process (CAL)

Being actively used in various educational institutes like schools, colleges & big universities, computers

are used to aid the learning process of students. Professors in colleges & teachers in schools take help of

audio-visual techniques to prepare lesson plans for children. For this, they use Microsoft PowerPoint to

prepare electronic presentations about their lectures.

These electronic presentations can be shown on multimedia and sound projectors in classrooms. It is an

interesting and simple method to learn for students. Multimedia (Sight and sound) presentations are easy

to deliver for teachers also as these presentations spare a great deal of time and effort.


Computers can be used for online education & research. With the help of the internet, students can find

useful information about their projects, assignments and also can take useful help from other researchers

as they store & organize their research materials in computers.

Benefits Of Computer Education:

 It enhances creativity & thinking skills.

 Provides efficient & better use of IT Technology.

 Proves beneficial for career aspiration.

 Improves research work & helps in communicating with different education providers.

 Gives instant information on any topic in just a single click, & many more.

Uses Of Computer in Education

1. Huge & Organized Store Of Information

Vast or Immense storage is yet another main great characteristic of a computer. Students and teachers

can download and store a lot of educational materials, books, presentations, lecture/ address notes,

question papers, and so on in computers.

Students can find many different ways to solve a certain problem given to them. Through Computer, they

can interact with people having same issues & decisions.

2. Quick Processing Of Data

Speed is the fundamental attributes of a computer. We can easily find information with just a single touch

of a button.

3. Audio-Visual Guides in Teaching Process For A Viable Learning

One of the primary uses of computers in education is ‘the Access to the Internet’ for information search

about any topic.

Appealing and Better introduction (presentation) of data through applications programming software like

Microsoft PowerPoint to introductions for creating splendid presentations for lectures & notes.

4. Parents Can Know Their Ward’s Progress

The Computer has helped parents & guardians a lot as they can likewise know by checking every minute

progress of their children through computers and the web by browsing the school’s website. They can

check different assessment results, attendance reports, participation in curricular and co-curricular

activities, and significantly more.

5. Quick Communication & Correspondence

Another main advantage of using computers in the education field is the improvement in the quality of

teaching-learning process and communication between students & teachers. For this, they use Microsoft

PowerPoint to prepare electronic presentations about their lectures.

Computer revolutionizes the way of study while making education smoother and quicker. It also connects

us to different sources, which show us different ways to understand a particular topic or idea. In general, a

computer has helped the education world and also has changed the way we work & learn.

Computers are helping the teachers in the following areas:

(1) Classification of pupils: Computers help in classification of children according to their abilities
and evaluating their performance.

(2) Preparing time-table: Computers help in preparing time-table, schedules, etc.

(3) Maintenance of progress cards: Computers maintain progress cards and preserve them
efficiently and confidentially.

(4) Tutorial and dialogue: Computer can play effectively the role of the tutor. It helps the teacher in
engaging students in tutorial work. There is tutorial interaction and dialogue.

(5) Immediate feedback: Computers helps the teacher in providing immediate feed back to
students for better interaction and motivation.

(6) Problem-solving and creativity: Computers can be used to develop Problem-solving ability and
creativity among the students.

(7) Laboratory and practical work: Computers can supplement laboratory and practical work
especially in science and technology subject.

Покрај основната обука на наставници за нивни основни знаења за компјутери и

интернет нивното воведување мора да опфаќа и детална обука за примена на

основните вештини во образовниот процес, бидејќи компјутерот е само алатка која

се става во контекст на ширење на знаењето. Потребно е добро и сеопфатно

планирање на процесите со вклучување на сите заинтересирани страни, со

примена на инклузивност, транспарентност и отчетност

In today’s world, it is necessary to use technology, especially when it comes to education. The

computer has a very deep impact and important role in education. With the help of the computer

now it is easy to impart education to students and also it is much more interesting than before.

Students nowadays cannot imagine studies without computers and the Internet, where the work

and getting help become seamless and efficient. Computers can improve the student learning

and basic skill area. Computers not only improve the learning process, but also increases

retention of the students.

Though there are many advantages of the computer in education. Some of the
advantages of the computer in education are as follows:

1. Convenience. Student’s life has been made very easy and convenient with the help of the

computer. Students can search many information and their work online with the help of

1. Online resources. It helps the students to decide a topic for their presentations, essays etc.
Also, it helps them to get information and relevant data of their topic. Furthermore, it provides the
facilities to get information of admission dates and also to submit online admission forms.
2. Study schedules. When students decide to choose particular courses, they need to see the
real time information, updates, and the computer can help them to find it. The computer helps them
to find the right timing of the course.
3. Better opportunities. Though the use of technology and the Internet combined, students
come across a lot of different opportunities. They can find detailed information about them, see what
fits best for their aspirations and success, and decide accordingly.
4. Quick communication. The computer provides quick communication between students,
teacher and parents.

Despite the clear advantages of using the computer in education, it also has disadvantages.

Excessive use of the computer by students lacks the verbal and non-verbal cues necessary for

the development of social and emotional skills. When computers are being used in teaching,

there are tendencies that the effective teaching will disappear between the teacher and the

learner; it can become a barrier in communication between them. The computer can reduce the

effectiveness of classroom learning and cause problems in the child’s school system. The gap

between rich and poor can also be caused by the fact that computers are rarely available to

poor students.




*Употреба на компјутери и интернет во образованиот систем на РМ (Метаморфозис-Фондација за

одржливи информатички решенија)

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