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Moment of a Force about;

a Point and an Axis

Prepared By; IBITOGBE Enoch M.
As a part of Rigid Bodies {Week Four}
Moment of a force about an Point
• The force acting on a rigid body has the tendency to rotate and
translate the body. The force has a translational effect on the body
and causes it to move in the direction of the force.

• Here we introduce the tendency of a force to rotate a body, called

the moment of a force about a point.

• The tendency of a force to rotate a body about an axis is called the

moment of a force about an axis
Moment of a force about an Point
Let F be a force and O a point that is not on the line of action of F.

Considering the figure, the moment of the Force F, about point O is

defined as the product of the vector r and F.

The moment of the force F about point O, called the moment center, is
defined in Eq (1)

- - - - - - - Eq (1)

Cross Product

Note: From the properties of the cross product of two vectors, MO is perpendicular to both r and F, with its
sense determined by the right-hand rule
Moment of a force about an Point
While moment of a force about a point can always be
computed using a cross product. The scalar computation of
the magnitude of the moment can be obtained from the
geometric interpretation;

Mo = |Mo| = |r x F| = rFsinθ - - - - - - - Eq (2)

Where θ is the angle between r and F.
rsinθ = d - - - - - - - Eq (3)

where d is the perpendicular distance from the moment center to the line of action of the force F called
the moment arm of the force
Determining the Direction of a Moment of a force
Usually, the direction of Mo is done through inspection. For example, the magnitude of the
moment of the 100 N force about the point O.

Moment; (100)(2) = 200 N · m, and its direction is

counterclockwise, as viewed from the positive z-axis. The
magnitude of the moment about point O for the 100-N force in
Fig. 2.5(c) is also 200 N · m, but in this case its direction is
clockwise, as viewed from the positive z-axis. For this force, MO =
− 200k N · m

In this case, the magnitude of the moment about point O for the
100-N force is also 200 N · m, but in this case its direction is
clockwise, as viewed from the positive z-axis.
For this force, MO = − 200k N · m
Principle of Moments
In determining the moment of a force about a point, the Varignon’s theorem;

In essence,
Vector and Scalar Methods
The vector method uses MO = r × F, where r is a vector from point O to any point on the line of
action of F

the second and third lines in the determinant are the rectangular components of r and F. The product
upon expansion yields……
Vector and Scalar Methods
In the scalar method, the magnitude of the moment of the force F about the point O is
found from MO = Fd, where d is the moment arm of the force. Where d is the moment arm
of the force.

In this method, the sense of the moment must be determined by inspection.

Determine (1) the moment of the force F about point C; and (2) the perpendicular distance
between C and the line of action of F.
The moment of a force about point C can be computed by either the
scalar method (MC = Fd), or the vector method (MC = r×F)

The scalar method would be inconvenient. There is no easy means of

determining d (the perpendicular distance between C and the line AB). x

Therefore, we use the vector method, which consists of the following

three steps: z

 Write
 Write FF in
in vector
vector form;
 Choose
 Choose an
an r,r, and
and write
write itit in
in vector
vector form;
form; and
 Compute
 Compute MC
MC == rr ×× F.
 Write
 Write FF in
in vector
vector form;
 F = 500= 500

which yields

F = − 371.4i + 278.6j + 185.7ik N


 Choose
 Choose an
an r,r, and
and write
write itit in
in vector
vector form;
The vector r is a vector from point C to any point on the line of action of F

Note: Two convenient choices for r exist—the vector from point C to either point A or point B.
(As an exercise, you may wish to solve this problem by choosing r to be the vector from point C to point B.)
 Compute
 Compute MC
MC == rr ×× F.

r = rCA = − 2k m y
 Mc = r x F = rCA x F =

Expanding this determinant gives x

Mc = 557.2i + 742.8k N.m

The magnitude of MC is

The perpendicular distance d from point C to the line of action of F may be determined by
Moment axis

• Moment about an axis is a measure of the tendency of a force to

rotate a body about the axis, i.e moment of the force about a point
on the axis
• From the diagram, we see
• Axes A --- B
• The force F and its moment MO = r × F about point O,
• where O is any point on the axis AB.
Moment axis
where α is the angle between MO and λ,

Letting λ be a unit vector directed from A toward B, this definition gives for the moment
of F about the axis AB

A cross product gives a vector

A dot product gives a scalar

Let us review each of the terms appearing in this equation:

• MAB is the moment of the force F (actually the magnitude) about the axis AB. It
is scalar
• MO represents the moment of force F about the point O, where O is any point
on the axis AB.
• λ is the unit vector directed from A toward B.
Moment axis
AA cross
cross product
product gives
gives aa vector
AA dot
dot product
product gives
gives aa scalar

When expressing the moment of F about the axis AB as a vector.

We can do this by multiplying MAB by the unit vector λ that specifies the
direction of the moment axis, yielding
Rectangular components of MO
moments of F about the three coordinate axes can be obtained from

The rectangular components of the moment of a force about the origin O are equal to
the moments of the force about the coordinate axes

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