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It is important to use computers in schools

It is generally believed that the use of computers in schools can be beneficial for students
and educators alike. While using pen and paper is not necessarily an outdated method of
learning, it is generally believed that the use of computers and other technology can provide
many benefits that are not possible with traditional methods of instruction. Some reasons
why using computers may be more effective than using pen and paper include:

Computers can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning. By
using educational software, teachers can create engaging and interactive lessons that can
help to keep students engaged and motivated. Additionally, computers can help students to
learn new concepts and ideas more quickly and effectively than they might be able to with
traditional methods of instruction.

Computers can provide students with access to a wealth of information and resources that
can help them to learn and explore new topics. With the internet, students can access a vast
array of information and resources that can help them to learn about any subject that
interests them. This can be particularly beneficial for students who may not have access to
these resources in their local community.

The use of computers in schools can help to prepare students for the future. In today's
world, the use of technology is increasingly important in almost all fields, and it is essential
for students to be comfortable and proficient with using computers in order to be successful
in their future careers. By using computers in schools, students can gain the skills and
knowledge they need to succeed in the modern job market.

Finally, the use of computers in schools can help to foster collaboration and teamwork
among students. With the right educational software, students can work together on projects
and assignments, which can help to develop their communication and problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, while using pen and paper is not necessarily outdated, the use of computers
and other technology can provide many benefits for teaching and learning. These benefits
include access to a wealth of information and resources, improved efficiency and
effectiveness of instruction, preparation for the future, and fostering collaboration and
teamwork among students.

● The Many Benefits of Learning Computers at Schools of Orchids The International

School (27,Jan 2020)
● The 12 Benefits and Uses of Computer in Education by Vinay Prajapati / Dec 14,
2017 /

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